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The Drastic Impact of Low Self Esteem

Emely Ortiz

Senior Seminar
Stacy Joslin
January 14, 2016
Intro75% of girls with low self-esteem reported engaging in negative activities like cutting,
bullying, smoking, drinking, or disordered eating. (PR Newswire Association LLC). Low self

esteem continues to impact the lives of female teenagers because of the constant pressures they
feel. Self esteem issues have continued to rise, in all society, especially in females. One reason
is that self esteem issues arise from pressure including parents, church and the media. Parents
always want the best for their child and set high standards. When a child feels as if they have let
down their parents, they immediately have negative feelings about themselves. Along with
pressure from their parents teenagers also feel pressure from the media. The media has
consistently confused females to have unrealistic expectations of what to look like. Although
social media has had a lasting impact on females and their self esteem there are other problems
in regards to self esteem issues that need to be explored. The rise in social media use has had a
dramatic effect on self esteem, therefore it is imperative that the media's unrealistic expectations
of females stops.

Background Section
Self esteem has been an issue that has impacted the lives of many teens over the years.
Writers for the National Health Services in the UK help define self esteem and its impacts, Selfesteem is the opinion we have of ourselves. When we have healthy self-esteem, we tend to feel
positive about ourselves and about life in general. It makes us able to deal with lifes ups and
downs better (National Health Service). Contrary to healthy self esteem poor self esteem would
be the cause of looking negatively on oneself and actions. Unfortunately, no solutions have been
able to permanently solve the issue of poor self esteem. A policy editor, Daniel Boffey states,
Females within the age range of 12-13 scored the highest on the low self esteem bracket
(Boffey). Low self esteem starts off with children during their adolescent years. Nearly two in
three (62%) girls of the same age, and 53% of 12- and 13-year-olds would like to lose weight

( Boffey). A study has shown that at ages 14 to 16, 51% of girls are unhappy with their
appearance, and even after that age, 52% are still unhappy (Meikle). Questioning body issues is
a cause of low self esteem because it shows that women are unhappy and are going to extreme
measures to become who the media wants them to become. From a young age females begin to
question their body, looks and ideas because of what they have learned. Teens are brought up
watching television and seeing women in only negative limelight. Women are brought up with
the mindset that they need to compete with one another. Unfortunately, this leads to show that
women are struggling with low self esteem issues.
Self esteem issues have had a big impact on young girls. Although there are many causes
for the excessive number of self esteem issues, the media is the leading factor in its severity.
The media is making teenagers feel that if they dont look a certain way they arent beautiful,
which causes some teenagers to become depressed: with low self- esteem(Gunanathan). The
media has caused women to believe that they arent beautiful. In some cases it is triggering
women to become depressed about themselves. Females today are struggling to acknowledge the
difference between real beauty and the beauty society has forced upon them. Teenagers today's
struggle to see that what the media presents as what a women looks like is not how all women do
look like. Rebecca Adams a writer for The Huffington Post claims Its estimated that people see
up to 5,000 ads a day, many of which depict women in sexually objectifying ways(Adams).
Women will most likely see at least one commercial sexually presenting women in their span of
watching television. The idea that women are seeing the way that they are represented in the
media does not help with boosting positive self esteem. In fact, Most teenage girls wouldnt be
able to recognize the difference between real and fake, attainable and impossible, and natural
beauty and faux beauty(Gunanathan.) Low self esteem stems from unrealistic expectations of

