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THE ADVENTURES OF a TINTIN 4 | KING OTTOKAR’S HERGE THE ADVENTURES OF TINTIN KING OMOKAR'S SCEDIRE Translated by Leslie Lonsdale-Cooper and Michael Turner All rights reserved under international and Pan-American Copyright Conventions. No portion of this work may be reproduced by any process without the publisher's written permission. Artwork copyright © 1947 by Editions Casterman, Tournai. Copyright © renewed 1975 by Casterman. Library of Congress Catalogue Card Numbers Afor 7895 and R 599746 Text © 1958 by Egmont Children’s Books Ltd, First published in Great Britain in 1958. Published as a paperback in 1972 by Methuen Children’s Books Ltd. Reprinted 1974, 1976, 1977 and 1978 Magnet edition reprinted eight times. Reissued 1990 by Mammoth, an imprint of Egmont Children’s Books Limited 239 Kensington High Street, London W6 6SL. Reprinted 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994 (twice), 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 2001. Printed in Belgium by Casterman Printers s.a., Tournai ISBN 0-7497-0466-7 KING ONOKAR'S SCEDIRG Let's sit down ont | For a minute. That's not Far. I'll take it back, I can't see lj Perhaps | ought to anybody... open it? The owners a Mame might be inside. Youre making a mistake, ] Tintin! ... No good ever J jy) comes of getting mixed A } up in other peoples busimess. Professor Alembick? fi Third Floor, first door on the right... — nor ——_ a _2 I = la @ good-evening, Mrs. Piggott. Put it all on the little table, will you? It's wot Mrs. Piggott, Professor. I’ve brought back your brief-case. — How very kind of you toreturn it. lim especially grateful, as the text of the paper Jam_~ ) reading to the [.5.A Congress %, > tonight is in there. Sigillography. Do you mean Yes, sigillography is an you've never heard of if? It's absorbing study. One the science concerned with the look at my collection study of seals. [t's extremely will coavin ce you. interesting and... A cigarette? oh No thank you: 1.$.A: International Sigil- lographical Association. Oh, good gracious! I'mso sorry! | have adreadful habit of \~\ ?dropping my cigarette eh. ends about! This is one of the rarest items in my collec - iow: the seal of Charlemagne. Here is the seal of Edward the Confessor and next toit cne which belonged to Gradenige, Doge of Venice, And here's ___another Fine speci- - And thisis avery unusual seal, which | found quite by chance in Prague. Jt is the seal of Ottokar IV, King of Syl- davia... men: an intaglio ring “ afrom the Saxon period | VS Weews é @! 0d: It is one of the Few seals we know of From that country. But there must be others, and | am going te Syldavia to study the problem on the spot. ming, has p ge through Tne Syldavian Ambassador, an old Friend of introduction A cigarctte?.. As soon as | have found a secretary At least, rather more than a secretary, I really need someone to take care of all the details “of my journey, like hotels, pass pore) ats, luggage and soon romised to give me letters of l hope | shall be allowed to the historic national archives. No, thank you... And when are you leaving? Bur Isce that you have become interested ia sigitlography too. Let me have your name and address and | will send you my booklet "Hew to become a sigillograph- He's going... Quick, meet him on the stairs... \ Gat it!.. Wonderful, the way a mini- ature Camera canbehidden ina watch... | Bother! I've left my book H at Professor Alembick’s Flat. Anyway, we know his mame ts Tintin intin!...Tintint... You know that a name by itselF won't do... We must have a photograph! This is all very mys~ terious... Let's Fol- Restaurant’ Well, well! ‘Syldavian Well, I've had enough... I'w off... If anyone wants me, l'wat the ‘KLOW'!... Goodbye!.. The (Er... 1d like... something to Le Please... S| Will you \ \ take w seal, ee) sir?.. E What would you like, sir ?... ‘ Er... bring