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Erin Ospina

Annotated Bibliography
"Impact of Parenting Styles and Locus of Control on Emerging Adults' Psychosocial
Success."Scientific Journals. Journal of Education and Human Development,
2007. Web. June 2016.
This source explains the three main parenting types and includes the consequences of each. It
lists Authoritarian parenting, a form of parenting involving many restrictions for a child and harsh
punishments; Permissive parenting, which involves very few rules and little discipline; and
Authoritative parenting, a form of parenting that is considered the best for children, combining a
moderate amount of rules and discipline with recognition towards child creativity and individuality.
This source is very credible because it refers to multiple different studies and draws conclusions by
shared data from these sources. Also, this source houses many journals from different areas of study, so
it houses a diverse group of studies and ideas.
Gross, Gail, Dr. "How Different Parenting Styles Affect Children." The Huffington Post.
TheHuffingtonPost.com, 29 July 2015. Web. June 2016.
This source explains the behaviors generally found in children of parents who follow the different
parenting styles. The author, Dr. Gail Gross, writes that children who grow up with Authoritarian
parents often have self-esteem issues, along with social problems, while those raised by Authoritative
parents have built self-esteem and confidence and are able to form healthy relationships with people.
Gross also stated that children of Permissive parents have a lack of self control, and those with
Uninvolved parents have trouble with friendships and intimacy later in life. This author is very credible
because Gross has a PhD in Psychology, so she has extensive knowledge in the subject area.
Morin, Amy. "What the Research Reveals about Authoritarian Parenting Outcomes."
Verywell. N.p., 26 Nov. 2014. Web. June 2016.
This source goes very in depth about the effects of Authoritarian parenting style. It references
many different studies in order to elaborate on the most prominent behavioral effects of the specific
parenting style, including reduced school performance, lowered social skills, and problems with a
childs moral reasoning. This article is reliable as it takes its information from many different studies to
prove its point. Also, the website is reviewed by many professionals, like doctors and a dedicated

writing staff.
Cherry, Kendra. "What Is Uninvolved Parenting?" Verywell. N.p., 9 May 2016. Web. June
This source examines the newest parenting style recognized, Uninvolved parenting. Kendra
Cherry defines what Uninvolved parenting is, while briefly reviewing the effects of Uninvolved
parenting on children. It is said that uninvolved parents have few rules or restrictions on their children,
but also do not have adequate contact with their children. Cherry also states the children with
uninvolved parents tend to be more stressed and do worse in school than students of parents with
different styles. This source is credible and reliable as it is supervised by different medical
professionals that have extensive knowledge and has different studies cited for evidence as well.
Dewar, Gwen. "The Authoritative Parenting Style: A Guide for the Science-minded Parent."
Parenting Science. N.p., 2013. Web. June 2016.
This source defines and compares Authoritative parenting to other styles, and also reviews
countries other than the United States that use this parenting style. Dewar writes that Authoritative
parents reason with their children and give explanations for their actions. She also states that
researchers define Authoritative parenting as demanding, yet responsive. Gwen Dewar is reliable as she
has a PhD and the website is also reliable because it is focused on the actual science of parenting, not
just anecdotal evidence.

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