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Items 1-3
Three days before Miriam turned eight, she received a package from her uncle
Ramon in Singapore. It came in a big box. Father helped open the box. Then
they saw something very pretty. It was a big doll. It had round blue eyes and a
small red mouth. Miriam called it curly. She loved to play with it. What Miriam
liked best was the way curly walked. Miriam would hold one of its hand and
they would walk together around the living room.
EN8SS-Ic-1.5.1: Skim to determine key ideas
1. Why did Miriam receive a gift from her uncle?
A. It was her birthday.
B. It was her graduation.
was a prize in a contest.

C. It was a Christmas gift.

D. It

EN8RC-IVi-15: Synthesize essential information found in a given text

2. What would be the most possible ending for the story?
A. Curly made Miriam sad.
C. Curly made Miriam Happy.
B. Her uncle will call her up.
D. Her uncle sends her another doll.
EN8RC-IVh-2.12: Draw conclusions from a set of details
3. What conclusion can you make from the selection?
A. Miriam likes doll.
C. Miriam has many toys.
B. Miriam has a rich uncle.
D. Miriam has a thoughtful uncle.
Items 4-6
Noel asked permission from his mother to go to the river with his classmates.
His mother told him to be back before sunset to chop firewood. Noel and his
classmates had a good time that he forgot what his mother said. He went
home late. That night the family ate supper late.
EN8G-IIa-9: Use appropriate grammatical signals or expressions suitable to each
pattern of idea development: general to particular, claim and counterclaim, problemsolution, cause-effect, and others
4. Which of the following sentences shows cause - effect relationship?
A. Mother thanked Noel.
C. Mother told him to be back before sunset.
B. Noel and his classmate had a good time.
D. Noel forgot what his mother told so
the family ate supper late.
EN8WC-Ia-1.1: Generate ideas and their relationships
5. What could have happened after Noel went home late?
A. Mother thanked Noel.
C. The family ate supper late.
B. The family ate supper earlier.
D. The family doesn't ate supper.
EN8WC-Ib-1.1.6: Organize ideas in one-step word, phrase, and sentence outline forms
The following events happened in the story
1. Noel went home late.
2. Noel went to the river.
3. Noel asked permission.
4. Noel enjoyed swimming.
6. What is the correct order of the events?
A. A - D - B - C
C. C - A - D - B

B. B - A - D - C

D. C - D - A - B

Items 7-8
Jose Rizal was born in Calamba, Laguna on June 19, 1861. He learned the
alphabet at the age of three. He could read the Bible in Spanish when he was
five years old. He wrote a poem addressed to the Filipino youth when he was
eight years old. He told them to love their country. He studied hard so that he
could help his people. He became a great writer and doctor.
EN8WC-Ie-6: Organize notes taken from an expository text
The following events happened in the story.
1. Rizal could read the Bible in Spanish at the age of five.
2. Rizal wrote a poem addressed to the Filipino youth.
3. Rizal became a great writer and a doctor.
4. Rizal learned the alphabet at the age of three.
7. What is the correct order of events in the story?
A. 4 - 3 - 1 2
C. 4 - 2 - 3 - 1
B. 4 - 1 - 2 3
D. 4 - 2 - 1 3
EN8RC-Ie-7: Use the appropriate reading style (scanning, skimming, speed reading,
intensive reading etc.) for ones purpose
8. What title is best for the paragraph?
A. The Greatest Filipino Writer.
C. The compassionate Filipino Doctor

B. The Most Intelligent Filipino.

D. Jose Rizal, The Pride of the Filipinos.

Item 9
Last Monday Linda had cold when she went school. On her way home, it rained
hard so Linda got wet. Her mother quickly changed her dress and gave her hot
milk. The following day, she couldn't get out of bed. She had a fever. Her
mother called a doctor. The doctor gave her medicine. After three days, Linda
felt fine again and she was able to go school.
EN8RC-IIIc-2.13: Differentiate facts from opinions
9. In the Linda got wet because of the rain is a fact, which of the following sentences is
an opinion?
a. Linda went to school.
b. Linda had colds and fever.
c. Lindas mother is caring.
d. Linda thanked her mother.
Items 10-14
In the 1930s, why did author Zora Neale Hurston choose Eatonville, Florida, to
be the first source for her collection of folklore?
I was glad when somebody told me, You may go and collect Negro folklore.
In a way, it would not be a new experience for me. When I pitched
headforemost into the world I landed in the crib of Negroism. It was fitting me
like a tight chemise. I couldn't see it for wearing it. It was only when I was off
in college, away from my native surroundings, that I could stand off and look
at my garment. Then I had to have the spy-glass of anthropology to look

