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Our course book logic

English Vocabulary Profile shows which words and phrases learners around the world know at
each level - A1 to C2 - of the Common European Framework of Reference. Rather than
providing a syllabus of the vocabulary that learners should know, English Vocabulary Profile
verifies what they do know.
CEFR levels are assigned not just to the words themselves but also to each individual meaning
of these words. So for example, the word degree is assigned to level A2 for the meaning
'temperature', B1 for 'qualification', B2 for 'amount' and C2 for the phrase a/some degree of
Our curriculum wordlists have been tagged with English Vocabulary Profile level descriptors, so
that you can check the level of each item of vocabulary, as you work through each Course book.
The words and expressions taught at each level of English Unlimited broadly match the CEFR
level for that Course book, although there will inevitably be items included in texts, listening
scripts and vocabulary sets which fall above or below that level.

LEVEL 1 - Master fundamental english speaking patterns such as Subject + Verb / Subject+
Verb + Object / Subject + Verb + Adjective etc.
Style: Games that uses scripts, fill in the blanks, and speaking patterns.


Target Format


About you

Introduce yourself, ask

for personal
information, say what
you can do

People in your life

Introduce people, say

who people are, talk
about present and past
jobs, say how you know
people, ask people to
repeat /

Away from home

Talk about personal

experience/ talk about
your studies / discuss
lifelong learning

Present simple;
position sentences

Your time

Describe personalities
and comparisons, say
how a person has

Subject & object

pronouns, present
simple, negative

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corrections/ Listening & Reading

Sent on a weekly basis

Subject pronouns,
possessive adjectives

possessives singular /

LEVEL 2 - Lengthen and further solidify basic English structures - S+V / S+V+O / S+V+Adj ;
increase fluency by elevating confidence and practicing compound sentence patterns
Style: Games that uses scripts, fill in the blanks, and speaking patterns. Simple discussions.


Target Format


Me and my music

Introduce and talk

about yourself/ talk
about music / talk
about what to do in
your free time


Talk about past events Countable and

and present activities / uncountable noun/
talk about sport and
present progressive
exercise / talk about
your interest and how
they started

Being a Student

Talk about personal

experience/ talk about
your studies / discuss
lifelong learning

Present progressive /
have got

Work, work, work!

Describe personalities
and comparisons, say
how a person has

Have got /
comparatives and

Online M/T/W/TTH/F - Assignment

feedback/ Recording
corrections/ Listening & Reading

There is, there are /

Object, pronoun,
possessive adjectives/

Sent on a weekly basis

LEVEL 3 Elevate vocabulary bank, further strengthen fluency, and work on diversifying
speaking patterns. Go from I agree to Im on the same page.
Style: Role-playing and simulation that forces students to use new target expressions.

My Strengths

Target Format
Talk about talents,
routes to success, and
react to ideas, and
strengths /

Present perfect simple /
present perfect

School Reunions
Financial Management

Discuss plans &

arrangements, talk
about changes of plan,
catch up with old
friends news/

Give Expert Advice

Personal Qualities

Give advice, give

reasons for advice,
comparatives; extreme
exploring word mean / adjectives
describe qualities you
need for different

A Great Character
Peer Pressure & Positive Influence

Describe personalities
and comparisons, say
how a person has

Online M/T/W/TTH/F - Assignment

feedback/ Recording
corrections/ Listening & Reading

Be supposed to vs. be
meant to / verb +- ing

Contrastive sentences

Sent on a weekly basis

LEVEL 4 Increase accuracy of the speech by targeting preposition errors, singular & plural
objects,and other grammatical mistakes that often occur amongst Korean speakers.
Style: Debate, role-playing, and simulation that uses real-life situations.


Target Format


What the world eats

How Seoul change

Interpreting meaning,
changes, and trends/

+infinitive /
+ noun or verb +-ing /
Get vs. Become

Concept of Space
Crime & Surveillance

Describe spaces in
cities, describe how
spaces are used,
comment on experience

Need as verb vs. noun /

it + passive verb +
that/ passive verb +
to + infinitive

Plan a City Square


Outline problems,
discuss and suggest
solutions, describe
appearance and
changes, talk about

There are + noun/ is/

are + adjective/ Varying

Genuine Fakes
Role Models

Conduct a personal
interview / describe
someones life,
achievements, and
attitudes /

Perfect present
progressive / present
participle expressions

Online M/T/W/TTH/F - Assignment

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Listening & Reading support

Sent on a weekly basis

LEVEL 5 Increase accuracy and elevate speech style ; increase assertiveness and diversify
vocabulary bank for range of sophisticated topics such as economy, business, and politics.
Begin to understand irony, symbolism, and hypocrisy and do critical analysis.
Style: Debate, presentations, and simulations that uses international standards. For instance,
for debate we use the presidential debate format. Start to introduce authentic content based


Target Format


Describe appearances and

changes to appearance / discuss
aims and intentions / conduct a
personal interview


Talk about health problems and

treatment / describe and
comment on an exhibition or a
show / describe a process or
experiment / implications and

Brand Awareness

Discuss brands, describe effects

and influences, talk about image
and qualities of products, talk
about advertising and marketing


Speculate about images and

objects, interpret and respond to
a story, discuss icons, identify
critical language in a text


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corrections/ Listening & Reading support

LEVEL 6 Finalize speech style ; increase assertiveness and diversify vocabulary bank for range
of sophisticated topics such as economy, business, and politics. Fully express their critical
thoughts on irony, symbolism, and hypocrisy. Perfect logical thinking and organizing thought for
utmost communication.
Style: Heavy content based study. Round-table discussions and debate with authentic, native


A sense of belonging

Target Format
Describe groups and
membership / describe feelings
about belonging/ give opinions
emphatically / explore strategies
for analyzing authentic texts


Talk about climate change /

describe inventions and how they
work / discuss proposals /
understand imagery in a poem

Knowledge and Technology

Talk about knowledge and

technology, discuss how to access
information / describe
technological advances / talk
about how things develop /
explain an idea / deliver a
positive imagery

Work-life balance

Talk about corporate culture,

studies on behavioural
economics / present your views /
acquire persuasive speech and


M/T/W/TTH/F - Assignment feedback/ Recording Sent on a weekly basis

corrections/ Listening & Reading support

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