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Grande Prairie #.. Catholic Schools : Form 407-3 St. Patrick Catholic School. Grande Prairie, AB 2016/03/22 Evaluation for: Amanda Morrison Grade Assignment: 4, Schoot St. Patrick Catholic School Period of Review: January 4- March 18, 2016 Evaluation Date: 2016/03/22. Current Contract Type: Probationary Evaluator(s): Russ Snoble, Principal Teacher Evaluation Report Interim Certification Detailed Temporary __ Probationary _X_ Continuous _ Teacher Holding Interim Certification, Probationary or Temporary Contract Detailed KSA's Part 1 4. Introduction ‘The purpose of this evaluation is to determine whether Amanda Morrison's professional teaching practice meets the Teaching Quality Standard for Alberta, Grande Prairie & District Catholic Schools Administrative Procedure 407 - Teacher Growth, Supervision and Evaluation guides the evaluation process. A copy of this document is included with this letter. ‘The process followed for this evaluation included: * Discussion ahead of the visits for observation times which Feb. 1, 2016-and March 10, 2016. * Reviewed and discussed the pre-observation form 469 * Regular Pop In observations plus a minimum of 30 minute observation periods * Averbal conversation after the visit, at the end of the observation day. [Refer to Grande Prairie & District Catholic Schools Administrative Procedure 407: Teacher Growth, ‘Supervision and Evaluation, 3.3, 3.4 and 3.5.) State all sources of data used to determine the findings in this report. These can include: = Formal and informal classroom observations Long-range plans Examples of assessment LPP. Off-campus excursions Other sources identified by the teacher and supported by the evaluator 2. Historical Context ‘This is Amanda's second series of formal evaluations in this her second year of teaching here at St Patrick Catholic school. Amanda currently is teaching a straight Gr. 4 class. 3. Body of the Report The body of the report describes the information gathered and analyzes the data. It also makes recommendations. This information should be relevant to the KSA’s under review. It provides a complete picture of the teacher's performance that was observed for each KSA. Factual information is objectively described to explain the ‘findings’, whether the teacher meets or does. not meet the Knowledge, Skills and Attributes (KSA’s). The evaluator provides an analysis of the observation data. Overriding Goal The teacher lives a Christian lifestyle that supports the teachings of the Catholic Church and the policies adopted by Grande Prairie & District Catholic Schools. The teacher if Catholic: a) Is a practicing Catholic, b) Permeates Catholic faith in and outside of formal religion classes, celebrations and exercises, c) Follows a lifestyle and deportment in harmony with the Catholic church, its teachings and the principles of the Gospel, d) Undertakes periodic professional development related to Catholicity to fully support the spiritual development of students. The teacher, if not Catholic: a) Is respectful to the teachings and traditions of the Catholic church and understands that Catholic faith is permeated throughout the school and all subjects, b) Participates in religious celebrations and exercises as appropriate, c) Follows a lifestyle and deportment in harmony with the Catholic church, its teachings and the principles of the Gospel, d) Undertakes periodic professional development related to Catholicity to ful support the spiritual development of students. ‘Amanda is a very active and involved teacher in our Catholic faith here at St. Patrick ‘school, She is constantly setfing the example in her classroom of the upcoming activities in our church year for her students to learn and participate in, she regularly signs up to participate the greeters role at St Joseph Church, she regularly leads the staff moming prayers and regularly attends our Sunday mass celebrations. x Amanda meets the overriding goal. teacher's name does not meet the overriding goal Knowledge, Skills and Attributes (KSA’s) related to Interim Certification: 2) Teachers understand that the contextual variables affect teaching and learning. They know how to analyze many variables at one time, and how to respond by making reasoned decisions about their teaching practice and students’ learning Finding: ‘Amanda is keenly aware if the cultural and learning diversities that exist within her ‘classroom. Her planning and instruction is so well prepared that no such distinctions are noticed and each’s child's learning needs are always provided for. X Amanda meets this KSA. teacher's name does not meet this KSA. Regulation’, A R:261/90 as amended and their school authority's teacher's eval Findings: sd for Certification in the ‘Amanda understands the expectations that are req province of Alberta X Amanda meets this KSA. (teacher's name does not meet this KSA. c) Teachers understand the purpose of the Guide to Education and programs of the specialization of subject disciplines they are prepared to teach. They know Findings: | Amanda