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Candidate Work Sample

Northern Arizona University

Spring 2016 5th Grade
Cartesian Coordinates Unit
Angelica Rinebarger

Identification of Learning/Learner Characteristics & Evaluation of Prior Learning
My student teaching placement is in a 5th grade classroom at Hull Elementary in
Chandler, Arizona. Hull Elementary is largely comprised of middle-class families that
primarily speak English and have two parents. A vast majority of parents at Hull are
involved in their childs education and support both their child and their childs teacher
throughout the school year. Most students have parental support at home and are involved
in extracurricular activities and clubs both on and off campus. Hull Elementary has
technology present in every classroom and I have access to a computer and a doc camera.
Since I am placed in 5th grade, my teaching situation is different than most student
teachers in elementary classrooms. Fifth graders at Hull are ability-grouped for every
subject and move classrooms throughout the day, which means I see a different group of
students every 45 minutes or hour and a half depending on the rotation day. The only
classes Ill be teaching are four language arts classes and one mathematics class. Each
class contains a wide range of learners; some students have IEPs and some students are
academically gifted. In the lower-level math class there are two students that fall on the
autism spectrum, but an aide sits with them throughout the entire class. In the lower
mathematics and language arts classes, there is a student on an IEP that has 23
accommodations for his partial hearing impairment. Although some of the
accommodations in no way relate to his hearing impairment, I understand that it is my job
to follow the IEP, especially in this case because there is an advocate involved. In each
of the five classes there are 2-3 students that are a minority. All of these demographics
influenced my planning because I had to take into account students background
knowledge and experience as well as their learning abilities and disabilities.

This unit relates to the classroom curriculum plan because it was the next unit my
teacher was planning on teaching according to her mathematics instructional map to
prepare students for AZ Merit testing in the spring. The standard that my unit focuses on
is from the Arizona College and Career Readiness Fifth Grade Mathematics Standards:
5.G.A.1: Use a pair of perpendicular number lines, called axes, to define a
coordinate system, with the intersection of the lines (the origin) arranged to
coincide with the 0 on each line and a given point in the plane located by using an
ordered pair of numbers, called its coordinates. Understand that the first number
indicates how far to travel from the origin in the direction of one axis, and the
second number indicates how far to travel in the direction of the second axis with
the convention that the names of the two axes and the coordinates correspond
(e.g., x-axis and x-coordinate, y-axis and y-coordinate).
Objective: Students will be able to accurately label a coordinate plane, graph coordinate
pairs on a coordinate plane, and identify the four quadrants on a coordinate plane by the
end of the unit with at least 80% accuracy.
The pre-assessment I used relates to the objective because it measures if students
can plot coordinates on a graph as well as identifies if they can take a point on a graph
and find its coordinates. The pre-assessment is appropriate for the students in my math
class because it only has two questions. Since my math class contains students with low
performing math skills, a small amount of questions on the pre-assessment wont
overwhelm them to the point where they dont even try to see if they can do the work.
The post-assessment contains these same problems but adds six more questions for
accuracy and evidence of growth.

Planning Instruction
The goal for my students during this unit was for them to be able to accurately
graph a coordinate pair on a coordinate plane as well as label and identify the parts and
quadrants of a coordinate plane. Since the math class I teach is comprised of students that
are below grade level in mathematics, I knew had to plan an engaging and thorough unit
that had a lot of checking for understanding as well as an end of unit quiz to assess
growth. I chose to make this a two-week unit because students in this class need extra
support and practice when learning new concepts. Most students in the class had never
seen a coordinate plane because they were used to working in quadrant two, which is
positive-positive coordinate pairs. I know this because of my preassessment data. The
students had no idea there were three other quadrants that could contain positivenegative, negative-negative, and negative-positive coordinate pairs. I began planning
lessons that would introduce Cartesian coordinate graphing and the many parts it contains
(coordinate plane, coordinate pairs, quadrants). Students begin by taking notes on
Cartesian coordinates in their interactive math notebooks. I also made copies of the notes
to hand out to students the next day because some students in the class are not able to
keep up or write the correct things when taking notes since they have learning disabilities
or are special education. We spent one day on each of the four quadrants in order to
solidify understanding of each specific quadrant. I believe its important to show students
why learning mathematical concepts will help them later in life so I also planned a lesson
on real-life coordinate graphing to show them how people use coordinate graphing in
real-life. I also included two fun review games, including tic-tac-toe and an I have
Who has? card game to further engagement and understanding of the concepts. Each

