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Preliminary Organizational
Assessment Report 2016
February 19, 2016

Brian M Touray
Organizational Development & Baseline Assessment Advisor

Table of Contents
1. Executive Summary ...................................................................................... 2
2. Introduction to KWIECO ............................................................................. 3
3. Organizational Developmental Assessment ........................................ 7
3.1 Purpose ........................................................................................................ 7
3.2 Data collection methodology.................................................................... 8
3.3 Preliminary Findings .................................................................................. 8
4. Organization Structure Analysis ............................................................ 12
5. Analysis of KWIECOs 7S parameters and Recommendations .... 13
5.1 Strategy-Leadership and Organizational Strategy ............................. 13
5.2 Structure ................................................................................................... 14
5.3 Systems-Policies and process rigour and implementation ............... 14
5.4 Shared Values .......................................................................................... 15
5.5 Style 15
5.6 Staff-Human Resource engagement and development..................... 16
5.7 Skills 17
6. PEST Analysis................................................................................................ 17
7. Conclusion ...................................................................................................... 20
8. Appendix ......................................................................................................... 21


1. Executive Summary
KWIECO has been successful in implementing programs for its Beneficiaries and
that has helped it rise to a prominent position in the region. The Organization is
currently undergoing some major changes in instituting a more evolved
organization structure that is more suited for a mature and larger organization
that work more efficiently and therefore can work with multi-fold rigor for its
Beneficiaries. As part of the Organizational structure analysis, data collection by
means of two surveys was conducted, which focused on how Crossroads
Internationals role may evolve to support the Organizations current
requirements and to assess the quality of communication dynamics at workplace
(which seem to be a bit of concern now). The data has been collated and
analyzed. The recommendations have been provided at the end after careful
analysis of the KWIECOs envisioned future and strategic plan.


2. Introduction to KWIECO
Kilimanjaro Women Information Exchange and Consultancy Organization
(KWIECO) is a non-governmental, non-profit organization based in Moshi,
Tanzania and serving the Kilimanjaro region of Tanzania, which was founded in
the year 1987. KWIECO is providing her services to seven districts of Kilimanjaro
region (Moshi Municipal, Moshi Rural, Siha, Hai, Rombo, Mwanga and Same). Its
current reach is more than 6200 people annually through awareness raising
sessions, paralegal training, legal assistance, counselling and mediation, and
more than 700,000 people through media coverage.
For over twenty years, KWIECO Team has worked to improve the condition of
Human Rights and Gender in the area. KWIECO is the only legal aid provider in
the region, which is offering comprehensive services including: Human Rights and Gender Education
Legal counselling
Litigation and documentation
Children legal services
Lobby and Advocacy
Economic empowerment of women destitute of their rights
Social Support for victims of GBV and Child abuse
Legal Sector Monitoring
Legal Service Facility
Women and Constitution Making




KWIECO Vision, Mission, Goals and Values

A society that takes responsibility to protect peoples equal rights
To have a community that respect peoples equal rights through sharing
knowledge of rights, providing equal access to legal and economic services to
marginalized people and lobby for change.
Overall goal
Human rights respected
KWIECO values
1. Love,
2. Justice,
3. Professionalism,
4. Integrity,
5. Transparency,
6. Flexibility, sharing
7. Respect.
8. Volunteerism
9. Accountability

KWIECO is using Rights Based Approach (RBA) in the implementation of her
activities in the community. This approach requires that developmental issues be
mainstreamed in the implementation process for sustainability and ownership by
This year KWIECO expects to reach more people and plans for the 11th program
of social support to victims of gender based violence and child abuse in
Kilimanjaro region.


KWIECO Organization Structure


3. Organizational Developmental Assessment

3.1 Purpose
The effectiveness of an organization is measured in terms of its functioning,
problems and achievementsof its goals. Objective of an Organization Assessment
is the evaluation of the Organizations success in achievements of its ultimate
objectives, its potential to continue to do the same, challenges that obstruct it
from achieving the goals and the role of various variables, especially in the view
of the changing dynamics and environment in which the Organization operates.
The findings help in mid-course corrections, identifying and addressing the issues
that obstruct it from achieving its goals.
This Organizational Assessment focuses on helping the KWIECO team better
understand those issues that are supporting good performance or hindering good
performance. The tools used intend to provide the leadership team with a
perspective of the current reality on the various aspects of the organizational
dynamics so they can work to design,implement and monitor an approach to
improve organizational effectiveness.
This report aims to share the perspective on the KWIECOs overall performance
on some key metrics and parameters. The assessment intends to provide critical
information for decisions for future actions to be taken by the concered
stakeholders to further strengthen KWIECOs ability to realise its potential and
achieve its objectives. The report will also help in identifying, in order of priority,
the impediments being faced by KWIECO, currently. Recommendations based on
these assessments will serve as input for the ideation process to commence about
what steps should be taken to alleviate these challenges.