has provided extensive planning and preparation for her classes this year, | which has included the utlization of the Guide to Education. These plans will serve as a rich resource should she be teaching Gr. 4 next year. X Amanda meets this KSA. C1 teacher's name does not meet this KSA. 4) Teachers understand the subject disciplines they teach. They have compl program of studies through which they acquire the knowledge, concepts, mi assumptions in one of more areas of specialization or subject disciplines schools, Findings: The two classes | observed this evaluation period demonstrated just how much Amanda knows of the curriculum, outcomes, and assessment strategies that need to be involved in the instruction ofthe fwo subject areas ( LA.figurative language and Fine Arts- positive and negative spaces). b) Teachers understand the structure of the Alberta Education System, They know the different oles in the system, and how responsibilities and accountabilities are determined, communicated and enforced, including the expectations held of them under the “Certification of Teachers luation policy. study germane to how to use these documents to inform and direct their planning, instruction and assessment of student progress. leted @ structured rethodologies, and taught in Alberta X Amanda meets this KSA. teacher's name does not meet this KSA. ®) Teachers understand that all students can learn, albeit at different rates and in different ways. They know how (including when and how to engage others) to identify students’ different learning styles and ways students lea. They understand the need to respond to differences by creating multiple paths to learning for individuals and groups of students, including students with special learning needs. ‘Amanda has a very rich understanding of differentiated instruction and utilizes that knowiedge to help each of her students move towards mastery leaming, regardless of subject area, X Amanda meets this KSA. 1 teacher's name does not meet this KSA. Teachers understand the purposes of short, medium and long term range planning. They know how to translate curriculum and desired outcomes into reasoned, meaningful, and incrementally progressive learning opportunities for students. They also understand the need to vary their plans to accommodate individuals and groups of students. dings: | Amanda's planning is thorough and well thought out. Her planning incudes not only | the curriculum and outcomes but the individual students differences, the groupings, the time frame for the grouping, the materials needed, the environmental space needed for the instruction, assessment straits and links to other curriculum. Great work Amanda X Amanda meats this KSA \ [teacher's name does not meet this KSA 9) Teachers understand students’ needs for physical, social, cultural, and psychological security They know how to engage students in creating effective classroom routines. They know how and when to apply a variely of management strategies that is in keeping with the situation and that provide for minimal disruptions fo students’ learning, Findings: ‘Amanda has a very keen interest and understanding of each of her students. Her strong relationship with them enables her to move very easily in and out of her class subject areas and activities with ease and fiuiity. X Amanda meets this KSA. teacher's name does not meet this KSA h) Teachers understand the importance of respecting students’ human digeity. They know how to establish, with different students, professional relationships that are characterized by mutual respect, trust, and harmony. Findings: ‘Amanda has a wide variety of students with diverse cultural backgrounds, economic concems and learning needs and does not demonstrate any kind of discrimination. X Amanda meets this KSA. { T1__ teacher's name does not meet this KSA. i) Teachers understand that there are many approaches to teaching and learning. They know a broad range of instructional strategies appropriate to their area of specialization and the subject discipline they teach, and know which strategies are appropriate to help different students achieve different outcomes. Findings: ‘Amanda has provided a wide variety of instructional strategies based on her research of what a 21" Century classroom looks like and this has greatly impacted her success as a classroom teacher. X Amanda meets this KSA. (teacher's name does not meet this KSA. J) Teachers understand the functions of traditional and electronic teachinglleaming technologies. ‘They know how to use and how to engage students in using these technologies to present and deliver content, communicate effectively with others, find and secure information, research, word process, manage information, and keep records, Amanda makes great use of technology, SMART boards, | Pads, etc. in her classroom instruction X Amanda meets this KSA. | 11 teacher's name does not meet this KSA. K) Teachers understand the purposes of student assessment. They know how to assess the range of learning objectives by selecting and developing a variety of classroom