lesson integrated technology through the use of a document camera. There were also
multiple checks for understanding throughout each lesson (thumbs up/thumbs down, 5, 4,
3, 2, 1 finger(s), sticky notes). I ended the unit with a formative assessment that directly
aligned to my objective because it measured how well students could label a coordinate
plane, graph coordinate pairs, and identify the four quadrants on a coordinate plane. The
formative assessment also contained questions from the preassessment so I could track
student growth. The formative assessment was modified to align with students abilities
as well as IEPs.

5th grade
Cartesian Coordinates Unit
Monday, February 22nd
Lesson topic: Preassessment

Tuesday, February 23rd

Lesson topic: Cartesian coordinate notes

Wednesday, February 24th

Lesson topic: Quadrant 1

Thursday, February 25th

Objectives and Activities

SWBAT use their prior knowledge of
coordinate graphing when taking a
Preassessment of Cartesian coordinate
SWBAT identify the parts of a coordinate
plane, the x and the y in a coordinate pair,
and quadrants 1-4.
Notes on Cartesian coordinates (coordinate
plane, coordinate pairs, quadrants)
SWBAT graph negative-positive
coordinate pairs in quadrant 1 on a
coordinate plane.
Graphing coordinates in quadrant 1
SWBAT graph positive-positive coordinate
pairs in quadrant 2 on a coordinate plane.

Lesson topic: Quadrant 2

Friday, February 26th
Lesson topic: Quadrant 3

Graphing coordinates in quadrant 2

SWBAT graph positive-negative
coordinate pairs in quadrant 3 on a
coordinate plane.

Monday, February 29th

Lesson topic: Quadrant 4

Tuesday, March 1st

Lesson topic: Real-life coordinate graphing

Wednesday, March 2nd

Lesson topic: Tic-Tac-Toe coordinate
graphing game
Thursday, March 3rd
Lesson topic: I have Who has?
Cartesian coordinate review game

Friday, March 4th

Lesson topic: Cartesian coordinate quiz

Graphing coordinates in quadrant 3

SWBAT graph negative-negative
coordinate pairs in quadrant 4 on a
coordinate plane.
Graphing coordinates in quadrant 4
SWBAT identify which quadrant a
coordinate pair belongs in as well as
understand why Cartesian coordinates are
important to learn.
Real-life coordinate graphing worksheet
and activity
SWBAT graph coordinate pairs in all
quadrants on a coordinate plane with
support from the teacher and classmates.
Tic-tac-toe coordinate graphing game
SWBAT accurately read and identify
coordinate pairs on a coordinate grid and
distinguish which quadrant the coordinate
pair belongs in.
I have Who has? Cartesian coordinate
review game
SWBAT accurately label a coordinate
plane, graph coordinate pairs on a
coordinate plane, and identify the four
quadrants on a coordinate plane with at
least 80% accuracy.
Cartesian coordinate quiz

Monitoring and Adjusting

Since my math class is comprised of below-average students, most of my lessons
are teacher-directed and whole-class. The use of the doc camera throughout each lesson
was essential since most of my students are visual learners and there is a hearing
impaired student in the class. My cooperating teacher was extremely helpful to me

throughout this unit and offered both feedback and encouragement. I used a lot of
teaching strategies I had seen her use in order to make this unit highly effective. Below is
a table of each lesson I taught and how I monitored and adjusted instruction accordingly.