me... ar... a‘szlaszeck’ with mushrooms 4. and a glass of ‘szprady’... But I'd like a Ni wash first... The cloakroom is at the end of the passage. —— + As for Professor Alembick, we'll have to wait foraday or two, until he’s got the papers Fram | the Embassy... i [ misunder. ae Le f = chap witha Funny a dog with him. <= tuft of hair... Theres/@ * ...and he was listening out-| I'll bet a thousand khors it's side the door! He's a young| the Fellow Sporovitch tried to photograph!.. Where's Snowy got to?... Ina moment, My bill, please... M KLOM AANT STAU YLDAVIAN RE 2 36, WIGHTINGALE ROAD PROP: J. KNOSZV! iteH Lowia le ag Danger awaits the one whe ne To poxe 5 NOSE INC thers tors | = gnpavian What, sir 27... Oh, yes... Don't you kviow the old Syldavian custowt, ir 2... Inces-_Caurants inmy country there ( aproverb or a motto on the bill Yes, sir. Kather nice, isn't it?... Thank you, just right... f your meal, sir? I hope you. Your ‘szlaszeck was excellent, How do you make it? ie much, thank Ah, it's one of our specialities: the hind leg of a na 409, davian sauce. in Syl- Ah, there you are! Where have You been hiding? Ha! ha! ha! We shan't see him again in a hurry! Suf... Sur... Syb... Ah, here it is! Syldavia : a State inthe Balkan feninsula. Iw the Xilth century Syldavia was con- ered by the Bordurians A fw ments Cabr... + Hello ?... Yes, it’s me... Yes of course it's me... 1...Who are you?... What ? You'll tell me laker?... Can you come and see me? What about’... Oh!... All right, U'Il ex- pect you about @. half past eight... \ Goodbye... In 1275 the people of Syldavia rose against the Bordurians, avid i 1277 the revolutionary leader, Baron Almaszout, was pro- claimed King. He adopted the title of Ottokar the First, but should not be confused with Premys| Otta- kar the First, rhe duke who became King of Bohemia in the Xllth century Twenty past eight, My mys- fy terious foreigner should 500M be here. [ say, Tintin, my hiccups have gone! I'd better do something about No one there, of ; this poor chap. course:... You know he said his door would A always be open tous... ms ‘ Fe = rr = | You have a fine way of wel | people!,.. Oho! Whats ae (Help me to lift | him on to the | sofa, would | you?. Ls No, he's alive; his heart 16 beating. | What happened ?... Well, about an hour age] )thismanrangup and asked ta see me, and [ agreed. At half past eight the bell Irang: C opened the door and without a | | lword the poor Fellow collapsed at my | a Tr \ [hem YA » 4 | (M. ‘ ) Ie | Awd what about ail this evid - f You said, ‘without aword ' | ence of a struggle ? .. [nw that case, how Ao you know that this was | || the man who telephoned’ —— a I don't 5? 4 Know, but ws p X ik seemed like! a: . Yo p - a? a | Evidence of a struggle, my Foot ! The only struggle I had was with the window, | which wouldn't oped! You aren't trying to Tdidn't say that I knock: say fd Cais man H Excuse me, gentiemen... ie. 3 May I ask what [ am doing here?... img you that question... | To begin with, can you describe your assailant? | rather think [ should be ask- | My assailant ? | assailant? What | ..lata pee lis Waly wary Od, Bad | 1... can't remember ! cee \j Is don't try any funny busimess withus, my Friend... Come on, year your name ? For the last time, my man, don't | try amy funny business with us. What's your name ? Out withit!... And get a move on! What if hes telling the truth and he really (s suffering From amnesia ? What has avaemia todo withit?... You know, Lean" can'E on believe im this ae bs It's all very edd... 1 just can't make head or tail of this ‘ business... ¢ “oat Anyway, I'd better get anew window pane put im... . Amnesia!., He probably y hada violent shock that madc him lose his memory! It's always happening. Jf I were you I'd take him to a hospital and leta doctor have a look at him.. Hmm!... what | Hmm:.,. We | | do you think’... could try ... [Hels strat the | b Could