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Caleb Degn

Period 8
Ms. Nish
Biography Edwin Hubble
Edwin Hubble was an astronomer, however, he could be considered a contributor to
astrophotography because he has created some of the finest photographs of space, stars, galaxies,
and any other form of astrological matter. He was also one of the first to create photographs of
space. If you havent already caught on, he is the man who invented the Hubble telescope which
NASA still uses today to observe extraterrestrial material.
Edwin Hubble was an American astronomer as well. He himself probably would not have
considered himself as an astrophotographer, however, astrophotography is the art of capturing
any sort of astronomical subjects. So although it might not have been his goal as he created the
Hubble Telescope and as he was taking the pictures to become an astrophotographer, he
accidentally became the most popular astrophotographer to this day. He made a technological
leap for NASA and his advancements has helped us have a better understanding of what exists
past our atmosphere.
He was also considered a late bloomer because he did not begin his work until his later
years. But once he began his work, he did not stop until his death in 1953. Overall, he lived a
very successful life and it is fairly impressive that he was able to create so much within the few
years he had to work, and even more impressive that he was able to become the most famous
astrophotographer by accident.

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