females by the media. Two Congressional representatives, Lois Capps and Ileana Ros-Lehtinen
are hoping for a change in the media stating The dissemination of unrealistic body standards has
been linked to eating disorders among men and women of varying age groups, but it has a
particularly destructive health effect on children and teenagers(Ressler). Women struggling with
eating disorders show a lack of acceptance of themselves. Because of the medias unrealistic
expectations. Low self esteem may start off with the media, but everyone, including society plays
a major role as to why it is has become an epidemic.
Children, specifically have an extremely difficult time suffering with low self esteem.
Low self esteem can affect, a person's life forever. Once a child suffers from low self esteem for
an extended period of time depression may come over them (McClure).Children are now
suffering with depression because of the intensity of low self esteem and its effect. Another
negative other effect of low self esteem is that It has been linked to affect children/teenage
development (McClure). As well as depression, low self esteem can cause developmental issues
within children and teenagers. Society needs to start to focus on the children and helping them
and then focusing on making an impact on teens.
Children are suffering with the drastic effects of self esteem. Along with the effects of
low self esteem what also needs to be mentioned are one of the most important causes of low self
esteem. The effects of how the media impacts low self esteem. Goddie Gommow, a writer for
Alternet states, of 298 users, 50 percent said social media made their lives and their self-esteem
worse. Women are believing the ideas the media is spreading which is causing them to be
unhappy. At ages 14 to 16, 51% of girls are unhappy with their appearance. And beyond 16,
52% are still unhappy (Meikle). Females are showing that they struggle with accepting
themselves. The media is the main reason why teenagers hold themselves to a higher standard, a

standard that some say is unattainable. Low self esteem impacts the lives of children and teens
both emotionally and socially. Children who have high self-esteem have an easier time handling
conflicts, resisting negative pressures, and making friends (Developing Your Childs Self
Esteem). Children who have higher self esteem are statistically proven to handle life in an
easier way. All children have problems in their lifetime but those who show higher self esteem
tend to succeed more during these problem times.
Many children view themselves as unfit because of the media. Children continue to grow
up with unrealistic expectations trying to look like women on television. The medias harmful
effect on the self body image and self esteem of young girls has brought about some of these
three damaging effects: eating disorders, mental depression, and physical depression(Schlegel).
Individuals continue to accept the media's portrayal of women and continue to see our children
suffer. Unfortunately the world continues to see an increase in low self esteem among our
Expectations can come from many sources
Teenagers, specifically, have suffered from many factors that lead to low self-esteem.
Self-esteem is influenced by many factors, , ... Self-esteem is formed from many sources,
including parents, friends, teachers, religious leaders, and from experiences in the home, school,
and church(Religious Studies Center). However, expectations that come from parents and even
religion can cause lasting impressions.
Women who are religious tend to admire their churchs expectations and principles.
When believing in a higher power there are certain rules to follow. Once a teenager breaks the
rules or doesn't follow them, they often feel guilty. A study conducted showed, The young
respondents base their self-esteem, not on their own personal values -- which seem to have little

or no influence on their self-regard -- but on the fulfillment of the value priorities of other
individuals in their cultural environments. (CNRS). Self esteem is derived from students feeling
as if they arent good enough. Self esteem can also be the cause of individuals valuing outside
environments (Religion) more than their own. Although the message behind religion isnt meant
to make someone feel guilty, that is what may happen.
After breaking a rule from the church, teenagers can start looking negatively at
themselves. The strict enforcement of the church comes from two parties; the church itself and
parents. If parents are brought up going to church and following strict rules, one might tend to
feel guilt easily. There are going to be two sides to the effect of self esteem. Parents can help a
child's self esteem, as stated by Child's development info, Parents, more than anyone else, can
promote their childs self-esteem.(Must-Read Advice For Parents On Teenagers Self Esteem).
When doing something wrong one may think they are being looked down upon by the
authoritarian figure which then leads to their self esteem being hurt. Authority figures are
powerful in the aspect that they can hurt and improve a childs self esteem. When praised by an
authoritarian figure ones self esteem increases drastically. In the same aspect one's reprimanded
by the authoritarian figure one's self esteem is affected drastically. Teenagers put constant
pressures on themselves to always do the right thing which evolves from trying to always do
better for any authority figure.
Religion is not something that all teenagers are in tune with. Religious individual often
strive to be the best version of themselves they can be. Religion may impact a female's self
esteem in a negative light but it can also postivley affect a teenagers self esteem. Religion can be
a positive activity for teenagers to engage in. A study conducted by the Religious Study Center
found that, It seems that a teens feelings about his or her relationship with God and affirming