3.2 Data collection methodology

The current Organizational Assessment of KWIECO involves a multi-pronged,
planned and systematic review of its organizational processes, work environment,
and organizational structure, with respect to its constant changing work
environment. The assessment broadly touches upon issues related to
organizational culture, the current competencies of various business functions,
communication, leadership style, partner relations, programme implementation
rigour, external environmental analysis, etc . The Assessor has collected data
through the following sources:

a. Crossroads & KWIECCO baseline Partnership Questionnaire survey

b. Management & Employee communication level Questionnaire survey

3.3 Preliminary Findings

a. Baseline Questionnaire survey
The Baseline questionnaire survey aims at exploring the action areas in
organizational and function based skills that can be improved through
KWIECOs partnership with Crossroads International. It compares the
status quo against the desired benchmarks and provides information that
can be analyzed further to identify the next action steps. The survey also
touches upon aspects related to Partner and Beneficiary relations and the
external environment that KWIECO operates in.

Crossroads International is an international development organization that

is reducing poverty and increasing womens rights around the world.
Working with local partners in 28 projects, in eight countries and
supported by hundreds of volunteers each year, Crossroads leverages
expertise and resources, North and South, required to help people
overcome poverty and assert their human rights.

Major findings have been summarized below:

1. The current competency level of the Oragnization has been assessed
on 13 parameters, each of which are high priority/ critical skills for
KWECIO. However, significant skill gaps are being seen across most of
the skills, barring few. Critical competence gap is seen in the area of
policy dialogue which is a Management/ executive function and it
raises concerns about the Management/ Leadership style being
practised currently.
2. Tool development to improve organization improvement have also
been assessed, and it is witnessed that some basic management
proceesses are yet to be put in place and even strategy on some
accounts is yet to be developed.


3. Crossroads Internationals association with KWIECO has brought

satisfactory results as evidenced from the assessment of the programs
that they jointly work on/ receive Crossroads s assistance on.
4. Data on beneficiary outreach, their participation, and perception
towards KWIECO, socio-ecomonic and polictical lanscape of KWIECO,
condition of individual and collective enterprises, etc. Has also been
collected and will be provided in the analysis provided further in this

Baseline Questionnaire Analysis


b. Employee communication level Questionnaire survey

This survey was administered on 21 employees of KWIECO based on
feedback received about the impaired communication strategy and
practices at KWIECO. These employees represent all the different
department of KWIECO. The data so collected is available in the appendix
of this document. However, the analysis will be provided in the OD
analysis section which follows.

The survey confirms the underlying issues of communication which persist

in the organization. Some observations made by the Survey Administrator
also act like a proof of the problem, eg: people do not respond/
acknowledge emails or communication which is sent out to them, the
questionnaires in some cases are partially filled/ incorrectly answered. The
data analysis shows that the employees understand the importance of
lucid communication from various channels of official communication. They
link good communication to better understanding of understanding of their
roles and duties leading to better performance, efficiency, team
camaradarie, more trust between co-workers, lesser conflicts, better
decision making ability and therefore an overall better work environment
for all involved. What is also very clear is that most of them do not feel
that there have been lapses from their end regarding communication that
has originated from their end or was sought from them. This is opposed to
the feedback received otherwise which indicates low responsivenss to
official communication seeking participation and responsiveness.

Also, employees seem to agree that there are various modes of

communication in an official setting and that people communicate
differently. This is also evidenced in the modes of communication which
they think are mostly in use at KWIECO and the ones which are effctive. It
indictaes at one/primary communication methodology has not been
developed and that leads to differing expectations of team members. The
responses also indicate the supervisory communication is not one of the
strongest modes which needs to be strenthened further.

Written communication, available through emails or electronically

accessible communication (corporate website, employee portal, etc.) is
generally the most preferred form of communication mode due to easy
retrievability, fast access, ease of tracking, etc.

The launch of KWIECOs website can be used as a springboard and be

developed further for use of the team members for accessing infrmation,
etc. The website is currently not completely operational (there are sections
which are blank) and it is highly imperetive that data concurrancy is
maintained and accountability for it is clearly defined and communicated.

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Communication problems in the workplace can be costly to any

organization, and can significantly impact an organizations productivity.
When information is unable to flow effectively and consistently, the modus
operandi (MO) of the organization could be compromised. Outbound and
Inbound messages internally and or externally must be precise, clear and
legible at all times.
The following major recommendations from these observations are as
1. The Leadership team is the first and strongest role model any team has
and therefore they must focus on playing a strong role, which the team
can emulate regarading thei communication and responsiveness.
2. KWIECO management must ensure that communication pattern is both
ways, because one-way communication is an ineffective mean of
communicating especially when exchange of information is integral.
Acknowledgement of receipt of messages, and response timeline
should be inplace, in order for everyone to be on the same page.
3. The Leadership team should set very clear guidelines on the primary
modes of communication that the KWIECO team is supposed to adopt,
create suitable processes so that the identified modes provide
complete information in a clear and concise manner, make this
information/ expectation available to all team members, coach team
members if a necessity is felt and monitor continually till
communication and responsiveness reach the desired levels.
4. Managers of different functions must be trained to coach their team
members, ensure that they role model the desired behaviours and
make the required information available to team members or guide
them towards the primary channel.

While selecting the most preferred mode of communication, the

Leadership team should be observan that a majorty of the team fall in
the age group of 31-40 years. 31-40 yr old individuals have had
comfortable exposure to using emails and internet. However, decision
should be made after considering the possible variations in their
exposure, percieved comfort with the selected mode of communication
and therefore any need for skills development/coaching, depending on
their work profiles and existig work environment in the team. Eg: a
Finance department team member/ Paralegal staff member may be
more comfortable with written communication and internet than a
Blue collared worker.

