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Halal and haram is a part of Muslim life. Nowadays the

demanded toward halal cosmetic product was
increased as well as the growth of cosmetic company
around the world. This studies was conduct to
determine the factors that can influencing Muslim
intention to buy halal cosmetic product. From the
previous research, religiosity was becomes as the
main contributor toward Muslim intention to buy halal
product. The awareness of Muslim to follow the
Shariah matter becomes as the main reason behind
the demanded toward buy halal cosmetic product.
Other than that, Muslim consumer nowadays were
more aware about the ingredient of the cosmetic
product that have been uses by them. Based on their
past experience, Muslim consumer were very curious
with the ingredient of cosmetic product that does not
have halal status from the regulatory body because
the product may mixing with haram or dangerous
ingredient such alcohol, pork, placenta, mercury,
animal part and the other curious ingredient.
Product that have halal certificate can convinced
Muslim consumer to use the product that in line with
the Shariah. Cosmetic product which has Halal logo is
proven that the product have the quality and follow
the Shariah. In fact, many producer in this country
difficult to get halal status from JAKIM


Most of the famous cosmetic company comes from

non-Muslim countries. This situation will create
constrain for Muslim when wearing cosmetic items
because usually, product that come from non-Muslim
was suspicious whether it is halal or not. Muslim must
follow their religion. Muslim were prohibited from using
haram product. Other than that, Muslim were very
concern with the ingredient of cosmetic product.
According to Darma and Norlida, awareness toward
product ingredient began to increase when the Muslims
know that the baby's placenta is used in the
manufacture of cosmetics like lipstick and face cream.
Besides that, the issues about uses of illegal ingredient
containing such as animal fat, gelatin or chemicals
make Muslim consumer more cautious before buying
cosmetic product.
A study by Aqilah & Nooraneda in 2014 found, lacking
in standardized of halal logo and certification has
leaded the consumers to feel insecure about the clarity
and pureness of the products that are delivered to
them. The product that does not have halal logo may
contain prohibited ingredients that led to uncertainty
and this issue can create dissatisfaction among Muslim

2.4 Halal certificate

A study by Aqilah & Nooraneda, 2014 found that halal
certificate are used in making halal production
become more
unambiguous and it supports
customers and consumers in choosing the products
that comply with halal requirements. With the
availability of the halal standard and halal logo, it will
a broader product market especially towards Muslim
countries with a small amount of investment needed
that will lead to a multiple growth in revenues and
enhances the image of halal products to meet the
standard of customer needs in the future.


Factors that
influencing Muslim
intention to buy
halal cosmetic


Halal certificate

The concept of halal and haram were very familiar
with Muslim. Halal and haram has becomes as part of
core philosophy and principle of the entire aspect of
Muslim life itself and each Muslim were obligated to
use the halal thing and refuse the haram items. The
concept of halal are not just in food and drinks but
also involving in non-food product such as cosmetic,
facial treatment, pharmaceuticals product, hotel,
banking institution, tourism and so on. Halal itself
has become as the lifestyle of Muslim consumers in
the world. Lately the demanded for the halal cosmetic
was increasing around the world as well as an
increasing in total population of Muslim around the
world. According to Pew research study in 2010,
Islam is the world's fastest-growing faith, will leap
from 1.6 billion (in 2010) to 2.76 billion by 2050. It
means that the number of Muslim increasing from
one years to another year.
The word Halal is originates from an Arabic phrase
that means allowed or permitted by Islamic law. Halal
or also known as Halalan Toyyiban merely means
allowed and permissible for consumption with
relation to Syariah law as long as they are safe and
not harmful. The opposite of halal is haram/ non-halal
which means forbidden and prohibited. Any food or
drink which lies within the grey area and does not fall
clearly under the Halal or non-Halal category is
questionable or dubious. In this category, until the
status becomes clear, Muslims should avoid
consuming Syubhah food or drinks. The Prophet
(P.B.U.H) has given a guideline concerning Syubhah
matters. It is reported by Bukhari, Muslim, Abu Daud,
Ibn Majah and Darimi, as follow which means:
What is Halal is clear. And what is Haram is also
clear. And in between those two is a dubious area in
which many people do not know about. So whoever
distanced himself from it, he has acquitted himself
(from blame). And those who fall into it, he has fallen
into a state of Haram.