spiritual experiences authenticate feelings of personal worth (Religious Studies Center). They
can also work in the opposite way because the guilt correlating with any type of religion goes
deeper than any other guilt. Once you feel that you have disappointed an authority figure, the
outlook on yourself becomes more and more negative. ....youth who engaged in personal prayer
and scripture reading experienced validation of their self-worth because these activities also
foster a personal relationship with their Heavenly Father(Religious Studies Center). Faith is a
great getaway for teens who are involved in their religion. Because of the challenges they face in
keeping with the teaching of the religion, there can be negative consequences.
Along with the positive aspects of religion, there is also the argument of religion hurting
females and their self esteem. Marlene Winell and Valerie Tarico both physcologists states this
regarding self esteem and religion connection, ...most of the damage is far more subtle: lower
self-esteem, less independence and confidence; abandoned dreams and goals, (Marlene Winell
and Valerie Tarico) because religion can be both a retreat for teenagers as well as a cause for the
large numbers of low self esteem shown in women. People with low self esteem on the other
hand believe that admitting you got it wrong means that you lack ability and competence so they
push the blame on others(11 Low Self Esteem Signs With Tips on Overcoming Them).
Although religion has been proven to increase the number of those impacted by low self esteem,
it also helps to benefit those same individuals. Religion can help teens by giving them someone
to believe and giving them someone to talk to when needed. Religion is an outlet than teens seek
out when they feel as if they needed recognition by a higher power.
Along with the love they outpour, parents can also have a negative effect on a teenagers
self esteem. Parents along with church and religion hold teenagers to high standards. Statistics
prove that, Children may absorb negative energies from parents arguing. (Lachmann) Parents

can affect their childs happiness which is directly related to their self esteem. Along with
happiness, teenagers also suffer from pressures from their parents. Along with the pressure to get
good grades and be an active member in the community, teens also feel the guilt that parents put
on them to help around the house. Parents continue to push teens to be the best and continue to
be better. Parents can also affect their children's view themselves; as parents may put pressure on
their child.Teenagers are being suffocated to be a perfect childwhich is an unrealistic
expectation. Chris Williams, A Professor of Psychosocial Psychiatry at the University of
Glasgow states that, Low self-esteem often changes peoples behaviour in ways that act to
confirm the person isnt able to do things or isnt very good. Low self esteem is linked to
making individuals change their behavior. Along with this low self esteem makes people feel as
if they arent able to reach their full potential.
The impact that parents and religion have put on teenagers may or may not hurt them in
the long run. Once a teenager fails at being the best, they get negative consequences from their
parents. The self esteem institute claims, Thus the first few years of a child's life sets the stage
for this view of self and thereafter affects how his entire life is based. (Cognitive Symptoms &
Consequences of Low Self-Esteem) Along with the negative consequences, guilt comes into play
when the teenager evaluates their self worth. Teenagers feel pressure to continue to be better
from parents, church and the media. The constant pressure is the reason why teenagers,
specifically females, have been struggling with low self esteem for so many years.
Low self esteem is a concept that is difficult for researchers to understand and try to help.
Although it may be difficult, low self esteem has impacted many teens and hopefully there are
ways to decrease those numbers. Researchers have tried finding out how low self-esteem has
risen rather than how to stop it. A key aspect in stopping low self esteem starts with the children

themselves. From a young age children are paired against one another and compared to each
other. One of the problems with self esteem is teaching children at a young age to compare
themselves to other students. Aspen Education Group states, Peer pressure tends to have more
of an effect on children with low self-esteem(Peer Pressure). This is the reason why children
need to stop comparing themselves with their peers. Peer Pressure involves children comparing
themselves to other students but it can also involve the pressure coming from parents.
Parents contribute to the pressures children may feel about themselves. Studies from the
Academic Pediatrics prove Parents have a large role in their childs self esteem (McClure).
Parents are under the impression that self esteem is an issue that arises at school or the media. In
reality, parents help shape their childs self esteem. Parents need to realize that children just want
someone to talk to. Children and teens who suffer from low self esteem dont just get there
To help solve the issue of why low self esteem is so high among females the core needs
to be found. People and the media have the largest input on why females and males experience a
large gap in low self esteem. We also need to start during a female's toughest years suffering
from low self esteem; high school. Letting females talk things out one on one about issues
regarding self esteem might help them get a better grip on the real issues.
The consequences of poor self esteem
The media has had the biggest impact on the increase in low self esteem. Eating
disorders are a major effect that slowly follows after one suffers from low self esteem. Eating
disorders are the effect of low self esteem. Fister and Smith found that the association between
initial risk for disordered eating and subsequent thinness expectancy endorsement was much
smaller in an average-size model image-viewing group than in a controlled or thin model image-

