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TCNJ Lesson Plan

Unit Day 2: Properties of Objects and Classifying & Sorting #2

Student Name: Angie Velazquez
Grade Level: 2nd Grade

School Name: Hopewell Elementary

Host Teachers Name: Ms. Harjes

Guiding and/or Essential Questions:

What are properties?
What are some types of properties?
How can we categorize (sort) objects based on their properties?
What are some of the steps involved when experimenting?
Pre-lesson Assignments and/or Student Prior Knowledge (ex. background knowledge,
possible misconceptions, prior lesson content)
Students will have started learning about properties and how to sort & classify
materials/objects the day before. They started by discussing properties of solids, and today they
will discuss liquids and some unknown objects (Non-Newtonian fluids and granular materials).
By this point they should know what a property or a characteristic is. Students should also have
an understanding that objects/materials can be categorized (sorted) into multiple ways based on
their different properties. They might get confused with the sugar and rice, saying that they are
liquids when they are actually solids. The oobleck might also confuse them, since it does not act
like a normal fluid.

NGSS 2-PS1-1Plan and conduct an investigation to describe and classify different

kinds of materials by their observable properties. [Clarification Statement: Observations
could include color, texture, hardness, and flexibility. Patterns could include the similar
properties that different materials share.]
NJ: Core Curriculum Content Standards: Science (2009) 5.2.2.A.1Sort and describe
objects based on materials of which they are made and their physical properties.
NJ: Core Curriculum Content Standards: Science (2009) 5.2.2.A.2Identify common
objects as solids, liquids, and gases.

Learning Objectives and Assessments:

Learning Objectives
Students will observe and distinguish between
the various objects properties. They will also
be able to classify and categorize objects by
their properties.

I will check for their ability to sort the liquid
objects in at least two ways. I will also assess
the vocabulary they use and the reasoning as to
why they sorted the objects in that way. For the
unknowns, I will assess the rationales for
accurate descriptions and logic.

Materials/Resources: (List materials, include any online or book references and resources)
o Hand soap
o Maple syrup
o Soda
o Water
o Vegetable oil
o Vinegar
o Oobleck (recipe: http://www.instructables.com/id/Oobleck/)
Corn starch
*Food coloring
o Sugar
o Rice
Cups/Ziplock baggies
Science workbooks
Anchor chart
Sticky notes
Plan for set-up/distribution/cleanup of materials:
Again, small cups and baggies filled with each type of the material will be placed on
trays around the room. Either Krystal or I will have set up trays before the lesson begins.
Students will be responsible for cleaning up and putting the materials back on the trays. I will
collect the trays at the end of the lesson. A dustpan, brush, and paper towels will be available and
in an easy to reach location. Workbooks will be distributed by me as the groups make their way
to the tables and collected as they leave to pack up from the rug. The anchor chart from the day
before will also be there.
Step by Step plan (numbered):
1 Lesson beginning: Students will gather at the rug where I will meet them with the anchor
chart from the day before. We will review some of the things that they had said the day
before. We will also review what properties are and how we can sort/classify objects and
2 I will then move on and explain that today they will be working with a different state of
matter and an unknown object that I need their help sorting. We will review how to
behave when in lab and working with materials before they are dismissed. I will again
dismiss them by their assigned groups and give them their workbooks as they leave.
3 Students will go to their designated stations and get settled in. They will be given the
chance to handle materials/objects again and will write their rationales and fill in their
worksheets as they work. Krystal and I will walk around and provide assistance if needed


and make sure that the students remain on task and do not create a mess. A 5 minute
warning will be given before it is time to switch.
Students will then switch and go to the other table with different materials. Again, they
will explore the materials and fill in their worksheets. A 5 minute warning will be given
before it is time to put away the materials and go to the rug.
Closure: Students will meet back at the rug with their workbooks. We will go over the
ways they categorized the materials and add on to the new anchor chart. We will also
conduct a survey to see what state of matter they think the oobleck is in. I will reveal that
it is a Non-Newtonian fluid and that the sugar and rice are granular materials.
Lastly, I will collect the students workbooks and dismiss them from the rug to go prepare
for lunch. Krystal will once again help me by moving the trays while the students and I
are at the rug.

Key Questions (that you will ask):

What are some things you notice about this material/object?

How would you describe this material/object?
What state of matter are these materials/objects?
How did you categorize (sort) the materials?
Why did you sort them this way?

Timing: Science11:40 am-12:40 pm
10 minutes at rug
o 7 minutes to review and introduce todays topic/activity
o 3 minutes to dismiss students
30 minutes with trays
o ~7 minutes per station (4 stations)
15 minutes closure (discuss and fill out anchor chart)
5 minutes to pack up for lunch
Again, I will dismiss the students from the rug by their groups and give them the
workbooks as they leave. Students should again be settled and working within the first 5
minutes. They will be given a 5 minute warning before they have to clean-up and put away the
materials to move on to the next station or the rug. Students will once again bring their
workbooks with them to the rug to discuss their findings. I will collect the workbooks at the rug
before they leave. Krystal can help if we have any stragglers that need to join us at the rug.
Classroom Management:
I will ask the students to remind me how they should be using the materials. They should
remember from the previous day. Again, they will be reminded of how scientists work very
carefully with the materials they are using. Students will be reminded to not roughhouse, move
slowly, and try not to drop/spill the materials. Again, they should be handling just one material at
a time. The attention signals, Popsicle/Melt & Mac and cheese/Everybody freeze, will once again
be used.

F will need a lot of support with the reading and writing aspects of the activity. He should
know what to do because we went over it the day before, but I will try to catch him before the
lesson once again and remind him. I will make sure that I circle his group and to ensure that he is
staying on task. I can also provide assistance if he needs it. Krystal can help me with this. Again,
he can write short sentences in his rationales or simple, one word phrases. Drawings will be
allowed again.
Again, students will be able to choose the ways they want to sort the materials and how
they want to describe the properties. They can choose to write the same things as their tablemates
or they can write their own categories. The groups will be the same as the day before.

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