Information collected from both these surveys will be collated and

presented through the OD models Mickinseys 7S Model, PESTAL analysis
and other tools that are being used in the next section.

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4. Organization Structure Analysis

McKinseys 7-S framework developed in the early 1980s by Tom Peters
and Robert Waterman gives valuable insights into the process to analyze how
well the organization is positioned to achive its inteded objectives. It can be used
in a variety of situations, for example:

Improve the performance of a company.

Examine the likely effects of future changes within a company.

Align departments and processes during a merger or acquisition.

Determine how best to implement a proposed strategy.

The 7 elements of the 7S Model are:

Strategy: the plan devised to maintain and build competitive advantage

over the competition.

Structure: the way the organization is structured and who reports to


Systems: the daily activities and procedures that staff members engage in
to get the job done.

Shared Values: called "superordinate goals" when the model was first
developed, these are the core values of the company that are evidenced in
the corporate culture and the general work ethic.

Style: the style of leadership adopted.

Staff: the employees and their general capabilities.

Skills: the actual skills and competencies of the employees working for the

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The McKinsey 7-S model involves seven interdependent factors which are
categorized as either "hard" or "soft" elements:

Hard Elements

Soft Elements


Shared Values





"Hard" elements are easier to define or identify and management can directly
influence them: These are strategy statements; organization charts and reporting
lines; and formal processes and IT systems.
"Soft" elements, on the other hand, can be more difficult to describe, and are less
tangible and more influenced by culture. However, these soft elements are as
important as the hard elements if the organization is going to be successful.
Placing Shared Values in the middle of the model emphasizes that these values
are central to the development of all the other critical elements. The
company's structure, strategy, systems, style, staff and skills all stem from
why the organization was originally created, and what it stands for. The
original vision of the company was formed from the values of the creators. As
the values change, so do all the other elements.

5. Analysis





We will analyze KWIECOs Organizational structure, processes, Leadership, Team,

etc and any changes required in its constitution and operations in light of the 7S
Model, will be proposed below.

5.1 Strategy-Leadership and Organizational Strategy

1. It is observed that there are a number of areas where the organizational
strategy needs to be defined.
2. Strategy for most of the 13 skill areas are critical for the organization need
to be developed and refined.
3. It is observed the Crossroad internationals assitance is available to scale
up and build the necessary competence in each on of these areas.
4. It is also observed KWIECO needs tools in a lot of these areas.

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1. The Leadership team should conduct a systematic exercise, involving the
concerned primary stakeholders from each function regarding the
systematic process to develop KWIECOs strategy on each one of these
areas, within a set period.
2. This strategy needs to be percolated down to the concerned team
members, and even clients and other stakeholders, as deemed necessary.
3. The Leadership team should also develop a mechanism through which the
strategy on each of these areas is continually monitored for any changes/
mid-course corrections that may be needed in wake of changes in
KWIECOs operating environment, Government policy changes, Donor
requirements, etc. This team should serve as the radar that is responsible
to collect, collate and analyze such information and mobilize suitable
Leadership effort towards change requirements.
4. The Leadership team must also define clear metrics in each of these areas
so that strategy, process, program implementation and result monitoring
and any needs for change can be quickly executed.
5. The Leadership team should not only identify the taskforce that will work
on the tool development/ refinement but also identify monitoring and
evaluation parameters to assess their performance.
6. It is observed that Fundraising is an area that may need more attention,
considering the ever-looming risk of adverse changes to Governments
policies on Donors.

5.2 Structure
1. KWIECO team seems to be well organized and the past achivements
indicate that the team and their partners have met and exceeded their
previous program goals.
2. The baseline questionnaire and the assessment of association with
Crossrads internaltional also indicates the success KWIECO and Crossroads
International have had working jointly on many programs.
1. KWIECO should be re-organized in a way to ensure communication
channels are more effective. Primary communication mode or channel
should be identified and all team members must be made duly aware of
the same and coached on its usage per necessity.
2. KWIECO needs to have a stronger Leadership and the Organizational
structure should be one that supports the program rigour, flow of critical
information to aid better decision making.

5.3 Systems-Policies and process rigour and implementation

1. KWIECO is in the process of defining its corporate strategy on many areas.
Tools to further strengthen organizational performance are also being

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1. The policies and processes for each of these areas should be implemented
with rigour and any abbretions must be reviewed by the Management.

5.4 Shared Values

1. The team is well aware of the importance of values as work place, defining
them as the principles that helps them understand the organizations
expecations, work culture and building a sense of team camaradarie.
2. However, it is not very clear of the team members know and have
internalized the values which have been defined. It is not evidenced in the
communication questionnaire survey and may need o be probed further.
1. Leadership team should act as the role models for other members by
displaying their commitment to the shared values of KWIECO through their
actions and decisions.
2. Awareness workshops may be carried out to help employees understand
what values KWIECO believes in and how do they translate into their dayto-day work and decision making process.