viewing group(Schlegel.) When women have a negative outlook on the themselves it leads to
the higher risk of the fatal effects of low self esteem. Realizing they arent good enough,
adolescents then may engage in dieting. Dieting at a young age may lead to future eating
disorders. According to a 2002 survey, 28% of girls in grade nine and 29% in grade ten engaged
in weight-loss behaviours (Statistics). During high school girls are criticized at a high rate by
both the media and society. Overall, the media leads teens into having self-esteem issues that will
end up in a dangerous lifestyle.
Women are now also facing the backlash of how women are portrayed in the media.
Stephanie Berberick a student at the University of Buffalo states, Yet, when a woman gazes at
an airbrushed beauty wishing for the model's thighs or slender hips she fails to register that the
image she sees before her is not real(Berberick.) The media is causing women to not be able to
identify what is real and what is not anymore. Along with identifying the truth women are also
struggling with the idea of how women in the media may achieve that figure. Women may
directly model unhealthy eating habits presented in the media such as fasting or purging because
the media-portrayed thin ideal body type is related to eating pathology(Schlegel). Unhealthy
eating habits that are the effect of unrealistic body image in the media is leading to women
becoming unhealthy. The media is causing women to want to become as skinny as the media is
portraying woman to be.
Children who suffer from low self esteem can end up leading a more dangerous lifestyle.
For example, pregnancy can be an outcome for women suffering with low self esteem. Even so,
Research has also shown that low self-esteem has been linked to an increased risk of teenage
pregnancy (McLeod). Low self esteem is contributing to teens engaging in dangerous
behaviors. As a result of the risky behaviors and their poor self esteem Teenage pregnancy is an

epidemic becomes an epidemic in society. One of the main causes of teenage pregnancy is the
high number of those suffering with low self esteem. High school is the time when teenagers
start to experiment with dating and low self esteem plays a major role in these new relationships.
Unfortunately young girls who suffer from low self esteem may exhibit risky dating behaviors.
Along with substance abuse another risky behavior caused by poor self esteem is sexual
intercourse that one may later come to regret. Sexual intercourse is an intimate and physical
activity that for those suffering with low self esteem will do without a thought. According to Do
Something.org a youth self esteem organization Teen girls that have a negative view of
themselves are 4 times more likely to take part in activities with boys that they've ended up
regretting later(11 Facts About Teens and Self Esteem). Girls are engaging in unsafe behavior
which they will end up regretting later in life. Low self esteem is causing females to do activities
which they normally wouldnt do if they hadnt had poor self esteem.

One of the dangerous effects of low self esteem is substance abuse. Many individuals
may look to alcohol as a solution to overcoming low self esteem issues. The alcohol rehab group
claims Many of those who are dealing with low self-esteem will turn to substance abuse
because it offers a temporary solution to their problems(Addiction and Low self esteem). Self
esteem is causing individuals to turn to risky behavior to help deal with the issue. Self esteem is
an issue that many effects branch off from. The drastic impacts of low self esteem are causing
individuals to turn to substances that they believe will help them cope with issues. Substance
abuse is a dangerous lifestyle and impacts many individuals. According to the Substance Abuse
and Mental Health Services Administrations (SAMHSAs) National Survey on Drug Use and
Health,1 23.5 million persons aged 12 or older needed treatment for an illicit drug or alcohol

