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Benchmark #5: Answering Your Research Questions

Due Date: May 13, 2016

Directions: Using your research and Cornell Notes, use the best information you found from
your sources to answer your research questions. Follow the steps below:
1) Copy and paste the sources you used for your notes into the Source box and
number each source
2) Take the questions you used during your research and paste one question into
each row on the left hand side
3) Answer the questions on the right hand side of the table (provide source
numbers for where you found your answers)
4) Figure out what you and your group still needs to learn and research more about
and what new questions you have.

Mr. Rutherfords Example:

Questions and Answers:
1)What inventions/innovations
did the ancient Romans

The Romans invented and innovated aqueducts, roads, arches,

amphitheaters and concrete. (Sources 1,3,5) The Romans also invented
and innovated sewer systems and the Julian Calendar (Sources 2,4)

What do you still need to learn more about?

Question you still have:
How were the Roman inventions built?
What materials did the Romans use to build
these inventions

Information you still need to learn

I still need to learn more about how these
inventions worked and what they were used for.
I also need to find out the causes of
building these inventions and innovations and the

effects these innovations had on Romans.

Your Work
1) http://www.mrdowling.com/702rome.html
2) http://www.historyforkids.net/roman-gladiators.html
3) http://www.dkfindout.com/us/history/ancient-rome/
4) http://quatr.us/romans/games/circus.htm
5) http://www.ancient.eu/gladiator/
6) http://www.ducksters.com/history/ancient_roman_arena_entertainment.php
7) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Roman_wars_and_battles
8) http://www.ducksters.com/history/ancient_roman_wars_battles.php
9) http://www.ducksters.com/history/ancient_rome_army_legions.php

Questions and Answers:


Answers (Source #)

How did Rome

change as a result of their

After the wars Rome grew into a large city-state by adding the land of
their conquered enemies to themselves. They also inflicted their
customs into conquered lands. They would also lose some of their
because they got taken by other countries. In addition, any damage to
their villages had to be rebuilt. Also, the Romans had a strong civilization
because most of their wars were successful and they got many of their
needs from the civilizations they defeated in battle.(source 1) (source 7)
(source 8)

How did Rome reach

its great power?

The Roman army was the backbone of the Roman Empire and one of the
most successful armies in world history. It was well-trained, wellequipped, and well-organized. In order to guard such a large empire, the
army took advantage of well built Roman roads to move about the
empire quickly. (Source 9)

How was Rome able

to conquer other cities?

Rome was able to conquer other cities because they had a strong group
of soldiers on their hands( they had strong people to protect their
civilization).Romes massive amount of manpower allowed them to
continue fighting despite tremendous losses. (source 1)

What changed about

Rome because of the army?

Rome was always in so many wa]s because they had such a large army
that it was affecting their civilization, but the Romans decided that since
they had a good army they could stick it out there. (source 7)

What did they do to

the cities they conquered?

When they won a war they would destroy that city. (Source 1)

How was Rome able

to expand its territory?

Rome was able to expand their territory because they had an army that
would raid civilizations and that's how they got extra resources and the.

What was necessary

for survival in everyday
Rome for the gladiators?

The gladiators had to fight and survive so that they can one day return
home. Their owners provided them food if they made it to the end of the
fight. The gladiators would eat a certain diet that consisted of mostly
vegetarian meals and would work out and train in their dorm with the
weapons and armor that fit their skill set, when they werent fighting in
the arena. The Roman gladiators had to win every battle using any
means possible. (source 6) (source 5)(source 4) (source 2) (source 3)

Why did people

become gladiators?

People became gladiators because they were either slaves, former

slaves, and condemned prisoners. Also gladiators had a short life
expectancy because their fights were to the death. People also
volunteered to be a gladiator. (Source 5)

What did gladiators

have to do to survive in

Gladiators had to fight to their death in everyday Rome but if they

survived they kept going.

What changed about

Rome because of the
gladiators fights?

Rome had a source of entertainment so most people went to go see

them in the arena. The Romans had another source of entertainment for
the plebeians so they wouldnt rebel. It changed some of Romes religion
because the Romans believed that the gods enjoyed watching them
fight. Rome began to have classes throughout the Roman empire that
taught people how to be gladiators and they had scouts to find people
who met the standards of a gladiator. Roman began to become a more
populated area because people from other places would come to see the
gladiator fights. People in Rome that were wealthy would pay for the
fights in order to gain popularity. (source 6) (source 5) (source 4) (source
2) (source 3)

What were gladiators

and what did they do?

A gladiator was a professional fighter that specialized in weapons and

fought in arenas against other gladiators. (Source 5)

How did Gladiator

fights connect to religion.

It connects to religion because the Romans believed that the gods

enjoyed watching gladiator fights.

What did they do

with the people they
captured from war.

They would kill them or sell them into slavery from conquered cities or
victorious wars. Some of the people captured from wars and sold into
slavery would become gladiators. (source 1)

What wars were

Rome in that were started
by other countries.

Both the Third Servile War and the Punic Wars were caused by other
countries. (Source 8)

What wars were

caused by the Romans and

A couple of examples of wars caused by the romans, are the punic war:
this war was caused because the romans were expanding their land and

what started them.

they were going to expand into the Carthaginian empire grounds

because the romans wanted material called Sicily, the battle of
Cynoscephalae, and the caesars civil war.

What areas did Rome Rome at one point took over the entire italian peninsula by 264 B.C.E and
continued expanding into parts of Greece, Spain, Africa, and even
surrounding islands by 146 B.C.E.


What do you still need to learn more about?
Questions you still have:
What strategies did the Romans
use in wars and why did they use them?
What types of gladiators are there
and what strategies did each type use?
Why did Rome engage in so many
What caused the Romans to enjoy
gladiator fights so much.

Information you still need to learn

We need to learn more about the wars Rome was
engaged in.
We need to find out about leaders in certain wars.
We need to learn about major events that occurred
with the gladiators.

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