I was asked where I wanted to work and I said, Florida. Its a place that draws
peopleNegroes from every Southern state and some from the North and
West. So I knew that it was possible for me to get a cross section of the
Negro South in one state. And then I realized that I felt new myself, so it
looked sensible for me to choose familiar ground.
I started in Eatonville, Florida, because I knew that the town was full of
material and that I could get it without causing any hurt or harm. As early as I
could remember, it was the habit of the men particularly to gather on the store
porch in the evenings and swap stories. Even the women would stop and break
a breath with them at times. As a child when I was sent down to the store, I'd
drag out my leaving to hear more.
Folklore is not as easy to collect as it sounds. The ideal source is where there
are the fewest outside influences, but these people are reluctant at times to
reveal that which the soul lives by. I knew that even I would have some
hindrance among strangers. But here in Eatonville I knew everybody was
going to help me.
EN8V-IIh-10.1.4: Identify figures of speech
10. Which of the following does the author use as a metaphor for the culture in which
she was born?
A. College
B. Garment
C. Southern state D. Spy-glass
E. Story
EN8V-Ie-4: Use appropriate strategies in unlocking the meaning of unfamiliar words and
idiomatic expressions
11. As it is used in the passage, the highlighted word material most nearly means:
11. As it is used in the passage, the highlighted word material most nearly means:
A. diversity
B. fabric
C. information
D. money
EN8RC-IIc-2.1.7: React to assertions made by the author in the text
12. In the first paragraph, the authors claim, In a way, it would not be a new experience
for me," refers to the fact that:
A. she had already attended college in Florida.
B. she had already experienced new cultures by leaving home.
C. she was already familiar with the folklore she was to collect.
D. she had already received permission to conduct the study.
EN8RC-IIIe-2.1.7: React to what is asserted or expressed in a text
13. Based on information in the third paragraph, which of the following statements about
the interactions on the porch can be most reasonably inferred?
A. The adults encouraged the author (as a child) to stay and tell stories.
B. Men were more frequent participants than were women.
C. Most of the storytellers had not grown up in Eatonville.
D. The author's parents sent her to the porch to hear the stories.
EN8RC-IIIf- Evaluate the details that support assertions in a text
14. Which of the following is NOT among the reasons the author gives for her decision to
collect folklore in Eatonville?
A. The people of Eatonville would be grateful that she published their stories.
B. The people of Eatonville would have many stories for her collection.
C. Eatonville and its people are familiar to her.
D. She believes that the people of Eatonville will help her in her project.

EN8V-Ie-4: Use appropriate strategies in unlocking the meaning of unfamiliar words and
idiomatic expressions
In the early 1600s, a dangerous trip across the Atlantic Ocean was a daunting
idea. The Europeans, who would someday be known as the Pilgrims, must have
been a very determined and brave group of settlers.
15. A daunting task is one that would _______ someone.
A. tickle
B. amuse
C. lose or misplace

