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Sam Sharpe teachers College

In partial completion of a Bachelors Degree in Primary Education

Name: Stephane Allen

Course: Education Technology
Lecture: Ms. Colyard
Date: April 18, 2016

Philosophy of Education
According to Wikipedia, Education is the process of facilitating learning, or the acquisition of
knowledge, skills, values, beliefs, and habits. Educational methods include storytelling,
discussion, teaching, training, and directed research. Education frequently takes place under the
guidance of educators, but learners may also educate themselves. Education can take place in
formal or informal settings and any experience that has a formative effect on the way one thinks,
feels, or acts may be considered educational. The methodology of teaching is called pedagogy.
To me, teaching our children of the future: Doctors, Lawyers, Entrepreneur etc. is a job that I
take very seriously. To me, and this is not because I am a part of the teachers population, but it is
by far the most fun, refreshing, warm feeling you get when surrounded by young minds who I
must say, says the darnest things and is always excited to try new things without hesitation .
However, there are days when it can get a little hectic, but for the most part the good always
outweighs the bad even on our not so good days. It is a job that is also full of excitement,
wonder, and joy and I would never trade it for the world.
I strongly believe that every children are capable of learning, if they have the right motivation
and someone who is around to lead them in the right direction from their teachers, parents, aunts
uncles and members of their community. My personal goal as a teacher in training is to
challenge my future classroom students and watch them grow to their full potential. I want to
take students at different levels and see them develop together for the betterment of each
individual. This is why I believe as teachers and educators we should practice giving our students
group work because this is the key to having a successful class. Group work teaches students to
work together with their fellow classmates or even students outside of their classroom. It also

teaches them how to value and respect others opinion and to learn that there are more than one
way to get things done.
It is my duty to see that all my students are being motivated; this is only fair to the students.
They deserve my time and full attention in regards to their education. I also want to create a
classroom that is a safe learning environment for all.
This is my promise to every student I will have the privilege of teaching:
I promise to care about you.
I promise to be patient with you.
I promise to help you when you are struggling.
I promise to be fair and consistent.
I promise to enjoy teaching you.
I promise to believe in you.
I promise to make learning fun and meaningful.
I promise that I will challenge you to be your very best.
I promise that I will never give up on you.

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