abuse problem in 2009(Treatment Statistics). Substance abuse doesnt only impact the lives of
older individuals it can impact the lives of teenagers as well. Substance abuse is a common
illness which is impacting the lives of individuals of all ages.
Besides the media, individuals also have a large input on why women's low self esteem
levels continue to rise. Humans themselves push one another down hoping to go further within
themselves. Thomas Corley explains that individuals are becoming selfish and putting blame on
other individuals. Today, individuals only worry about themselves and what more they can do for
themselves. The selfishness of people continue to impact self esteem levels. Individuals have no
trouble pushing others down and hurting their feelings for their own well being. Putting the
blame on others rather than accepting responsibility when things go wrong is one of the low self
esteem signs.(11 Low Self Esteem Signs With Tips on Overcoming Them) Realizing that people
have a major input in why females have low self esteem rate is a step in the right direction.
People with low self esteem on the other hand believe that admitting you got it wrong means
that you lack ability and competence so they push the blame on others(11 Low Self Esteem
Signs With Tips on Overcoming Them). Low self esteem is causing individuals to push blame on
others and to inevitably become selfish. The media continues to pressure eating disorders and
selfishness on individuals but it is now time for a change.
Society and its unrealistic expectations of females
Society has changed and evolved over the years but one effect that has stayed consistent;
society continues to portray women unrealistically. One study found, The average American
woman is 5'4" and weighs 140 pounds. The average American model is 5'11" and weighs 117
pounds. Most fashion models are thinner than 98% of American women (Smolak.) Women are
supposed to meet an expectation that 98% cant expect to meet. Women shouldn't strive to be an

unattainable weight and height simply because society believes that is the ideal characteristics.
However, unattainable expectations are degrading to all woman.
The average size model is representing a unrealistic size for females which is
contributing to the high number of eating disorders. Although self esteem may be an effect of
how women view themselves, society also impacts how women view themselves. Society has
always influenced the lives of teenagers. Society continues to degrade women which then leads
them to be seen as sex objects.
Unfortunately, women are subject to the medias harsh ideal images and many are
developing unhealthy eating habits. The images the media is portraying women to look like is
not what most women look like. The media constant stress of how females should look like
contribute to the severity of low self esteem. The media puts such an intense pressure on young
girls today to look like the ideal image(Schlegel). Woman start believing that this is all they
are good for. Society is setting women up to fail at the expectation of what a woman should
look like. Failing to reach expectations makes anyone feel as if they arent good enough. Society
and the media have led women to believe that they will never be good enough.
Eventually, teens become so engulfed in what the media says that they lose part of who
they are in hopes of becoming someone that doesnt even exist(Gunanathan.) The media
impacts the lives of teenagers because teens soon become attached to what the media says.
Teenagers are becoming obsessed with the media and its negative images for females to look up
The fact is that society has changed women's perspective and made them more fearful of
being their true self. Being fat has become a fear that so many women have because it would
make them feel ugly or less attractive. The ideal image of what a female should look like is a

major issue when discussing low self esteem. The media contributes to why women have poor
self esteem by only portraying women sexually and only look a certain way. Women are proven
to be less favorable than men according to the way they both are portrayed in the media. As low
self esteem rates rise for females but drop or stay the same for males. A sizable minority of
adults (45%) still say that society favors men over women(Chapter 2: Equal Treatment for Men
and Women.) Women and men can now both agree that women are placed in the media to be
sexaualized. One study found,Although boys and girls report similar levels of self-esteem
during childhood, a gender gap emerges by adolescence, in which adolescent boys have higher
self-esteem than adolescent girls (Robins et al., 2002). The way the media has portrayed women
has left them feeling inferior to men.
To help solve the issue of the media's unrealistic expectation it needs to start with people.
If people accept the change on how women are viewed, the media will shortly follow. 80% of
adult women polled said images of women on TV and in movies, magazines, and ads make them
feel insecure about appearance, and we clearly see a pattern.(Roberts) The media is run on how
society views today's perfection. Once individuals realize that fixing the issue of low self
esteem starts with girls by not putting others down, the media might understand. The media is for
the people and if the people dont like what they see in the media, the media will change. The
voices of individuals greatly affect how the media is run.
Women conclude that men are favored in the media because women are being sexualized in the
media. In a generation where females are sexualized from a young age it is hard to overcome this
mindset. Women are sexualized in the media which only helps to contribute to the low self
esteem rates. Sarah Murnen a social psychologist says, Its now common to see more parts of
the body exposed. There is more emphasis on the size of a woman's breasts. Easy access to all