wilder? | you replace a pane of glass for me? Yes .Tintin,,.You'll come es seen Goodnight Mr Tintin, Always glad to help! Glad tohelp!... Not again fora long time, Lhope... Ah! Theres a mote tied to this stone.. Nobody... The , street's quite empty. Fe | ‘For the last time’... lw other words, ‘we have already warned you’. But when?... Why, that must have been a warning at the ‘Klow. OP course... Ehey were Syldavians ! I've got aw ided!.,. What if [ become the professors secretary and go with him to Syldavia?... ~» Gy ) Bad news!.,. That Tintii went to see Professor Alembick this morning and agreed to go with him to Syldavia as his secretary!,,. He's busy getting his passport now. If he goes with the professor our, —- —_— ~~ plan is bound to | You'd better leave this to fail !... me; ll see that. Tintin doesn't go! sx. —_ Jom theturs Later... What's that, my [ bay” Mr. Tintin 2... He's gone out, oye yy | ‘| It's a parcel for Me Tintin, \ te J YY / | Give me that. We'll | wait for Tintin up- stairs, and give him this ourselves... | J open it?.. = ce!) [te | Look, there's a jetter with | TF you want @n ex- the parcel : . Should we planation of yester- J days events, you will f find itin this parcel. A Friena.! | Excellent !.. "What a There are two men é stroke of luck. Now we || || waiting in your room; they've got to shall Fina somthing they told me they were tell me... i sieren ais From ae the peers What Mave you | Er... there was a done? What's | parcel for you... happened?... ... and a letter... Here:read it.. We opened the parcel. We heard a ‘Pizz' and we just had time to throw it away, or it would have blown up tn our faces! | Sea UATRET can mix f] The cunning sc oundre[s!,,. They wanted to kill me! Quick, downstairs!... The men who did if are out there!... away ! az Look out!... | i oy SS : = . hha ff 1 i’ Gop q i | | et Too late!... P Aa Z | a dj - They've got ff =f H = Get going! There's a motor bike!.. We're all set! We've got te Follow Ehew ! mw Whatever happens, hang on tight! Sa A 3 r He's alone! ... We'll fix him!... Leehim 2B F A IE aE gradually close up on us... Nip AA LLALLLON, CNEL i Now we ve got iem:... This time I think we've B really shaken him of | For good. = And the others?... Whats happened tothem? You started of f so suddenly that we... we couldn't with you. So we commandecred It’s no good: theyi re feof Far ahead ing, Professor... the Klow plane.. Hello ?... Yes... Ah, good-even- Yes, every - thing is ready for our trip... Yes, { have booked seats on » We'll meet at the airport in the morn- ing, at Il o'clock... a a rs — It can't be true! Surely... yes, it's chem! .. Where have they come From? f] Ff leave you here. | must go and pack my things at once. 1 am NF going to Syldavia tomorrow. Lee ST i a as Ly ao We go via Prague, yes... Well, goodbye till Famorton, Pro- fessor... Yes.. . Hello?... Hello?... sii ? The professor is in dan- ger! Quick! quick! There's nok a moment Ooovoh... Help!.,. Help!... Aaaaaah!... I only hope I'm —— Ah! [t's you, Tintin Have you Do. Dw sorry, but [ don't under- not too late!... come to help me \, Finish stand!,.. [| thought I heard you my packing ?.. . cry out and shout far help...So 4 [ rushed straight round... Me shouting for help ?., I'm afraid [ don't know what you're -alking about. But it's extraodinary Bat It's very kind of you to come || But of course we've | I can't have been dreaming! and see me of F. || Come... } quite definitely heard a = To be precise: of course... and Mr. Thompson, of the C.1.D. this way please... Professor Alembick, sigillographer. Yes, aren't they smart?... Pure English felt, extra- light . only £ 3-95. Won- deérful bar-_ gain! ec ar—oe ee Professor, may | introduce Mr. Thomson [ you've got new hats? All passengers for Prague, __ 7 / How dayeuae: Very well, thank you. ) Compression! : == J Petrol on! And good J Contact! luck in Syl - a - Come and jook what apretty