D. frighten or

EN8V-If-6: Determine the meaning of words and expressions that reflect the local
culture by noting context clues
16. The original Pilgrims called themselves the Saints and referred to others who joined
with them for the voyage as the Strangers.
In this context, original means _______.
A. one of a kind B. first
C. humorous
D. musical
EN8V-IIIe-12.3: Arrive at meanings through context clues
17. The Saints and Strangers argued about how they would live in the New World. After
much discussion, they came together and signed the Mayflower Compact. The Compact
was _______.
A. a container for makeup
C. a small item
B. a machine used for mashing corn
D. an agreement
EN8V-IIId-25: Use appropriate strategies for unlocking unfamiliar words
18. I believe that if you lower taxes so that people can keep more of the money they
earn, it will be an incentive for them to work harder.
What is the meaning of incentive? __________.
A. a reason to do something
C. a small amount of money
B. a tax
D. a good job
EN8V-Ia-10.2: Determine the meaning of idiomatic expressions by noting context clues
and collocations
19. Some people are sure that the new health care law will mean better care for
everyone. Others argue that the law will mean less care and longer waiting lines for
those who need to see doctors. It's a controversy that will not go away soon. A
controversy is something that people _______.
A. have strong disagreements over
C. blow their noses into
B. need to pay for a visit to a doctor
D. eat with sweet candy
EN8LT-Ia-8.1: Identify the distinguishing features of notable African chants, poems,
folktales, and short stories
20. It is a warm sunny day at the beach. The weather is so good that the waves are
dancing in joy. In the line presented, which of the elements of the story is held
A. setting
B. character
C. climax
D. exposition
EN8LT-IIb-9.2: Identify the distinguishing features of notable East Asian poems,
folktales, and short stories
21. A driver in the story who remains a driver in the end is an example of what type of
A. flat
B. round
C. static
D. dynamic

EN8LT-If-7: Appreciate literature as a means of understanding the human being and the
forces he/she needs to contend with
22. The scene from the sci-fi movie 2012 clearly depicts how horrible it is to face nature
as an opponent. What do you think is the conflict in this movie?
A. man vs. man
B. man vs. nature C. man vs. supernatural
D. man vs.
Items 23-17
The arts generally depend on ridiculous fiction, but the theater is the most
ridiculous of all. Imagine asking us to pretend that we are in Bangkok after the fall of
Saigon and that Lea Salonga is a Vietnamese bar girl who kills herself because she
believes that suicide is the only solution to her problem. More than that, imagine
asking us to believe that she and all the other characters in the play talk to each
other by singing. The theater is a lily that inexplicably arises from a jungle of weedy
falsities. Yet it is precisely from the tension produces by all this absurdity that
theater is able to create such poetry, power, enchantment and truth.

EN8RC-IIId-12: Utilize coping reading strategies to process information in a text

23. The author believes that all the statements are true EXCEPT
A. Theater is based on absurdities
B. The characters n musical plays converse by singing
C. Suicide is the only solution to problems
D. Theater creates poetry, power, and enchantment of truth
EN8LT-IIId-2.2.4: Explain figurative language used
24. The phrase Jungle of weedy falsities contains
A. Personification
B. Simile
C. Metaphor

D. Hyperbole

EN8RC-Ig-7.1: Read intensively to determine the authors purpose or message

25. The authors attitude toward unreal situations in drama is one of _____.
A. Appreciation
B. Anger
C. Disapproval
EN8LT-Ic -2.2.3: Determine tone, mood, technique, and purpose of the author
26. How does the author develop the paragraph?
A. Giving an example B. Telling a humorous story
Using comparison

C. Describing the event


EN8V-IVa-15: Use various strategies in decoding the meaning of words

27. The word INEXPLICABLY means.
A. Cannot be expected B. Cannot be predicted
Cannot be anticipated

C. Cannot be explained


Smoking has been proven dangerous to peoples health, yet many continue to
smoke for various reasons. For young people, smoking often represents
maturity and individuality. Many smoke as a way to reduce tension. In
addition, the regular smoker becomes addicted psychologically and physically
to the nicotine in cigarettes.
EN8RC-IVa-2.21.1: Identify positions of a topic sentence
28. What is the selection topic sentence?
A. 1st sentence
C. 2nd sentence

