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Childhood marriage is one the biggest problems in third world countries in Africa, the
Middle East and several other places. This happens mainly because of economic reasons but
also because of ancient traditions and religious practices. "neither recent progress in economic and women's development, nor existing policy or program- matic efforts to prevent child
marriage and promote maternal and child health, have been sufficient to reduce the prevalence
of child marriage in India to that of most other developing nations." (Restraining Child Marriage)

This practice prevents thousands of kids, girls and boys, of a normal childhood were
their basic human rights are present. Usually, once married the child have little or no access to
education and economic opportunities, they face a higher risk of experiencing life-threatening
complications in pregnancy, contracting HIV, and suffering domestic and sexual violence.

This practice, which is a human right violation under international law is prohibited in
many countries where this happens, however, sometimes laws are not enforced or demanded
by the families, who sees this practice as an economic opportunity and also as way for their
child to leave poverty behind. Is also used as an alternative to child prostitution, where the adult
chooses to marry the child in order to avoid rape charges and the family receives money for the
transaction. "the growing insecurity of girls and increasing violence against them, adolescent
pregnancy result- ing from sexual ignorance and neglect, increasing dropouts from post-primary
schooling due to various reasons, and deep neglect of the physical and cultural development of
girls, with no provisions for games/sports, healthy entertainment and reading facilities. We might
add that as in the case of female foeticide, child marriage too is deeply linked to the general

position of the girl child and the view that her "economic" value is negligible. In fact, she is considered a socio-financial burden who is best married off quickly without spending too much
either on her education or her health. Early marriage also means a lower dowry, and less
anxiety for the parents since the girl is now deemed to be "safe" with a husband to protect her
from unwanted male attention (Restraining Child Marriage)

It is really worrying that living in the world that we live right now, there is still so much
ignorance about this subject in countries were poverty rates are the highest. Child marriage and
child brides are a clear violation of human rights and it should be avoided by all means.
Claiming that marriage is the only way to leave poverty behind or to find security and protection
shouldnt be enough reason for families to get rid of their kids and sell them to the higher bet.
There absolutely no condition or perspective for this practice to be acceptable.

The only solution to this problem is to educate the people and to have more severe
punishments for those who violate the law. It shouldnt be a matter of whether the family
approves or not but a matter of protecting the kid, his future and also his present as a child.

Unfortunately, in countries where violence and poverty are at its highest level, this
solution is still years away of being implemented and is possible that the rates of child
prostitution and child marriage will not only stay the same, but rise.

1. Restraining Child Marriage. Restraining Child Marriage. Economic and Political Weekly 44.15
(2009): 77. Web...
2. Mikhail, Susanne L. B. "Child Marriage and Child Prostitution: Two Forms of Sexual
Exploitation." Gender and Development. 10.1 (2002): 43-49. Print.
3. Amnisty international. "child marriage." amnestyusa.org. Amnesty international, 26 apr. 2016.
Web. 1 may 2016

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