5.5 Style
1. It is observed that there are no major challenges on this front and the
success and stature that KWIECO has achieved is a proof of the same.
There are some challnges observed on the communication style being
practised and may be adderessed with relative ease.
1. Leadership team has a strong role to play in creating the right
organizational culture, commitment to shared values, direction, providing
mentorship and coaching to other members, formulating appropriate
policies and instituting the apt processes that help in achievement of the
objectives. They must act like the Role models for the work values they
wish to see in their team members.
2. Leadership also need to ensure access of required information to the
stakeholders so that they are empowered to make suitable decisions,
encourage 2-way and transparent communication, suggestions and
feedback from various stakeholders are collected and deliberated,
appropriate mechanism is create that assesses both extrinsic and intrinsic
factor and therefore the need to change orgnizational goals, operations
and strategy. This Leadership commitment strengthens Employee
engagement and morale.
3. The Leadership team should become a more potent role model when it
comes to building the desired work culture. Developing a team that
communicates better and is more responsive is one of the areas that
Leadership team need to work on.
4. The Leadership team should also create a strong mechanism by which
regular changes to strategy, processes and policies, their monitoring and
evaluation may tak place seamlessly.

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5.6 Staff-Human Resource engagement and development

1. It is observed that the Human Resource Strategy of KWIECO needs to be
developed further to meet the organizations immediate needs and those in
the near future.
1. Practices that promote gender equality (as this continues to be an area of
concern) should be adopted and implemented rigourously.
2. Active and transparent communication about the programs, activites in
Leadership communication must be encouraged.
3. Significant skill gaps for key personnel from all departments are observed
and a robust skill development plan should be developed to address the
scaling up.
4. Performance management seems to be an area which needs to be
deveoped. Development andimplementation of this system will help tie
individual to clear responsibilities and accountabilities required for
continued success of the team and effective implementation of the
changes currently underway throughout the organization.

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5.7 Skills
1. Human Resource planning- Adequate staff, possessing the right skill set
must be available to ensure the program can be implemented with
1. Staff should be provided necessary training and information so that they
are equipped to execute their jobs well.
2. Staff should also be trained to participate in fund raising activities.
3. Significant skill gaps for key personnel from all departments are observed
and a robust skill development plan should be developed to address the
scaling up.

6. PEST Analysis
PEST is a framework or tool used by marketers to analyse and monitor the
macro-environmental (external marketing environment) factors that have an
impact on an organisation. The result of which is used to identify threats and
weaknesses which is used in a SWOT analysis.

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Women in Kilimanjaro are highly vulnerable to violations of their rights to life,

liberty and security. Violence against women is permitted by social and cultural
attitudes; the law has failed to provide adequate safeguards against violence, nor
has it been able to promote attitudes conducive to womens enjoyment of their
fundamental rights.
Tanzanian society is still very pathriarcal especially in the Kilimanjaro region and
old customs sit strong; girls marry and have babies very early, women are not
allowed to own property
Tanzanian constitution guarantees equality between men and women and
supports womens full participation in social, economic and political life. However,
the society is still very pathriarcal, and human rights, especially womens rights,
are often not respected. KWIECO is determined to change the situation and to
develop a society that takes responsibility to protect people's equal rights.
Tanzania is currently in the midst of a constitutional reform process in which both
Crossroads partners KWIECO and TGNP - are greatly involved in leading roles.
Over the past decade, impressive improvements have been made in the health
status of Tanzanias people. For example, the rate of children mortality has
declined. The decrease of children under-five mortality rates is largely attributed
to investments in malaria control and improvement in access to safe drinking
water. Although the HIV/AIDS prevalence rate varies by region, nationally it has
been reduced from 5.7 to 5.1 percent in the past five years. While these
successes are laudable, chronic under-nutrition (stunting) and maternal mortality
rates remain high, and women in Tanzania are particularly affected by HIV/AIDS,
comprising nearly 60 percent of people living with HIV.
In regards to economy, Tanzania is one of Africas fastest growing economies.
The per capita gross domestic product (GDP) has increased from $1,025 in 2004
to $1,380 in 2012. Yet, widespread poverty persists with 68 percent (2007) of
Tanzanias population living below the extreme poverty line of $1.25 per day.
Tanzanias nearly 7 percent annual national GDP growth since 2000 has been
hardly perceptible among Tanzanias predominantly rural (73 percent) population.
Inclusive broad based growth is stymied by: (a) low productivity growth in labor
intensive sectors and (b) an unchanging and high population growth rate. Fortyfour percent of Tanzanias current population of 45 million is under 15 years of
age. At the current growth rate, Tanzanias population is projected to reach 70
million by 2025.
In addition, women make up fifty percent of the Tanzanian population, yet gender
inequities continue to persist: salaries paid to women are on average 63 per cent
lower than those paid to men, and when women own businesses, they make 2.4
times less profit than men. The 2011 Human Development Index rating for
Tanzania placed it at 152 out of 187 countries. Tanzania is ranked in 119th place
in the Gender Inequality Index out of 146 countries and is ranked in 59th place in
the 2011 Global Gender Gap Index. For instance, alarming statics and Tanzanian
Womens Rights organizations have confirmed that there is a high incidence of
early marriage in Tanzania with the legal age for females to get married at 15
years old and even as low as 14 with special permission whereas it is 18 for
males leading to high rates of early pregnancy for young girls and hindering their
ability to complete school and find meaningful employment and climb the
corporate ladder like their male counterpart. Primary school enrollment for males
and females is almost equivalent, but when it comes to secondary school
completion rates the picture is less ideal. Secondary school completion rates for
the 20-24 age brackets were 19.5% for females and 32.7% for males. Tanzania

