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Teaching and learning with digital technologies

The place of technology in education

In the view of teaching and learning with digital technologies, I subscribe to a
constructivist approach. To quote Dr George Siemens, 'Knowledge is a networked
process' (Siemens, 2014). This is to say that learning is continued and
strengthened through teaching approaches that utilise technology, such as blog
posts. As students read and then incorporate others knowledge and teachings
into their own.
With this knowledge of theory, this has furthered my understanding of the role
and place technology has in education. In regard to the amount of meaningful
learning that can take place as a result of its use. I believe there is also a large
amount of student learning that takes place in informal environments both with
and without technology (Siemens, 2005). With the help of these theories I can
now maximise meaningful student learning through a constructivist approach.

Interactive Whiteboards
In a word fantastic! Throughout my practical experiences I came to rely on the
white board with any number of lessons/teaching methods. The students loved it
too, in many cases they would also use it to present their news, and/or
information/videos they wished to share with the class. No question the benefits
far out way the drawbacks mentioned such as cost (Lancia, 2009, 270). A huge
asset to any classroom, particularly if you know how to get the most out of it.
Some quick advise about using them for young players, at the start of each day
in the classroom be sure to calibrate the touch interface. As any vibrations from
doors closing or students walking past it can knock it out and make it hard to

Bring your own device (BYOD)

It is through programs such as BYOD we keep our education system modern and
relevant to our students. A BYOD program enhances what could be described as

ordinary learning. For example, in order to use most devices, students must have
fluency with English. This enables students to develop and apply knowledge,
understanding and skills of ICT in their composing, responding and presenting as
part of the imaginative and critical thinking they undertake in English (English
syllabus, 2012).
There is also the delicate issue of how that BYOD program is implemented and
executed. Teachers and schools must always use these devices as a tool to
enhance learning, never to shelter it. In some cases teachers may encounter
difficulty incorporating technology into their curriculum, due to their own lack of
knowledge about the variety of different resources, devices, apps and programs.

QR codes
QR codes could be a great way to keep students interested in a topic and
continue to build on the learning experience. However, some teachers may be
reluctant to explore such a teaching method due to time constrictions or their
own lack of knowledge around this type of technological approach. Personally, it
would not be an approach I would use in my teaching.

Reference list
BoS, NSW, (2012). English K-10 Syllabus. Sydney: Author.

Lancia, J. (2009). Interactive Whiteboards: creating higher-level technological

thinkers?. Childhood
Education, 85(4), 270-272. Retrieved from
chResultsTy pe=SingleTab&inPS=true&userGroupName=csu_au&docId=GALE|

Roblyer, M., & Doering, A. (2014). Integrating Educational Technology into

Teaching: International
Edition, 6th Edition, Pearson.

Siemens, G. (2005). Connectivism: A learning theory for the digital age.

International Journal of
Instructional Technology and Distance Learning, 2(1),

Siemens, S. (2009). Overview of connectivism [ESC 407 Module 4]. Retrieved

29/4/16, from

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