and large-scale ‘assessment techniques and instruments. They know how to analyze the results of classroom and large scale assessment instruments including provincial assessment instruments, and how to use the results for the ultimate benefit of students. Findings: ‘Amanda provides a wide variety of assessment strategies in each of her subject areas both to inform her instruction and to pian her summative information for each child, Great work Amanda X Amanda meets this KSA. teacher's name does not meet this KSA. }) Teachers understand the Importance of engaging parents, purposefully and meaningfully, in all aspects of teaching and leaming. They know how to develop and implement strategies that ‘create and enhance partnerships among teachers, parents, and students. Findings: ~ ‘Amanda regularly communicates with her parents in newsletters, emails, etc. what is going on in her classroom and what the students are learning, X Amanda meets this KSA 1 teacher's name does not meet this KSA. m) Teachers understand that student learning is enhanced through the use of home and community resources. They know how to identify resources relevant to teaching and learning objectives, and how to incorporate these resources into their teaching and students’ leaming. Findings: ‘Amanda has made a very strong effort to engage many different aspects of her classroom objectives in her parent communications, home reading programs, ete. X Amanda meets this KSA, 11 teacher's name does not meet this KSA. leseassesta n) Teachers understand the importance of contributing, independently and collegially to the quality of their school. They know the strategies whereby they can, independently and collegially, enhance and maintain the quality of their schools to the benefit of students, parents, community, and colleagues. sssieEeseEIEEEEEE Findings: ‘Amanda has made a very strong effort to be involved in most of the activities of the school throughout the school year, which now even includes being a badminton coach for our students. X Amanda meets this KSA teacher's name does not meet this KSA. 0) _Teachers understand the importance of career long learning. They know how to assess their own teaching and how to work with others responsible for supervising and evaluating teachers. They know how to use the findings of assessments, supervision, and evaluations to select, develop ‘and implement their own professional development activites. Findings: ‘Amanda has done a great job of working on her professional learning goals and has provided some wonderful class instruction crossing over several curriculums at the same time. X Amanda meets this KSA. 1 teacher's name does not meet this KSA. P) Teachers understand the importance of guiding their actions with a personal, overall vision of the purpose of teaching. They are able to communicate their vision, including how it has changed as a result of new knowledge, understanding, and experience Finding ‘Amanda clearly has a passion and love for teaching demonstrated in her planning, delivery of lesson and celebration of the students learning. Great to see in action Amanda, X Amanda meets this KSA. (1 teacher's name does not meet this KSA, q) _ Teachers understand that they are expected to achieve the Teaching Quality Standard. Findings: ‘Amanda has reviewed with me the requirements of the TOS and what is expected of her asa teacher. X Amanda meets this KSA. teacher's name does not meet this KSA. 4. Areas for Continued Growth and Development ‘Amanda has had a very successful and rewarding teaching experience here at St. Pats this year. She has become an exemplary teacher and | wish her all the very best in her teacher career ahead. ‘The following recommendations arise from the data generated through the evaluation process used in the development of this report. To improve professional practice, it is recommended that... 5, Conclusion In my opinion, at this time and in this assignment, Amanda Morrison's professional practice meets the ‘expectations contained in the Teaching Quality Standard for Alberta based on my observations and data collected. Ifthe teacher meets the Teaching Quality Standard, Part 1 of the evaluation is complete. shoes, p Klrwble. Tarek 22fotrl Rus$ Snoble, Principal 2016/0: Erauator 720-539-7434 russsnoble@gpcsd.ca | certify that I have: + Been apprised in advance of the purpose, process, criteria and timeline used in the development ofthis report Been given a copy of the report Been given the opportunity to discuss its content Been advised that itis my right to respond to the report in writing Received a copy of Grande Prairie & District Catholic Schools Admi Teacher Growth, Supervision and Evaluation + Received a copy of the Teaching Quality Standard, Ministerial Order #016/97 rative Procedure 407: ANunanen _ March 22 / Ho ‘Amanda Morrison, Teacher 2016/03/22 cc: Employee Personnel File Karl Germann, Superintendent of Schools Greg Miller, Assistant Superintendent, Human Resources and Learning Julie Juniper, Human Resources 3013

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