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Picture Book Project: The Causes of World War I

In groups of four, you will create a picture book that illustrates four of the causes of World War I.
Each group member will be responsible for the following:
i) The name of your assigned cause and its definition.
ii) 1-2 sentences that include a clear, detailed, and complete explanation of how your
assigned cause contributed to the start of World War I.
iii) 1-2 sentences that include a clear, detailed, and complete description of why one of the
following countries became involved in World War I due to that cause.
You can choose one of the following countries (each group member must choose a
different one):
-Austro-Hungarian Empire
-Ottoman Empire
iv) A picture which needs to be historically accurate and matches with the sentences that
you wrote about your assigned cause. The picture can be hand-drawn or from the
internet. If you use an online source, you must reference it in your Works Cited list.
v) A properly-formatted, MLA-style Works Cited list (I will show you how to do this).
Hint: Use www.easybib.com
Your group will combine the pages of your picture book. The first page must include:

a title
all the names of your group members
an appropriate image that represents the content of your book

Check List
Here is a checklist for completing this project. You will turn in one copy of the completed checklist with your
picture book.
1. Nationalism (all items listed below should be on one page of the picture book).
Group Member's Name:_____________________________________________
Chosen country:___________________________________________________

Nationalism written on page

Definition of nationalism

1-3 sentences explaining how nationalism contributed to the start of World War I.

1-3 sentences explaining why nationalism led your chosen country to join World War 1.

One historically-accurate picture that matches the sentences you wrote about your assigned cause
and the reason why nationalism led your country to join World War I.

2. Alliances (all items listed below should be on one page of the picture book).
Group Member's Name:_____________________________________________
Chosen Country:___________________________________________________

Alliances written on page

Definition of alliances

1-3 sentences explaining how alliances contributed to the start of World War I.

1-3 sentences explaining why alliances led your chosen country to join World War I.

One historically-accurate picture that matches the sentences you wrote about alliances and the
reason why alliances led your country to join World War I.

3. Imperialism (all items listed below should be on one page of the picture book).
Group Member's Name: ____________________________________________
Chosen Country: __________________________________________________

Imperialism written on page

Definition of imperialism

1-3 sentences explaining how imperialism contributed to the start of World War I.

1-3 sentences explaining why imperialism led your chosen country to join World War I.

One historically-accurate picture that matches the sentences you wrote about imperialism and the
reason why imperialism led your country to join World War I.

4. Militarism/Arms Race (all items listed below should be on one page of the picture book).
Group Member's Name: ____________________________________________
Chosen Country: __________________________________________________

Militarism/Arms Race written on page

Definitions of militarism and arms race.

1-3 sentences explaining how militarism/arms race contributed to the start of World War I.

1-3 sentences explaining how militarism/arms race led your chosen country to join World War I.

One historically-accurate picture that matches the sentences you wrote about militarism/arms race
and the reason why militarism/arms race led your country to join World War I.

Name: _______________________________
Date: _______________________________
Class: _______________________________
Block: _______________________________
Response Questions
On a separate sheet of paper, answer the following questions:
1) Define nationalism.
2) How did nationalism contribute to the start of World War I?
3) Identify and explain how nationalism contributed to one country's involvement in World War I.
4) Define alliance.
5) How did alliances contribute to the start of World War I?
6) Identify and explain how alliances contributed to one country's involvement in World War I.
7) Define imperialism.
8) How did imperialism contribute to the start of World War I?
9) Identify and explain how imperialism contributed to one country's involvement in World War I.
10) Define militarism or arms race.
11) How did militarism or an arms race contribute to the start of World War I?
12) Identify and explain how militarism or an arms race contributed to one country's involvement in
World War I.

Group Mark

Front page (cover) includes title, names of group members, and an engaging image that clearly
illustrates the content of the picture book.
Four different countries were represented on each page.

Front page (cover) includes title, names of group members, and an engaging image that clearly
illustrates the content of the picture book.
Four different countries were represented on each page.

Front page (cover) includes title, names of group members, and an image that is relevant to the
content of the picture book.
Four different countries were represented on each page.

Front page (cover) includes title, names of group members, and an image that is relevant to the
content of the picture book.
Four different countries were represented on each page.

Front page (cover) includes title, names of group members, and an image that may be superficially
relevant to the content of the picture book.
Three different countries are represented on each page.

Front page (cover) may be missing a title, name of group members, or an image.
Less than three different countries represented on each page.
No picture book submitted.

Total Group Mark:


Individual Mark

Definition of assigned cause of World War I is accurate.

Explanations of the causes of World War I and a chosen country's involvement in World War I are
accurate and insightful.
Expression is clear with few flaws in communication.
Properly-formatted, MLA-style ,Works Cited List.

Definition of assigned cause of World War I is accurate.

Explanations of the causes of World War I and a chosen country's involvement in World War I are
accurate and thoughtfully developed.
Expression is generally fluent with few flaws in communication.
Properly-formatted, MLA-style ,Works Cited List.

Definition of assigned cause of World War I is accurate.

Explanations of the causes of World War I and a chosen country's involvement in World War I are
adequate and sufficiently developed.
Expression is sufficiently fluent; errors do not impede meaning.
Properly-formatted, MLA-style ,Works Cited List.

Definition of assigned cause of World War I is accurate.

Explanations of the causes of World War I and a chosen country's involvement in World War I are
present but minimally developed.
Expression is limited; errors may distract and impede meaning.
Properly-formatted, MLA-style, Works Cited List; all relevant information present with some errors.

Definition of assigned cause of World War I is present but inaccurate. May have chosen wrong
Some explanations of the causes of World War I and a chosen country's involvement in World War I
are very underdeveloped and/or inaccurate.
Expression is awkward; errors interfere with meaning.
Works Cited List; some information missing and/or with frequent errors.

Definition of assigned cause of World War I is absent or incorrect.

Many explanations of the causes of World War I and a chosen country's involvement in World War I
are lacking in development and/or inaccurate.
Expression is full of errors, making understanding difficult.
Works Cited list is absent.
No page submitted.

Total Individual Mark:


Total Picture Book Mark:


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