5th grade
Cartesian Coordinates Unit
Monday, February 22nd
Lesson topic: Preassessment

Tuesday, February 23rd

Lesson topic: Cartesian coordinate notes

Wednesday, February 24th

Lesson topic: Quadrant 1

Monitoring, Adjusting, and Reflecting

The use of a preassessment was to gain
information about students prior
knowledge regarding Cartesian
The preassessment scores were very low
except for when the question regarded
the use of positive-positive coordinates
in quadrant two.
I used the results of the preassessment to
sequence my lesson plans in a way that
was logical and built on top of one
The note-taking lesson was effective
with my students because theyve been
taking math notes all year in their math
notebooks. They were easily able to
follow along and were willing to ask
questions about anything they didnt
I used the doc camera for this lesson like
my cooperating teacher does when she
takes math notes with the students.
Since the students were already used to
this, this instructional technology
strategy was highly effective.
I wore a microphone during this lesson to
meet the needs of my hearing
impairment student. I also made copies
of the notes afterwards to meet the
needs of several IEPs in the class.
I used the thumbs up/thumbs down
method of checking for understanding
during this lesson.
I used the Graphing Coordinates in
Quadrant 1 Worksheet for this lesson. I
followed the same progression my

Thursday, February 25th

Lesson topic: Quadrant 2

cooperating teacher follows when doing

a worksheet with the students. I did the
first problem by myself and explained
each step. We did the next three
problems together. I then instructed
them to complete the worksheet by
themselves as I walked around the room
and answered any questions or helped
those in need. This instructional method
was highly effective because its routine
to the students since my cooperating
teacher does the same thing.
I used the doc camera for this lesson like
my cooperating teacher does when she
does math worksheets with the students.
Since the students were already used to
this, this instructional technology
strategy was highly effective.
I wore a microphone during this lesson to
meet the needs of my hearing
impairment student. Students were able
to use their notes from the previous day
while working on the worksheet. I also
walked around the classroom to assist
students as needed.
I used the 5,4,3,2,1 finger(s) method of
checking for understanding during this
lesson. Students held up fingers (1-5, 5
being the highest, 1 being the lowest) to
show me where they were with the
concept at the end of the lesson.
I collected the worksheets at the end of
the lesson and used the data to decide
whether or not we could proceed to the
next lesson or if they needed more
practice. The worksheets were overall
very high so I decided we could move
on to the next lesson.
I used the Graphing Coordinates in
Quadrant 2 Worksheet for this lesson. I
followed the same progression my
cooperating teacher follows when doing
a worksheet with the students. I did the
first problem by myself and explained
each step. We did the next three
problems together. I then instructed

Friday, February 26th

Lesson topic: Quadrant 3

them to complete the worksheet by

themselves as I walked around the room
and answered any questions or helped
those in need. This instructional method
was highly effective because its routine
to the students since my cooperating
teacher does the same thing.
I used the doc camera for this lesson like
my cooperating teacher does when she
does math worksheets with the students.
Since the students were already used to
this, this instructional technology
strategy was highly effective.
I wore a microphone during this lesson to
meet the needs of my hearing
impairment student. Students were able
to use their notes from the previous
lesson while working on the worksheet.
I also walked around the classroom to
assist students as needed.
I used the 5,4,3,2,1 finger(s) method of
checking for understanding during this
lesson. Students held up fingers (1-5, 5
being the highest, 1 being the lowest) to
show me where they were with the
concept at the end of the lesson.
I collected the worksheets at the end of
the lesson and used the data to decide
whether or not we could proceed to the
next lesson or if they needed more
practice. The worksheets were all very
high so I decided we could move on to
the next lesson.
I used the Graphing Coordinates in
Quadrant 3 Worksheet for this lesson. I
followed the same progression my
cooperating teacher follows when doing
a worksheet with the students. I did the
first problem by myself and explained
each step. We did the next three
problems together. I then instructed
them to complete the worksheet by
themselves as I walked around the room
and answered any questions or helped
those in need. This instructional method
was highly effective because its routine


