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How its made.

Cocaine is extracted from the coco plant. Finely chop the leaves and dust them with
lime or carbonate salt along with a small amount of water. Next kerosene or diesel
fuel is then added to the coca leaf and lime/salt mixture and vigorously stirred for
up to three days, this removes the cocaine from the leaf into the liquid.
Once the cocaine has been extracted, the liquid is heated to remove any wax from
the coca leaves, then filtered to separate it from the vegetable matter. The addition
of these chemicals neutralizes the sulfuric acid and the filtered chemical is a
gummy, yellow solid. This paste is dried, packaged and shipped to a further
laboratory for further extraction and handling.

Side effects.
Cocaine causes a short-lived, intense high that is immediately followed by the
oppositeintense depression, edginess and a craving for more of the drug. People
who often use this drug often dont eat or sleep properly. Some effects are muscle
spasms, increased heart rate. It
can make you feel
paranoid, angry, hostile and
anxious and after long use you
can feel it when you arent high.
Cocaine increases your chance
of a heart attack, stroke, seizure
or respiratory failure, all of these
can result in death.

Cocaine was first extracted from
the leaf in 1859 by German
chemist Albert Niemann. In the
1880s it was introduced in the
medical field. In 1886 cocaine
was very popular and was put in the soft drink coco-cola. This helped skyrocketed
the coco-cola franchise in the turn of the century. In 1903 cocaine was declared a
very dangerous drug and coco-cola had to remove it from its drink. 1922 there was
a confirmed 5000 deaths just from cocaine use, this caused the official ban of the
drug. In the late 1970s Columbian drug traffickers set up a network for smuggling

cocaine into the USA. In the late 1990s Colombian cartels produced 500 to 800 tons
of cocaine. By 2008 cocaine had become the most trafficked drug in America.

Marijuana also know as canabis, ganja,

pot, hemp, grass and many more.
Marijuana is the word used to describe
the dried flowers, seeds and leaves of
the Indian hemp plant. Marijuana is the
most commonly used illegal drug in
the world. A survey conducted in 2007
found that 14.4 million individuals in
the US alone had smoked marijuana at
least once during the previous month.

How id it used.
Marijuana is usaully smoked like in
cigerette but can also be smoked in a pipe.
Very often users will get a cigerette and
remove to tobacco and replace it with
marijauna, that is called a blunt. Often
blunts are laced with much more powerful
drugs, such as crack or cocaine.

The user can feel the efffects wihen
minutes of using the drug. It can increase
heart rate, lessen balance and
coordination and put you in a dreamy
state. Thses effects wear off wihen hours.
But that depends on how much the user
takes and if it was mixed with any other
drugs. The average marijauna smoker
holds the smoke in for longer than a cigerette smoker which gas a servere
impact on their lungs. It also causes sore throat and chest colds. Consu ming

one joint has the same chance of getting cancer as 5 cigerettes. Marijauna
also contributes to memory loss and depression.

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