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Hace 4 aos compre una laptop Toshiba que siempre me ha funcionado muy

bien y nunca me ha dado ningn problema, pero un da sin ningn sentido o

razn se me ocurri abrirla,por qu nunca la haba visto por dentro, as que
consegu un desarmador especial y empec a desarmar mi laptop, empec
a quitar los tornillos uno por uno hasta que pude abrir la computadora y por
fin pude verla por dentro ,lo primero que vi es que tena mucho polvo as
que la limpie muy bien , quite y desconecte todas las piezas para limpiarlas
todas muy bien, al final cuando toda mi laptop estaba limpia empec a
ensamblarla de nuevo pieza por pieza, me tarde un rato porque casi
siempre es ms fcil desarmar que armar algo, cuando por fin quedo
armada me sorprendi ver que me sobraron 4 tornillos, pero no me importo
as que me dispuse a prender la computadora Encendi el led, espere pero
no encenda la laptop ,as que me preocupe la volv a desarmar y ver si todo
estaba bien conectado,
Cuando la arme de nuevo de igual manera no prenda as que volv a
desarmarla unas cuatro veces,
y ya con miedo de que no funcionara mi laptop la revise por ultima ves y
comprob que estaba mal conectada una memoria ram, volv a apretar el
botn de encendido y despus de eso y encendio, lo mejor de la historia fue
que parece que mov algo por dentro ya que mi laptop funciona mejor que

Four years ago to buy a Toshiba laptop that has always worked very
well and has never given me any problems, but a day without any
sense or reason it occurred to me open it, Why had never seen it
inside, so I got a special screwdriver and started to disassemble my
laptop, I started to remove the screws one by one until I opened the
computer and I could finally see it inside, first thing I saw is that he had
very dusty so you clean it very well, Remove and disconnect the parts
to clean them very well, at the end when all my laptop was clean I
started to assemble it back piece by piece, I take awhile because it is
almost always easier to disassemble to assemble something, When I
am finally assembled it surprised to see that they overran me 4 screws,
but I don't mind me, so I decided me to turn on the computer, I pressed
the power button, lit and went out, so I care about went to disarm and
see if everything was well connected, When you assemble it again in
the same way not lit so I went back to disarm it about four times, and
already afraid that won't work with my laptop to review by last time and
I checked that a RAM was poorly connected, I went back to press the
power button, and my laptop came back to work, The best of the story

was that it seems that i moved something inside since my laptop works
better than before

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