i. To identify whether religiosity can influencing

Muslim intention to buy halal cosmetic.
ii. To examine whether the ingredient the cosmetic
product can become as the main factor that can
influencing Muslim intention to buy halal cosmetic.
iii. To study how halal certificate becomes as the
factor that can influencing Muslim intention to buy
halal cosmetic.

2.1 Muslim Intention to buy halal cosmetic product.

According to Dr. Zakir Naik, Muslim mean one who
submits his will to Allah. Meanwhile intention is
considered as a good predictor of actual behaviors
(Fishbein & Ajzen, 1975). In the cases where actual
behaviors are difficult to measure, intentions have
frequently been used in social science studies.
Purchase intention had been studied out extensively as
there is no doubt that it is an important concept in the
business world. Purchase intention is defined as the
likelihood that the consumer buys a particular product
or services (Dodd & Supa, 2011; Sam & Tahir, 2009).
Intention, attitude and behavior are different from one
person to another person, especially when it relates to
religion and religious implications as consumers of
different level of religious commitment differ notably in
the purchase behavior (Lada et al., 2009; Soesilowati,
2.2 Religiosity
For Muslim, every single aspect of their life need to be
follow all the guideline based on al-Quran and alSunnah. Concept of halal were not only in food or drink
but also including cosmetic, clothing, banking,
hospitality and so on. As a Muslim, they must follow
the fiqh of Islam to ensure that they can avoid from
activities that may commits into sin. Clearly here,
Muslim consumer with high religiosity were very aware
about the product that has been use by them because
of religion factor. As a good Muslim, the product that
friendly to the religion will becomes as their first
choice. A study by Darma and Norlida found that,
religion can influence consumer attitude and behavior
as well as food purchasing decision and eating habits .
Religiosity can extent individual to committed to his
religion, where it is then reflected in his attitudes,
behaviors, beliefs, feelings and experiences. Religiosity
is the degree of an individuals being religious.
2.3 Product ingredient
Besides that, product ingredient of cosmetic product
also becomes as the factor that can influence Muslim
intention toward halal cosmetic product. As the
example, the cases about mixing of animal parts in the
cosmetic product enough to make Muslim worried.
Muslim required cosmetic product that produced with
materials that are not harmful to humans and also not
breaks Islamic rules. As example, wearing non-halal
product may effect the quality of Muslim practices such
daily prayers and may lead to sin. When performing
ibadah Muslim must avoid from using not halal product
to ensure their ibadah or practices will be accepted by

Dependent variables


Hypothesis 1
H0- There is no significant relationship between the
religiosity with the factor that can influencing Muslim
intention to buy halal cosmetic
H1- There a significant relationship between
religiosity with the factor that can influencing Muslim
intention to buy halal cosmetic
Hypothesis 2
H0- There is no significant relationship between
product ingredient with the factor that can influencing
Muslim intention to buy halal cosmetic
H1-There is a significant relationship between product
with the factor that can influencing
Muslim intention to buy halal cosmetic
Hypothesis 3
H0- There is no significant relationship between halal
certificate and packaging issues with the factor that
can influencing
Muslim intention to buy halal
H1- There is a significant relationship between halal
certificate and packaging issues with the factor that
can influencing
Muslim intention to buy halal
cosmetic consumer acceptance toward halal


The data was collected by using administered

questionnaire method. 50 questionaires paper were
distributed among Muslim who has experience in
using cosmetic product. Besides that, the data was
support and collected by using internet journal and
articles from previous researcher.


As the conclusion, the collected data has proven that

Muslim intention to buy halal cosmetic product was
influencing by religiosity, product ingredient and the
available of halal logo for each product.

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