picture these sheep make... down in that a me Yes...How tiny they you can hardly Yes: it's Frankfurt They touch down For a few minutes. [/ r. Alembick? Theres a tele- M gram for you, Sweets... Sandwiches... Chocolates... Cigarettes... Here's some gaod uews... The Syldavian gov- ernment has put a special aircraft at our disposal, Look... Professor Alembick, pass enger aboard aircraft No.573 0O-AGE. Frankfurt Airport. Special plane for Klaw will meet you at Prague . Stop. Best wishes. ... It's signed Schzlozitch, Air Minister... take your seats in the aFE... THE cine LOAVIA PELICAN MONG the many enchanting places which deservedly attract foreign visitors with a love for picturesque ceremony and colourful folklore, there ‘one small country which, although relatively unknown, surpasses many others in interest, Isolated until modern times because of its inaccessible position, this country is now served by a regular air-line network, which brings it within the reach of all who love unspoiled beauty, the proverbial hospitality of a peasant people, and the charm of medieval customs urvive despite the march of progress. This is Syldavia. Syldavia is a small country in Eastern Europe, comprising two great valleys: those of the river Vladir, and its tributary, the Moltus, The rivers meet at Klow, the capital (122,000 inhabitants). These valleys are flanked by wide plateaux covered with forests, and are surrounded -capped mountains. In the fertile Syldavian plains are cattle pastures. The subsoil is rich in minerals of all by high, snow corn-lands an kinds. Numerous thermal and sulphur springs gush from the earth, the chief centres being at Klow (cardiac diseases) and Kragoniedin (rheumatic complaints). The total population is estimated to be 642,000 inhabitants. ports wheat, mineral-water from Klow, firewood, horses Syldavii and violinists. HISTORY OF SYLDAVIA Until the Vith century, Syldavia was inhabited by nomadic tribes of unknown origin. Overrun by the Slavs in the Vith century, the country was conquered in the Xth century by the Turks, who drove the Slavs into the mountains and occupied the plains. In 1127, Hveghi, leader of a Slay tribe, swooped down. from the mountains at the head of a band of partisans and fell upon isolated Turkish villages, putting all who ted him to the sword, Thus he rapidly became master of a large part of Syldavian territory. A great battle took place in the valley of the Moltus near Zileheroum, the Turkish capital of Syldavia, between the Turkish army and Hveghi’s irregulars. Enfeebled by long inactivity and badly led by incor petent officers, the Turkish army put up little resistani and fled in disorder. Having vanquished the Turks, Hveghi was elected king, and given the name Muskar, that is, The Brave (Muskh: brave’ and Kar: ‘king’). The capital, Zileheroum, was renamed Klow, that is, Freetown, (Kloha: ‘to free’, and Ow: ‘town’). re A typical fisherman from Dbrnouk (south coast of Syldavia) q Syidavian peasant on her way to market A view of Niedzdrow. in the Viadir valley ) on e yd cod i, es ai <> Te ) ' ‘ ee | SJ aN TR coi AS E THE BATTLE OF ZILEHEROUM After a XVth century miniature 0) H.M. King Muskar XH, the present ruler of Syldavia in the uniform of Colonel of the Guards Muskar was a wise king who lived at peace with his neighbours, and the country prospered. He died in 1168, mourned by all his subjects. His eldest son succeeded to the throne with the title of Muskar IL Unlike his father, Muskar I Jacked authority and was unable to keep order in his kingdom. A period of anarchy replaced one of peaceful prosperity In the neighbouring state of Borduria the people observed Syldavia’s decline, and their king profited by this opportunity to invade the country. Borduria annexed Syldavia in 1195. For almost a century Syldavia groaned under the foreign yoke In 1275 Baron Almaszout repeated the exploits of Hveghi by coming down from