B. 3rd sentence

D. 4th sentence

EN8LT-Ia-8: Describe the notable literary genres contributed by African writers

29. Which is not characteristic of Chinese theater?
A. follows the unities of time, place, and action
B. conveys an ethical lesson in the guise of art in order to impress a moral truth
C. a total theater with singing, recitation of verses, acrobats, and dancing
D. there are two types of speeches the dialogue and the monologue
For nos. 30-11
1.) Its true! At certain points in our lives, we stop and ask this question: How
do we turn challenges to opportunities?
2.) Yes, its not easy, but that doesnt mean it I impossible to do.
3.) This means that we need to remember the important ways to put into action.
4.) Of course, the first thing to do is to reflect not in thoughtlessness but we need
to start to focus and analyse the competition taking place between the positive
and negative emotions. 5.) Eventually we ask, how do we feel about the challenge?
6.) Do we feel hopeless, angry, jealous, worried inadequate, insecure or fearful or
we feel the negative counterparts? 7.) Its silly to allow them overrule our outlook
in life. 9.) We must envision always that progress and success come to those who
adhere to practice hard work, determination, courage, perseverance, humility,
consciousness, justice, self-confidence, trust respect, love and other potent
secrets in inner strength and success. 10.) We need to be realistic that we need
some if not all of them to turn challenges to opportunities; thereby this will make
us all contented and happy.

EN8RC-IIa-2.22: Evaluate the personal significance of a literary text

30. The generalization or statement about life or human experience the passage make is
to ___________.
A. Bring out the best in you
C. struggle against the odds
B. Stand up for ones belief
D. take strength to bear up the
EN8SS-Ic-1.5.1: Skim to determine key ideas
31. The main point of the article is best expressed in sentence no. ____
A. 1
B. 2
C. 5
D. 10
EN8LT-Ic-2.2.1: Express appreciation for sensory images used
32. The article/passage would most probably interest a /an_____________.
A. Adolescent
B. adult
C. child
D. old man
EN8LT-Ic -2.2.3: Determine tone, mood, technique, and purpose of the author
33. The writers comment or reaction about challenges and opportunities is best
supported by__________.
A. Facts
B. opinion
C. reasons
D. statistics
EN8G-IIIa-3.6: Use modals appropriately
34. Ordinary trials ______ be turned into extraordinary moments.
A. May
B. must
C. will
D. can
35. We ________ endure even the greatest sufferings that will come our way.
A. May
B. must
C. will
D. can
36. You _______ find courage even in small things you do.
A. May
B. must
C. will

D. can

EN8G-IVc-14: Use direct and reported speech

37. Mary "I love chocolate."
Jill: "Mary said (that) she ___ chocolate."
A. loved
B. loves
C. loving

D. was loved

38. Mary: "I went skiing."

Jill: "Mary said (that) she ___ skiing."
A. went
B. had gone

C. have gone

D. was gone

39. Mary: "I will eat steak for dinner."

Jill: "Mary said (that) she ___ eat steak for dinner."
A. willing
B. will
C. would

D. will be

40. Mary: "I have been to Sydney."

Jill: "Mary said (that) she ___ to Sydney."
A. had been
B. has been
C. was being

D. had been

EN8G-IVb-13: Use active and passive constructions

41. This house - in 1970 by my grandfather.
A. built
B. was built
C. was build
D. has built
42. The robbers - by the police.
A. have arrested
B. have been arrested
C. was arrested
D. had
43. We - for the examination.
A. have preparing
B. are preparing
C. had preparing
D. Have been
44. It since yesterday.
A. is raining
B. has been raining
C. Have been raining
Was raining
45. I - for five hours.
A. have been working
B. has been working
C. was working D. am
EN8G-IVd-3: Use past and past perfect tenses
46) Where ............ you born?
A. were
B. have

C. are

D. did

47) A: Where ....................... that jacket? B: In that new clothes shop in Piazza Kennedy.
A. have you bought
B. did you buy
C. are
D. did
48) How long .................. your best friend?
A. do you know
B. did you know C. have you known

D. did you live

49) A: I lived in Milan when I was younger. B: Really? How long ........................ there?
A. did you live
B. have you lived
C. lived you
D. do you know
50) Gladstone ............... the Prime Minister of Great Britain 5 times during the reign of
Queen Victoria.
A. has been
B. had been
C. was
D. were

Republic of the Philippines

Region IX, Zamboanga Peninsula

Bacong, Salug, Zamboanga del Norte



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