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Demographic Health Survey data for 2010 indicates that 20% of women aged 2024 had no education at all, compared to 9.6% of men.
On the political stage, while women occupy 36% of parliamentary seats, women
represent only 10% of the political elite from the district level and below. The
36% of seat are high compared to the global status of women in politics mostly
because of affirmative action that requires a certain number of seats allocated to
women regardless of the outcomes of elections. However, voices are rising from
across the country, including voices of high ranked women in the decision making
processes, to remove such provision from the constitution and this is one point
that all women activists rally behind their coalition for the constitutional review.
Tanzanian President Kikwete who will conclude his second (and final) five-year
term in 2015 dedicated his presidency to Tanzania economic growth. However,
regardless of positive indicators and the political will and efforts, there is a
persistence of widespread poverty, inadequate infrastructure, and endemic
corruption which constrain inclusive economic growth.
On women and gender inequalities, while Tanzania has made significant progress
in creating policies and strategies to advance womens empowerment and gender
equality, it still has a long way to go towards operationalizing them.
1. KWIECO needs to continually work on programs that promote
gender equaliy and environmental sustainability.
2. KWIECO should also consider working in the areas of poverty
alleviation, population control, AIDS/ HIV awareness, promoting
female health and correct age for marriage and child bearing,
better services for mothers and infants, etc; either directly or in
conjunction wih other NGOs of the region. This will greatly help in
improving the socio-cultural conditions of the region.
3. Competencies to effectively engage in policy dialogue with the
concerned Authorities seems to be a critical skill where a significant
gap is observed. KWIECO should work in tandem with Crossroads
International and through other suitable methods to help its key
personnel develop this skill so that they can make better impactin
influencing Government authorities to make policy changes that are
more beneficial for its Beneficiaries.
4. KWIECO needs to conduct a capacity building training session for
the board, management and staff, on key critical themes like

Additional recommendations
Review Mechanism and institing a Change driving team
1. A strong process and organizational objectives review mechanism and
stakeholder feedback analysis can be very powerful tools to ensure
KWIECOs strategic plan is in the right direction. The Leadership team
should help in creating such a mechanism.
2. The Leadership team should also contemplate creating a team that acts
like a change drivers. This team would be accountable to scan the internal
and external environment of KWIECO and would proactively look out for
any changes to the organizations strategy. This process would help
KWIECO multiply its potential to impact the lives of the Beneficiaries,
many folds.

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7. Conclusion
The Assessment of the Organizational structure of KWIECO been done
thoroughly. Important stakeholders have provided valueable insights into
obstacles that are stand in the way today for its continued success in meeting its
objectives, the immediate action areas and priorities of the organization, work
environment risks, etc. The data collected in this assessment is provided in the
Appendix for the reference of all concerned.
This report has analyzed the issues through the 7S Mckinsey Model and proposed
changes to various aspects of the Organization. A PEST analysis also captures the
essence of the current situation and the potential that KWIECO holds.
Stakeholders must therefore evaluate these recommendations, invite staff to be a
part of the change process and to re-structure and re-build a stronger and
successful KWIECO that creates a sustainable, learning oriented farming
community in the region.

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Shared communication protocol improve



Strongly Agree
Neither agree nor disagree


Strongly disagree

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Effective communication improves

productivity and fosters team work

Strongly Agree
Neither agree nor disagree
Strongly disagree


26 | P a g e

Atleast once my personal issues have

interfered with my ability to communicate


Strongly Agree
Neither agree nor disagree




Strongly disagree

I follow up after sending out an Email to

counter any technology glitches
5% 0%

Strongly Agree
Neither agree nor disagree

Strongly disagree


27 | P a g e

Negative communication could be in the

form of rumour, misinformation,
misinterpretation, incomplete
information, etc.


Strongly Agree


Neither agree nor disagree

Strongly disagree


Miscommunication can lead to conflicts at

5% 0%

Strongly Agree
Neither agree nor disagree


28 | P a g e


Strongly disagree

Difficult news should always be

communicated in-person



Strongly Agree
Neither agree nor disagree

Strongly disagree


I welcome constructive criticism

Strongly Agree
Neither agree nor disagree


29 | P a g e

Strongly disagree

To effectively execute my work duties, I

rely on communication from my


Strongly Agree
Neither agree nor disagree




Strongly disagree

Sometimes I push my coworkers to get a

job done without much consideration
about how they may feel

Strongly Agree


Neither agree nor disagree


Strongly disagree


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Baseline Questionnaire Crossroads Partnership

In preparation of implementation of Volunteer Cooperation Program (VCP) 2015
2019: Skills for Change Crossroads International would like request the partner
organizations to answer to this questionnaire in order to establish baseline data reference to
our future partnership programs.
The baseline is also the requirement of our funder, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Commerce
and Development. The baseline data and references will provide us with comparative data
to allow us to capture more accurately the contribution of the VCP towards institutional
capacity building and development results. This questionnaire is built on the basis of the
Logic Model and the Performance Measurement Framework attached here.


Name of the partner organization: KWIECO: Kilimanjaro Women Information and

Consultancy Organization
Country: Tanzania
Date : 8/10/2015
Signature :

Relationship with Crossroads International

Partnership Start Year :

volunteer exchanges in
the last five years

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NS (Including NSPV)

SN (Including SNPV)



Questions on knowledge and skills base of the organization

3.1 Please evaluate and grade (preferably following a discussion) the level of knowledge
and skills base available among the key personnel of your organization considering
the skills and knowledge you would like to improve within the next five years of
partnership with Crossroads International.
(The table below contains overall general categories. If you wish to break them down further to specific
categories, please do so by adding rows under each general categories)

Categories of knowlege/skills

Current level



Desired level






Governance and leadership



Management Processes





Administrative and Financial



Provision/Implementation of
programs, projects


Equality between men and

women (Gender Equality)




Knowledge Sharing


10. Policy Dialogue

11. Capacity to implement annual


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Categories of knowlege/skills

Current level


Desired level


12. Capacity to mobilize resources





13. Capacity to build, implement

and monitor budgeting related
to programs and projects



KWIECO envision to increase skills and knowledge in a level that assures

adequate service delivery and that the Organization stay healthily and

3.2 Please list the national, regional and international networks that your organization is
member of :
National Network Organization: TAWREF,(Tanzania Women Research Foundation),
AJISO(Action for Justice Organization), Amani Center for Street Children, NAFGEM-National
Anti Female Genital Mutilation, Medicos Delmindo, KIWAKKUKI, WiLDAF, Policy Forum,
TGNP, WFT and Pamoja Tumaweza Women Centre
Regional: OSIEAInternational: JURK- Norway, L.S.F- Denmark, UN Women,


Questions on tools to be refined or developed

4.1 What are the types of tools that you would like to develop or refine in the next five
years in order to improve the organizational performance?
(It can be related both to efficiency and effectiveness of organizational systems or programs and

Type of Tool

Please see the list at the
bottom of the page

Strategic plan

Human resources management

Service provision






Useful tool for

objective management
The curent one will end in

Governance and leadership, Human resources management, Administrative and financial management, Service
provision, Equality between men and women (Gender Equality), Knowledge Sharing, Policy Dialogue,
Networking, Others

34 | P a g e

Type of Tool

Please see the list at the
bottom of the page



Policy dialogue, Networking

and knowledge sharing

frame work and

Governamce and leadership

Gender Policy

Equality between men

women (Gender Equality


collection tools

Financial management







infornation to the new
strategic plan and changing
socio-political terrains
To be strengtherned.

Administrative and Financial


To increase skills that will

enable KWIECO to have
ready to support
strategic plan.
It will add skills in internal
To capture emerging issues
and future demands

Questions on performance of programs/services

5.1 Please list current programs and services that Crossroads partnership contributes to
including the areas the volunteers are involved in :

5.2 Please grade these programs and services according to the categories in the table
(please add rows under each category if you wish to separate more than one program/service.
Where the categories are non-applicable please write NA in the comments section)



Do the partners services/projects better meet the
specific needs of the target groups (men, women, and
Scope:a) To what extent has the number of beneficiaries
reached by the partners services/projects increased?




KWECO wish to expand to

other regions.

Have the partners services/projects achieved the target
results or changes sought in the target groups?

Is the partner making more judicious and optimal use of
the available resources (human, financial and material)
to achieve the target results of the services/projects?

If the partnership with Crossroads International were to
end, what challenges would there be to the continuity of
the partners activities and the sustainability of the
changes achieved in the target groups?
a) Are the partners human resources more involved

35 | P a g e

Interventions are targeted to
solve identified and assessed
social needs.

interventions supersede preplanned targets.
Team work to
consisting of different skills
and profession reduces the
cost to render services.
Skill application will remain to
be active. Collaboration with
other interested partners will
Intervention, monitoring and



in service/project decision-making?
b) b) Are the target groups and especially the most
marginalized groups more involved in the
Inclusion of gender equality:
To what extent is the partner analysing power
relationships and implementing a strategy to reduce
gender inequality?
a) To what extent has the partner experimented with
new initiatives/approaches that help it strengthen its
a) To what extent has the synergy between the partners
interventions and those of the government, local
authorities or other key stakeholders increased?




report sharing are done.
Target groups are involved.

Collective skills on gender

responsive services delivery
still needed

Innovative skills needed.

Technical expertise shared

and increased skills in project
Networking to support citizens
victims of rights increases
between KWIECO, Local
Authorities, Police, Courts
and Journalists.
The interventions are in line
International plans/policies of
poverty reduction strategies,
gender equality, human rights
and good governance in
KWIECO works in coalition(Policy Forum) and has
networks that work to ensure
policy enforcements and or

b) To what extent does the partners work contribute to

the achievement of objectives in the national, regional
and international plans/policies?