the hills and routing the Bordurians in less than six months. He was proclaimed King in 1277, taking the name of Ottokar. He was, however, much less powerful than Muskar The barons who had helped him in the campaign against the Bordurians forced him to grant them a charter, based on the English Magna Carta signed by King John (Lackland), This marked the beginning of the feudal system in Syldavia. Ottokar | of Syldavia should not be confused with the Ottakars (Premysls) who were Dukes, and later Kings, of Bohemia This period was noteworthy for the rise in power of the nobles. who fortified their castles and maintained bands of armed mer- trong enough to oppose the King’s forces. But the true founder of the kingdom of Syldavia was Ouokar IV, who ascended the throne in 1370, From the time of his accession he initiated widespread reforms He raised a powerful army and subdued the arrogant nobles, confiscating their wealth. He fostered the advancement of the arts, of letters, commerce and agriculture. He united the whole nation and gave it that security, both at home and abroad, so necessary for the renewal of prosperity It was he who pronounced those famous words: “Eih bennek, vik blavek’, which have become the motto of Sylda' The origin of this saying is as follows: cenaries, (One day Baron Staszrvich, son of one of the dispossessed nobles whose lands had been forfeited to the crown, came before the sovereign and recklessly claimed the throne of Syldavia. The King listened in silence, but when the presumptuous baron’s speech ended with a demand that he deliver up his sceptre, the King rose and cried fiercely: “Come and get it!” Mad with rage, the young baron drew his sword, and before the retainers could intervene, fell upon the King The King stepped swiftly aside, and as hi him, carried forward by the impetus of adversary passed harge. Oulokar s struck him a blow on the head with the sceptre. laying him low and at the same time crying in Syldavian: "Esh benack, vih blavek', which can be said to mean: ‘If you gather thistles. expect prickles’. And turning to his astonished court he said: *Honi soit qui mal» pense!’ Then, gazing intently at his sceptre, he addressed it in the following words: ‘O Sceptre, thou hast saved my life. Be henceforward the true symbol of Syldavian Kingship. Woe io the king who loses thee, for I declare that such a man shall be unworthy to rule thereafter.” And from that time, every year on St. Vladimir's Day each successor of Ottokar IV has made a great ceremonial tour of his capital. He bears in his hand the historic sceptre, without which he would lose the right to rule; as he passes, the people sing the famous anthem: Syldavians unite! Praise our King’s might: The Sceptre his right! Right: The sceptre of Ottokar 1V Below: An illuminated page from ‘The Memorable Deeds of Ottokar 1V", a X1Vth century manuscript far Frommelz pafFeh: Ons polles 0 Lapsada Fonibstz ez COnifstz ifd¢ alpa_Flopps- dan fronn east pho Stassrvifchs crom ma GZeilla czdt: sstibel 6. Dazsvicl da on eltear afpa fallfa spy o carvd. Well, that's all very [ interesting, but | must be on my guard. Without his glasses this man cau pick out a Flock of sheep From as high upas Ehis. H H He has good eyes for a B short-sighted person!, H And another strange thing H ever since [ found him pack] ing his bags I haven't seen H him smoke a single cigarette But what about his glasses? .. Not that that proves any- thing. Plenty of people can see better at adistance than near to... As for the cigarettes, perhaps he has simply given wp smoking ~ Unless Tim very much mistaken, I'm Erav- élling with an impost- or!... ]f that's so, then everything Pits Hin... The shouts [ Hheard onthe rele- Hphone were From the real Professor Alembick. He has been kidnapped and H his wan has taken his place He must be exposed ! AE Prague I'll pull of F that false beard, and have him arrested ! [... