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Hindi Typing Chart

(मंगल Font)
There are various competitive examinations where candidates are required to have basic
understanding about typing in Hindi using a computer keyboard. The below given chart will be
of immense help for students who would like to dirty their hands with Hindi typing in मंगल Font.
Legends used:
D : stands for directly pressing the key.
S+ : stands for pressing the key using Shift+.
KB : stands for Keyboard.

D/ Hindi alphabet against each key of a computer keyboard with and without using
S+ shift+
D ौ ौ ौ ौ ौ ब ह ग द ज ड ौ

S+ औ ऐ आ ई ऊ भ ङ घ ध झ ढ ञ

KB Q W E R T Y U I O P [ ]

D ौ ौ ौ िौ ौ प र क त च ट

S+ ओ ए अ इ उ फ ऱ ख थ छ ठ

KB A S D F G H J K L ; or “ or
: ‘
D ौं म न व ल स , . य

S+ ौ ण व ळ श ष । य़

KB Z X C V B N M , . /

D 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ौ ौ

S+ ऍ ौ ौर र ज्ञ त्र क्ष श्र ौ ऋ ऑ

KB 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 - or = or \ or
_ + ?

Special symbols using Alt (from Alt+1 to Alt+50)

Alt+1 ☺ Alt+26 →
Alt+2 ☻ Alt+27 ←
Alt+3 ♥ Alt+28 ∟
Alt+4 ♦ Alt+29 ↔
Alt+5 ♣ Alt+30 ▲
Alt+6 ♠ Alt+31 ▼
Alt+7 • Alt+32
Alt+8 ◘ Alt+33 !
Alt+9 ○ Alt+34 "
Alt+10 ◙ Alt+35 #
Alt+11 ♂ Alt+36 $
Alt+12 ♀ Alt+37 %
Alt+13 ♪ Alt+38 &
Alt+14 ♫ Alt+39 '
Alt+15 ☼ Alt+40 (
Alt+16 ► Alt+41 )
Alt+17 ◄ Alt+42 *
Alt+18 ↕ Alt+43 +
Alt+19 ‼ Alt+44 ,
Alt+20 ¶ Alt+45 -
Alt+21 § Alt+46 .
Alt+22 ▬ Alt+47 /
Alt+23 ↨ Alt+48 0
Alt+24 ↑ Alt+49 1
Alt+25 ↓ Alt+50 2

Special symbols using Alt (from Alt+51 to Alt+100)

Alt+51 3 Alt+76 L
Alt+52 4 Alt+77 M
Alt+53 5 Alt+78 N
Alt+54 6 Alt+79 O
Alt+55 7 Alt+80 P
Alt+56 8 Alt+81 Q
Alt+57 9 Alt+82 R
Alt+58 : Alt+83 S
Alt+59 ; Alt+84 T
Alt+60 < Alt+85 U
Alt+61 = Alt+86 V
Alt+62 > Alt+87 W
Alt+63 ? Alt+88 X
Alt+64 @ Alt+89 Y
Alt+65 A Alt+90 Z
Alt+66 B Alt+91 [
Alt+67 C Alt+92 \
Alt+68 D Alt+93 ]
Alt+69 E Alt+94 ^
Alt+70 F Alt+95 _
Alt+71 G Alt+96 `
Alt+72 H Alt+97 a
Alt+73 I Alt+98 b
Alt+74 J Alt+99 c
Alt+75 K Alt+100 d

Special symbols using Alt (from Alt+101 to Alt+150)

Alt+101 e Alt+126 ~
Alt+102 f Alt+127 
Alt+103 g Alt+0128 €
Alt+104 h Alt+129 ü
Alt+105 i Alt+0130 ‚
Alt+106 j Alt+131 ƒ
Alt+107 k Alt+0132 „
Alt+108 l Alt+0133 …
Alt+109 m Alt+0134 †
Alt+110 n Alt+0135 ‡
Alt+111 o Alt+0136 ˆ
Alt+112 p Alt+0137 ‰
Alt+113 q Alt+0138 Š
Alt+114 r Alt+0139 ‹
Alt+115 s Alt+0140 Œ
Alt+116 t Alt+141 Ì
Alt+117 u Alt+0142 Ž
Alt+118 v Alt+0143 Å
Alt+119 w Alt+144 É
Alt+120 x Alt+0145 ‘
Alt+121 y Alt+0146 ’
Alt+122 z Alt+0147 “
Alt+123 { Alt+0148 ”
Alt+124 | Alt+0149 •
Alt+125 } Alt+0150 –

It is important to note that following results are important from typing point of view-
1. Alt+63
2. Alt+64
3. Alt+0145
4. Alt+0146
5. Alt+0147
6. Alt+0148

Other Books from same Author

1. India’s Foreign Relations & Issues of National Importance.
2. Data Warehousing (Including basics of SQL and Informatica PowerCenter along with
interview questions and sample scripts).
3. Short Notes on Geography.

Connect with the Author

Twitter: @TriPranav88
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/adm.pranav.tripathi/?ref=bookmarks

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