Policy dialogue
Does the partner (with support from Crossroads
International) participate in strategies to further influence
decision-making and public policy (local or national)
related to the development issues facing its target

Others, Specify


Questions on beneficiary base/constituencies of your organization

6.1 What is your current beneficiary reach (men, women, girls, boys, individual
enterprise, collective enterprise etc.) of your services and programs (Please fill in
disaggregated data where available and applicable by program/project/service- add rows as

Beneficiary groups

People Outreach







(up to 18

(upto 18




By marginalized groups we mean the people who are the most excluded from resources (land, water, etc.) and
from the decisions that impact their lives, such as women, girls, youth, people living with HIV/AIDS, the disabled,
aboriginal groups, certain castes or ethic groups, etc.

36 | P a g e

Beneficiary groups

People Outreach







(up to 18

(upto 18










Legal human
rights, Sexul
















protection and
promotion of
women rights




Litigation and








(Please answer these questions where applicable to your programming. Where applicable and
information is available, please describe the situation specific to gender and youth)

6.2 To the extent possible, please describe the current situation of your beneficiaries in
terms of access to decent employment (revenue that will cover basic needs)
Majority of our clients live under one dollar per day. They are unable and unsure
to access employment and those in employment opportunities can for some time
claim that, received revenues are being challenged by the frequent inflation and
the declining value of the National currency against the dollar. The decline in
37 | P a g e

decent revenue is also accelerated by climate change resulting into decrease in

agricultural production in remote rural areas. Cost of food in Tanzania increased
10.20 percent in August of 2015 over the same month in the previous year. Food
Inflation in Tanzania averaged 12.13 percent from 2010 until 2015, reaching an
all time high of 27.84 percent in January of 2012 and a record low of 4.90 percent
in January of 2015. Food Inflation in Tanzania is reported by the National Bureau
of Statistics (NBS) - Tanzania. Thus, income recived in Tanzanian shillings
reduces assured abilities to cover basic needs of the beneficiaries.
6.3 To the extent possible, please describe the current situation of your beneficiaries in
terms of access to opportunities for increasing their income.
Opportunities for increasing their incomes are available. Comparing to the
previous situations, the access to opportunities are more visible in rural remote
areas and women are trust-worth comparing to men. However due to high
interest rates of up to 18% of total loans
coupled with genuine required
collaterals hinders many of beneficiaries to access such opportunities. To solve
this, KWIECO as one among Nongovernment Organization has worked and
empowered marginalized Women through her program called Women Economic
Program. Targeted beneficiaries are now able to access basic needs, work and
developed collective and individual enterprises and result of the interventions.
Additionally, Tanzania through the National Microfinance Policy spell out and
realize challenges faced by the rural population and calls upon
Banks, Credit unions and SACCOS to support the access to financial services
6.4 To the extent possible, please describe the current situation of the individual and
collective enterprises that you support in terms of access to markets and financing.
Marginalized women are now engaging in Income Generating activities including
management of Peer Saving groups. The project has made significant
achievements as per set indicators notably livelihood transformation to the
primary beneficiaries. 1,131 women are in 48 women peer saving groups. They
have accumulated 91,791,100. They provided 2364 loans to peers valuing
Through such undertakings they now contributed to the improved nutrition and
increase in numbers of meals per day, leading to fewer days lost to sickness.
Children are better dressed and better fed. Ability to pay school fees, leading to
regular attendance and better academic performance. Independent sources of
income leading to greater economic independence, confidence and self-esteem.
From shyness to confidence. Previously scared to take loans for fear of losing
attached assets but now confident to participate. Alternative to occasional sex
work for payment in cash or kind. Reduced dependence on husband means less
violence, arguments and exploitation, and greater domestic harmony with fewer
disputes over resource allocation. Respect from others and greater voice and
role in household budgeting and decision making.
6.5 To the extent possible, please describe the current situation of your beneficiary base
in terms of leadership, citizen and political representation, participation to influence
decision making at local, regional and national level.
KWIECO has for long empowered her beneficiaries on matters relating to good
governance, entrepreneurship skills, human rights, gender equality and
sensitization skills. The informed beneficiaries continue to engage and hold
38 | P a g e

duty bearers more accountable and stand firmly to the position of justice monitors
and whistleblowers for unaccountable leaders. Paralegals have influenced clan
and village leaders to address for gender equality and drop out discrimination
against women/girls in resource ownership including land and matrimonial
With increased confidence, 21 women in Income generating activities contested
in the 2014 Tanzania Local Government elections. Three Paralegals (men) were
recommended by their fellow citizens and they are now contesting for the position
of Ward Counsellor in the current campaigns for Tanzania General elections
which are scheduled to take place on 25.10.2015.
Paralegals have now mobilized themselves and agreed to register as
independent nongovernment Organizations that will work to empower fellow
citizens on legal, gender equality and human rights.
6.6 To the extent possible, please describe the current situation of your beneficiary base
in terms of access to knowledge, skills and resources to claim and promote their
Reliable income to access knowledge is still challenging and very low currently
estimated to be 40%. Access of the services requires money for fees, meals,
accommodation and fares to reach and access the specific institutions. As such
very determined beneficiaries fail to access. The Organization is supporting them
through knowledge sharing during formal and informal community awareness
meetings, producing and circulating brochures of simplified laws, human right
reports from coalition members, use of local and National media, religious
institutions and capacity building/ training to them.
6.7 Describe the general perception of your beneficiary base towards your programs
and interventions.
The beneficiaries access what they do not normally access from the government
legal sector. Many believe gender responsive service delivery available only in
nongovernment Organizations due to mutual commitments of the Staff in
Organization. Secondary Beneficiaries from local Government Authorities
perceives that the Organization has plenty of money necessary to deliver what
they cant and they wish to attend program/project events because of existence of
financial incentives.
6.8 In a general sense, what is the current level of participation of beneficiaries in the
lifecycle of your interventions?
The level is good. For effective result, local government leaders, discussions
with primary beneficiaries are engaged to identify key community problems.
KWIECO through the programs shares the community responses and assess the
magnitude of problem. Proposals are then developed (but targeted beneficiaries
are at this stage rarely involved due to cost constraints). If proposal wins
beneficiaries are involved, collectively monitor, report results and evaluate.

