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Universidade Federal de Campina Grande

Centro de Humanidades
Unidade Acadmica de Letras

Disciplina: Ingls

Turma: D
Tema: Simple Past

Simple Past - a forma simples do passado, usada quando falamos de aes que aconteceram no passado, e
que no momento da fala, j foram concludas.
It rained a lot last night.
Brazil lost the world cup in 2006.
A forma auxiliar do passado simples o DID, utilizado em interrogativas ou em negativas DID NOT
(DIDNT). Lembrando que quando utilizamos o auxiliar, o verbo principal no alterado.
Forma Afirmativa: Sujeito + Verbo no passado + Complemento
I studied a lot yesterday.
The bus was late.
Forma Negativa: Sujeito + Did Not + Verbo no infinitivo + Complemento
They didnt pay the bill.
She didnt say that.
Forma Interrogativa: Did + Sujeito + Infintivo + Complemento
Did you arrive last week?
Did your son get sick?
Verbos Regulares e Irregulares
1) Verbos Regulares: so aqueles que seguem a regra geral, e seu passado feito com o acrscimo de ed ao
infinitivo. Exs.: work (worked), walk (walked), traveled (travelled), etc.
Regra ed: Verbos terminados em e acrescenta-se apenas d (Hope hoped, Live lived)
Verbos terminados com a estrutura consoante-vogal-consoante, duplica-se a ltima consoante e acrescenta-se
ed (Stop Stopped, Rob Robbed)
Verbos terminados em y, precedido por consoante, substitui-se o y por i, e acrescenta-se ed (Study Studied,
Try Tried)
Verbos terminados em ie, acrescenta-se d (Die Died, Lie Lied)
2) Verbos Irregulares: fogem regra geral e no formam o passado com o acrscimo de ed. So formas
distintas, que precisam ser memorizadas.

Drink (drank), Read (read), Sleep (slep), Be (was/were), Go (went).

Complete com as formas verbais entre parnteses no simple past:
1) Mr. Jones _______ (drink) half a bottle of wine at lunch and _______ (sleep) till 4 P.M.
2) Johnnys mother ________ (buy) some gum-drops and _______ (eat) them all in one sitting.
3) When Helens friends ________ (hear) she was in the hospital, they ______ (pay) her a visit.
4) Sorry, I ________ (forget) to bring back the CD you ________ (lend) me.
5) Dannys mother _______ (write) a note to his teacher and later she _______ (speak) to her
buy a phone.
6) Someone _______ (steal) Toms car, but he was lucky and _______ (get) it back on the same
7) Sandra _______ (find) the book rather boring, so she _______ (read) only the first two
8) Yes, my brother ______ (win) a lottery prize, but who _______ (tell) you?
9) The police _______ (come) quickly, but even so the robbers _______ (flee) with all the
10) The old man _______ (fall) down the stairs and _______ (break) his arm.
11) The doctor _______ (give) some pills and an hour later I _______ (feel) better.
12) Margaret _______ (choose) the pink blouse because it was the one that _______ (catch) her
attention the moment she _______ (see) it in the shop window.

Texto do Enem no link:

After prison blaze kills hundreds in Honduras, UN warns on overcrowding, 15 February 2012
A United Nations human rights official today called on Latin American countries to tackle the problem of
prison overcrowding in the wake of an overnight fire at a jail in Honduras that killed hundreds of inmates.
More than 300 prisoners are reported to have died in the blaze at the prison, located north of the capital,
Tegucigalpa, with dozens of others still missing and presumed dead. Antonio Maldonado, human rights
adviser for the UN system in Honduras, told UN Radio today that overcrowding may have contributed to the
death toll. But we have to wait until a thorough investigation is conducted so we can reach a precise cause,

he said. But of course there is a problem of overcrowding in the prison system, not only in this country, but
also in many other prisons in Latin America.
Disponvel em: www.un.org. Acesso em: 22 fev. 2012 (adaptado). Os noticirios destacam acontecimentos
dirios, que so veiculados em jornal impresso, rdio, televiso e internet. Nesse texto, o acontecimento
reportado a
A - ocorrncia de um incndio em um presdio superlotado em Honduras.
B - questo da superlotao nos presdios em Honduras e na Amrica Latina.
C - investigao da morte de um oficial das Naes Unidas em visita a um presdio.
D - concluso do relatrio sobre a morte de mais de trezentos detentos em Honduras.
E - causa da morte de doze detentos em um presdio superlotado ao norte de Honduras.

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