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Did you know that money can actually make people work less. Hard to believe right?

think of it this way. If you loved playing video games in your free time for just the pleasure you
get out of it and someone offered you money you would probably take it, most people would.
After a while most people start to feel like playing video games is not for them anymore but for
the people who are paying them. In simpler terms playing videogames becomes a job for them.
It has been proven time and time again that people rarely like to do jobs that are no longer their
This type of example is what both Misbehaving and Drive base their claims against
Econs on. Essentially both books go out of their way to disprove the Econ way of thinking and
change they way people look at the world of economics and the normal people that are a part of
An Econ is the name given to someone who represents the most economically efficient
person. Both books point out that most economic scholars are wrongly trained to see everyone
in the world like this. This causes them to make predictions about the world that are inaccurate
and sometimes almost opposite of what actually happens. The video game example proves that
as humans evolve so does the way we think and it would even be arguable that our ways of
thinking are what is truly evolving. The book Misbehaving describes these steps of evolution as
new human OSs
OS 1 was the original human system where the only objective was to survive. This
mainly consisted of the eat, sleep, and kill instincts. In fact most of this system revolved around
our most basic instincts it wasn't until later that we moved up in system one and developed
communities and used other humans to better our chances of survival. as you could imagine it
didn't take much longer for us to develop reasoning and independence. This reasoning would
soon develop into our second major OS.
The second Os would consist largely of reasoning, social classes, community, and
efficiency. This system would also carry the best parts from the previous systems such as the
survival instinct, the fear of large darkness, and the fear of things that weren't understood. This
system would be a major contributor to the human thought process from the time of arrival
around the mesopotamian era to the near present of the 1900s. Its thought process would
allow us to develop advanced technology including language, culture and the ability to be self
aware. It would also cause us to think extremly efficiency which is nearly an exact mirror to the
definition to an Econ. This thought process would soon start to fade out around the late 1900s
and the new third system would become apparent.
This third new system is the most controversial and is the one that will completely
disprove the Econ mentality. This system is more geared towards self advocacy and intrinsic
motivation and does not require rewards for work. The ability to not be persuaded by a physical
incentive is the most controversial part, but it has been proven time and time again to be a very
true part of this mindset.
The book Misbehaving directly attacks the Econ mindset through reasoning and
explanation of the new third mindset. It goes into great depth on how the thought process used
by most economic scholars is completely wrong. The reason he claims it's wrong is because
they are using old tools and rules on a new type of thought process. The book even goes as far
to say that teaching economics centered around the identification of old situations and systems
is backwards and that they should be spending their time trying to learn about the new social

advances in the world of economics. They also believe that you need to delve further into the
motivation behind this new third system and figure out why people have changed.
This is exactly what the book Drive touched on. As apparent in its name, Drive is a book
based purely on the explanation of what motivates people and prompts you to ask yourself if
people have always been motivated by the same thing. The book ater reveals that people's
motivation changes with the time and technology around them. It then addresses the
controversy of new and old human operating systems and how they way people think is never
static and will most likely will ever be completely understood because of all the seemingly
random and erratic changes. After explaining this they touch on the Econ mindset and how the
motivation explaining an Econs reactions are fundamentally incorrect and that you can see its
flaws in everyday life.
Both books do attack the use of the Econ mindset in predictions about the economy, but
they do this is completely different ways. The book Misbehaving attacks the people using it
where as the book Drive attacks the facts used to back the idea. Misbehaving argues the
evolution of mindsets much like the book Drive argues the evolution of motivation. The ideas in
both books are the same but they just happened to address them in different ways. All in all both
books in my mind did the correct thing in addressing the problem with the Econ mindset and
also in asking for people to change the way they see the world and address its problems.

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