Monday, February 29th

Lesson topic: Quadrant 4

to the students since my cooperating

teacher does the same thing.
I used the doc camera for this lesson like
my cooperating teacher does when she
does math worksheets with the students.
Since the students were already used to
this, this instructional technology
strategy was highly effective.
I wore a microphone during this lesson to
meet the needs of my hearing
impairment student. Students were able
to use their notes from the previous
lesson while working on the worksheet.
I also walked around the classroom to
assist students as needed.
I used the 5,4,3,2,1 finger(s) method of
checking for understanding during this
lesson. Students held up fingers (1-5, 5
being the highest, 1 being the lowest) to
show me where they were with the
concept at the end of the lesson.
I collected the worksheets at the end of
the lesson and used the data to decide
whether or not we could proceed to the
next lesson or if they needed more
practice. The worksheets were overall
average so I decided we could move on
to the next lesson.
I used the Graphing Coordinates in
Quadrant 4 Worksheet for this lesson. I
followed the same progression my
cooperating teacher follows when doing
a worksheet with the students. I did the
first problem by myself and explained
each step. We did the next three
problems together. I then instructed
them to complete the worksheet by
themselves as I walked around the room
and answered any questions or helped
those in need. This instructional method
was highly effective because its routine
to the students since my cooperating
teacher does the same thing.
I used the doc camera for this lesson like
my cooperating teacher does when she
does math worksheets with the students.


Tuesday, March 1st

Lesson topic: Real-life coordinate graphing

Since the students were already used to

this, this instructional technology
strategy was highly effective.
I wore a microphone during this lesson to
meet the needs of my hearing
impairment student. Students were able
to use their notes from the previous
lesson while working on the worksheet.
I also walked around the classroom to
assist students as needed.
I used the 5,4,3,2,1 finger(s) method of
checking for understanding during this
lesson. Students held up fingers (1-5, 5
being the highest, 1 being the lowest) to
show me where they were with the
concept at the end of the lesson.
I collected the worksheets at the end of
the lesson and used the data to decide
whether or not we could proceed to the
next lesson or if they needed more
practice. The worksheets were overall
very high so I decided we could move
on to the next lesson.
I used the Real-life Coordinate Graphing
Worksheet and Activity for this lesson.
We first did the worksheet together and
then the activity together. This method
of instruction was highly effective
because the students were able to use
me for additional support throughout the
worksheet and activity.
I used the doc camera for this lesson like
my cooperating teacher does when she
does math worksheets with the students.
Since the students were already used to
this, this instructional technology
strategy was highly effective.
I wore a microphone during this lesson to
meet the needs of my hearing
impairment student. Students were able
to use their notes from the previous
lesson while working on the worksheet
and activity.
I used the thumbs up/thumbs down
method of checking for understanding
throughout this lesson.


Wednesday, March 2nd

Lesson topic: Tic-Tac-Toe coordinate
graphing game

Thursday, March 3rd

Lesson topic: I have Who has?
Cartesian coordinate review game

I collected the worksheets at the end of

the lesson and used the data to decide
whether or not we could proceed to the
next lesson or if they needed more
practice. The worksheets were overall
average so I decided we could move on
to the next lesson.
I used the Tic-Tac-Toe Coordinate
Graphing Game for this lesson. I
explained the instructions and allowed
students to choose their own partners for
the game. This method of instruction
was effective because the students were
able to follow my instructions during the
I used the doc camera for this lesson
while I was explaining the instructions.
This instructional technology strategy
was effective because the students were
able to visually see how to play the
game while I was explaining the
I wore a microphone during this lesson to
meet the needs of my hearing
impairment student. Students were able
to use their notes from the previous
lesson while working on the worksheet
and activity.
I used the thumbs up/thumbs down
method of checking for understanding
throughout this lesson.
I used informal observations of the
students to decide whether or not we
could proceed to the next lesson or if
they needed more practice. Overall, the
students seemed to understand the
concept so I decided we could move on
to the next lesson.
I used the I haveWho has? Cartesian
Coordinate Review Game for this
lesson. I explained the instructions and
passed out the cards for the game. This
method of instruction was effective
because the students were able to follow
my instructions during the game.
I used the doc camera for this lesson


Friday, March 4th

Lesson topic: Cartesian coordinate quiz

while I was explaining the instructions.

