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Intro to the Videos

Protest at the capital after the Governor decided to defund PPAU.

Try to spot Athena!

Example of the fake applications to buy baby parts online

Protester who wants to defund Planned Parenthood/Harvesthood

Q: Is the information is the videos true?

A: The information in the videos has been modified. The videos
were severely edited for pathos. This means that the creators of
the videos added words such as baby instead of fetus to make
the watcher feel emotional. The videos are known because they
talk about Planned Parenthood selling parts of the fetuses from
abortions. This is not true. Many questions about where Planned
Parenthood was sending their money to then arose. This lead to
defunding of many of the clinics around the nation. The fact is no
federal funding ever went to abortions. In addition, only 3% of
Planned Parenthood services were for abortion. This shows that
these videos were edited in order to discourage abortion and
create negative stigmas about Planned Parenthood.
The videos were made in order to create negative stigmas about
Planned Parenthood and abortion. Both have been very
controversial topics in U.S. history since the legalization of birth
control in the 1920s and Roe v Wade in the 1970s, which
legalized most abortions and created new federal abortion laws.
The main controversy of Planned Parenthood is abortion and the
morals behind it. Many believe that an abortion is killing a human
being. There is some debate to when a fetus becomes a human
though. This already controversial subject was made more touchy
when edited to make it sound like human children body parts
were being sold. This was not true. This created negative ideas of
abortion as well as Planned Parenthood. Because of this, many
states shut down Planned Parenthoods. This caused many women
to lose their source of birth control as well as sexual education.
PP clinics were also some of the only places to get an abortion.
These videos made it much more difficult for women to get birth
control and an abortion around the nation. It will forever change
how people view Planned Parenthood and abortion for the rest of
US History.

The first Planned Parenthood opened in 1916 and started

providing abortions in some clinics in 1969 even before Roe V.
Wade. There is a video where a worker of Planned Parenthood is
talking about selling baby parts. In the video, they show that
there is an application where you can order the baby parts. The
whole video was in five parts and in the video there was the CEO
as well as some other workers and the buyer talking about how
they get the parts and what they do with the baby parts. The
videos also say what they do with the money that the get from
selling the baby parts such as buying a fancy car. This lead to
many clinics around the nation closing because of strikes, new
laws, and other reasons. The FBI started an investigation of
Planned Parenthood and soon found that the videos were
false.Because of the videos, PP has stopped donating these parts
for research. Planned Parenthood then decided to investigate the
videos and the makers were soon found and revealed that all of
the videos were edited and false. Consequences are to come.

Planned Parenthood stands behind our work to help women and

families donate tissue for medical research when they wish to. It
is always their decision.
-Ceclie Richards, President of The Planned Parenthood Federation
of America (PPFA)
This relates to the this videos because Cecile Richards is saying
that they were donating the fetus tissue for research. What the
videos were saying is that Planned Parenthood was using baby
parts and selling them for profit. In this quote, it is very clear
that the fetal tissue was donate with family approval and was
used for medical research. Planned Parenthood previously would
donate parts of fetuses that were consensually aborted to
research centers. Here the parts would be used for their cells to
research things such as a cure for cancer. This was only allowed
to happen from three of all of the clinics in the U.S. This disproves
the video and has been verified by investigators.

Both of us had previously heard about the videos and watched

parts of them. We noticed they were very edited. It was hard for
us to think that anyone would believe these videos, but after
great thought, we realised why. People who already had negative
thoughts about abortion and Planned Parenthood for this easy. It
was something that confirmed their views making it more
acceptable. We have both benefited from Planned Parenthood in
different ways. We know that people need to see that Planned
Parenthood is not just about abortion. Its about protecting
health. You do not have to be Pro-Choice to be Pro-Planned

The Planned Parenthood

By Athena Schwartz and Esperanza

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