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To : The U.S. Government, and school districts

From : Fabian Duran
Date : 7 October 2015
Subject : A proposal to raise awareness of racism in the United States
There are several things that are wrong with our world and more importantly, our society. Society
as a whole is doing things that they dont realize is wrong. Today, future and current generations
are being taught that it is okay to do things that are wrong. The purpose of this memorandum is
to try and raise awareness on the subject of racism. In the past, there have been incidents that
have made the news. They were widely seen, yet still there was no change with in our country.
The end goal is to attract society's attention about this problem. The situation is getting graver
every single day.

In society we are taught that it is "okay" to be racist to each other. Racism is taught to us by
politicians, officials, comedians, and sometimes even parents. Ideally, racism is something that
shouldnt even exist. In the beginning, there was no racism. Racism wasnt even a thing that
society of the 1600's accepted. Even more before that, "race" wasnt even a real thought process.
When the people of white saw that others werent as advanced, they called them savages. Over
time, it progressed from friendship to hatred. These days, children of all ages are getting the
mentality that they can say racial slurs to the target group. Should this situation stay the same?
The answer is no. Racism is a form of unneeded hate that has been brought forward from history.
We need to raise awareness of this problem, that is often over looked. So I am suggesting that
starting from the start, that students are taught that racism is a thing that needs to go way.

Scholarly education is a way that we can teach future generations the impacts of racism. We can
fix this problem by firstly showing them from a young age what the outcomes are. As what the
repercussions to this and how it effects them. Studies show that when they are taught from a
young age. They'll know what is wrong about racism. Another step that I would take, would be to
make advertisements on t.v. an go on billboards and on buildings. This would educate the entire
world, because these days people watch a lot of television. Or they'll see the posters on their way
to work. We would need the support of the government and school districts. These need to be put
into effect as soon as possible so that we can maximize efficiency. Success would be an end to to
racism, or at least denature the word racism. As there arent necessarily any full proof solutions,
they might fall short of the goal. If this happens, then the thing to do would be to speak public
about this and how it was attempted to fix. This would show the public that is really is a problem
when you can't fix it.

The goal is not necessarily to end racism, but to raise awareness to the consequences of racism.
This might end it, but it might not. So it is my recommendation to start these solutions as soon as
possible. The world will look drastically different. The amount of hate the world had to deal with
would be cut to a bare minimum. There would be a better chance of there being cooperation in
the world. The mindset change is the key part in all of this. Its what can, and will change the

Works Cited
"What Is Racism?" What Is Racism? N.p., n.d. Web. 14 Sept. 2015.
Wortham, Interview Jenna. "Racisms Psychological Toll." The New York Times. The New York
Times, 23 June 2015. Web. 14 Sept. 2015.

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