This instructional technology strategy
was effective because the students were
able to visually see how to play the
game while I was explaining the
I wore a microphone during this lesson to
meet the needs of my hearing
impairment student. Students were able
to use their notes from the previous
lesson while working on the worksheet
and activity.
I used the thumbs up/thumbs down
method of checking for understanding
throughout this lesson.
I used informal observations of the
students to decide whether or not we
could proceed to the next lesson or if
they needed more practice. Overall, the
students seemed to understand the
concept so I decided we could move on
to the Cartesian Coordinate Quiz.
I used the Cartesian Coordinate Quiz for
this lesson. I explained the instructions
to students and we went over all of the
directions together. This method of
instruction was effective because the
students were able to see the quiz
completely and ask any questions before
they began.
I used the doc camera for this lesson
while I was explaining the instructions.
This instructional technology strategy
was effective because the students were
able to visually see the quiz and follow
along with the directions I was
I wore a microphone during this lesson to
meet the needs of my hearing
impairment student. Students were able
to use their notes from the previous
lesson while working on the quiz.
I used the thumbs up/thumbs down
method of checking for understanding
after I went over the directions.
I collected the quizzes and used the data

to decide whether or not the students
met the outlined objective. The average
score for the class was 82%. The
students definitely met the objective!
Assessment Data and Analysis
My pre and post assessment analysis showed that my students exhibited
significant growth over the course of my Cartesian coordinates unit. At the beginning of
the unit, most students had never worked with coordinates of any sort before, while few
had worked in quadrant 2 only. By the end of the unit, every student met the objective of
passing the unit quiz with at least 80% accuracy. The results are shown below (see the
Appendix for a graphed display of student data):

Pre Test Score

Post Test Score

Student 1



Student 2 (SPED)



Student 3



Student 4



Student 5



Student 6 (SPED)



Student 7



Student 8



Student 9



Student 10 (SPED)



Student 11 (SPED)



Student 12 (SPED)



Student 13



Student 14



Student 15



Student 16 (SPED)



Student 17



Student 18



Student 19 (SPED)



Student 20



Student 21



Student 22



Student 23



Averaged Scores:



Overall, there was a 48% growth in student knowledge of Cartesian coordinates.

Although the quiz was highly modified because of the multitude of IEPs and learning
disabilities of students in the classroom, I would still say the unit was extremely
When looking at the most common missed questions, it was easy to see that the
students had the most trouble with quadrants 1 and 4. I believe this was difficult for them
because quadrants 1 and 4 have to deal with combining positive and negative numbers in
their coordinate pairs instead of being just positive numbers or just negative numbers. I
think this was troublesome because they would second guess which coordinate came first
and would proceed to graph the coordinate in the opposite order it should have been

graphed in. For example, they would graph the coordinate pair (-4, 5) as (5, -4), which
would be located in a completely different quadrant. If the coordinate pair was located in
quadrants 2 or 3, students rarely missed the questions because both numbers in the pair
were either positive or negative, making it easier to know which quadrant the coordinate
pair should be graphed in.
The results in the table above are marked with which students are special
education (SPED) in the math class. I saw a significant amount of growth between their
pre and post assessments, but once again the quiz was highly modified for everyone in
the class and the two children with autism were even more modified because the aide
assisted them throughout the post assessment questions whereas there was little to no
assistance during the pre assessment.
Although there was a large amount of growth in every students data, the students
that scored fairly high on the pre assessment scored the highest on the post assessment.
This says a lot to me about how prior knowledge effects student learning in all aspects.
Its easier for a student to grasp a subject if they have the basic foundation of the subject
already in the back of their mind.
Reflections on the Overall Unit: Implications for the Future
If I were to repeat this unit, I would modify the preassessment. The preassessment
I used was very short and only contained a few problems about the unit I was going to
teach. I think I would use the exact same preassessment as the post-assessment in order to
gain true data on the students progress. I would then use the preassessment data to
determine the main focuses of my unit.

Overall, this unit went very well. I used a combination of my cooperating
teachers resources as well as online resources to plan and implement my unit. I felt as if
the students learned a lot because I was able to modify my instruction to fit their needs. I
worked a lot with my cooperating teacher in order to make sure I was following IEPs and
meeting the needs of all of my learners. As I continue in my teaching career, I will
continue to seek insight and advice from my colleagues and mentors because I
understand that their knowledge is extremely beneficial to both my instruction and my
students learning.


Cartesian Coordinates Unit Test Scores



Pre Test Score


Post Test Score

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23

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