these images has made it all more acceptable to us(Melker). The media has encouraged
individuals to sexualize women because that is whats acceptable to us as a society. In a 2008
study of 1,988 advertisements from 50 well known American magazines, researchers from
Wesleyan University found that half of them show women as sex objects. A woman was
considered a sex object depending on her posture(Melker). Women are being objectified by
the media as being only useful as sexual objects.When women are viewing sexualized women in
the media they dont understand that, that is not the way women should not be viewed.
Sexualizing women in the media is contributing to the higher rates of low self esteem. When
women continue being objectified when they age they will not know exactly how they should be
treated because of how the media portrays them.
Three key solutions include: taking preventative steps in childhood, changing what
children see on television, and providing children with someone to talk to if suffering from low
self esteem. Childhood preventative steps are key to helping to stop low self esteem. Individuals
first begin to see the impacts of low self esteem during early childhood development. The
importance of changing what the media portrays women to be helps to establish to kids at a
young age what is unrealistic. Children need to healthy relationship with an adult to help to them
with any issues they cant deal with themselves. Having an authoritarian figure to look up to
helps to show an accurate and healthy role model for children. The steps are all there to help
control the outbreak of low self esteem. It is up to society and the individuals within it to step up
and make a positive change.

Counter Argument

Solutions to the drastic effects of low self esteem involve starting at a young age teaching
children to not put others down. James Meikle, a publisher for The Guardian approached this
method, Many adolescents have stated that the media has been a strong part as to why they
suffer from low self esteem. The approach of starting off at a young age may not get the instant
results that are wanted. At a young age students need to understand the value of pushing yourself
without the expense of hurting others. The issue involving low self esteem can be easily
educating children and teenagers.
Admittedly, starting at a young age with children will not end all low self esteem issues.
A study conducted by Daniel Boffey who is part of the Mayo Clinic surveyed 30,000 students
and the result concluded that students do not feel highly confident in their own worth. There's
always going to be some sort of pressure against women and how they are portrayed. However,
if started at a younger age individuals can rebel against the media's portrayal and may help
change the media. However, some may say that there needs to be more done, specifically about
the media. The media itself is difficult to control. As of now the media operates for the purpose
of entertaining its viewers; everyone. If individuals start to believe that the media's portrayal of
women is unrealistic and wrong, it may change the media.
Although the media has been portrayed to be negative for many women there are still
positive aspects that the media contributes to females. Obviously, there is a ton of sexist stuff
happening online, but as far as community building goes and building a feminist movement I
think social media is super-useful.(Henderson) The media is an outlet that can be used to create
change. The media is now portrayed as causing the uprising of low self esteem. However,
individuals can change it to help build up the feminist movement. It may also be able to decrease
the drastic effects of low self esteem.

Everyone believes that the media is causing the uprising of low self esteem. Regardless
of any other solutions, one possible way of ending low self esteem among teenagers is to help
them understand it better. Getting teenagers to realize that they are the problem and also the
solution can only jump start all the possibilities of change. In order to make change we need to
help prove that women are actually suffering because of the medias unrealistic expectations.
Emily Roberts a trained, Psychological Consultant states, 1% of girls with low self-esteem feel
that their appearance doesnt measure up; including not feeling pretty enough, thin enough,
stylish enough or trendy enough,
After looking into all of the aspects that lead to the drastic numbers of low self esteem,
one problem is clearly the media. The portrayal of women in the media is setting women up for
failure in life. This portrayal is upsetting to women who cant seem to reach what society has
deemed to be perfect. The numbers of low self esteem among teenage girls continues to be on
the rise, consistently rising past that of its opposite gender. One important way to help females
is to start by pushing back on the pressures that women feel. Parents,church, and the media lead
women to constantly strive for perfection, in all categories. The importance of changing low
self esteem is to help women of future generations from what women today deal with. Although
there are many sources connecting women to low self esteem, one issue seems to shine through
more than any other; the media. The media is pushing women to be something that is unrealistic
and unattainable to most women.

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