Questions on Risk Factors

7.1 Briefly describe the current socio-economic and political contexts (Eg; legislation
that directly touches your work, local, regional or national elections, advocacy work,

39 | P a g e

economic situation and policies that affect your work). Please explain how this can
influence programming, including volunteer placements.
Tanzania is a union between the mainland and semi-autonomous Zanzibar. The
latter has its own President, House of Representatives, and line ministries in several
core areas, including health, agriculture, and education. Tanzania is currently in the
midst of a constitutional reform process in which both Crossroads partners
KWIECO and TGNP - are greatly involved in leading roles. Over the past decade,
impressive improvements have been made in the health status of Tanzanias people.
For example, the rate of children mortality has declined. The decrease of children
under-five mortality rates is largely attributed to investments in malaria control and
improvement in access to safe drinking water. Although the HIV/AIDS prevalence
rate varies by region, nationally it has been reduced from 5.7 to 5.1 percent in the
past five years. While these successes are laudable, chronic under-nutrition
(stunting) and maternal mortality rates remain high, and women in Tanzania are
particularly affected by HIV/AIDS, comprising nearly 60 percent of people living with
In regards to economy, Tanzania is one of Africas fastest growing economies. The
per capita gross domestic product (GDP) has increased from $1,025 in 2004 to
$1,380 in 2012. Yet, widespread poverty persists with 68 percent (2007) of
Tanzanias population living below the extreme poverty line of $1.25 per day.
Tanzanias nearly 7 percent annual national GDP growth since 2000 has been hardly
perceptible among Tanzanias predominantly rural (73 percent) population. Inclusive
broad based growth is stymied by: (a) low productivity growth in labor intensive
sectors and (b) an unchanging and high population growth rate. Forty-four percent
of Tanzanias current population of 45 million is under 15 years of age. At the
current growth rate, Tanzanias population is projected to reach 70 million by 2025.
In addition, women make up fifty percent of the Tanzanian population, yet gender
inequities continue to persist: salaries paid to women are on average 63 per cent
lower than those paid to men, and when women own businesses, they make 2.4
times less profit than men. The 2011 Human Development Index rating for Tanzania
placed it at 152 out of 187 countries. Tanzania is ranked in 119th place in the Gender
Inequality Index out of 146 countries and is ranked in 59th place in the 2011 Global
Gender Gap Index. For instance, alarming statics and Tanzanian Womens Rights
organizations have confirmed that there is a high incidence of early marriage in
Tanzania with the legal age for females to get married at 15 years old and even as
low as 14 with special permission whereas it is 18 for males leading to high rates
of early pregnancy for young girls and hindering their ability to complete school and
find meaningful employment and climb the corporate ladder like their male
counterpart. Primary school enrollment for males and females is almost equivalent,
but when it comes to secondary school completion rates the picture is less ideal.
Secondary school completion rates for the 20-24 age brackets were 19.5% for
females and 32.7% for males. Tanzania Demographic Health Survey data for 2010
indicates that 20% of women aged 20-24 had no education at all, compared to 9.6%
of men.
On the political stage, while women occupy 36% of parliamentary seats, women
represent only 10% of the political elite from the district level and below. The 36%
of seat are high compared to the global status of women in politics mostly because
40 | P a g e

of affirmative action that requires a certain number of seats allocated to women

regardless of the outcomes of elections. However, voices are rising from across the
country, including voices of high ranked women in the decision making processes, to
remove such provision from the constitution and this is one point that all women
activists rally behind their coalition for the constitutional review.
Tanzanian President Kikwete who will conclude his second (and final) five-year term
in 2015 dedicated his presidency to Tanzania economic growth. However,
regardless of positive indicators and the political will and efforts, there is a
persistence of widespread poverty, inadequate infrastructure, and endemic
corruption which constrain inclusive economic growth.
On women and gender inequalities, while Tanzania has made significant progress in
creating policies and strategies to advance womens empowerment and gender
equality, it still has a long way to go towards operationalizing them.
7.2 What are the risks or risk factors (at your level or at the level of Crossroads
International) that could affect program implementation and achievement of the

Unpredictable changes in Donor policies when Governments change.

7.3 What kind of risk mitigation tools should be put in place to mitigate the effect of
these risks?
Local fundraising efforts to be pursued including sensitizing the Government to
assume the roles currently been pursued by NGOs.

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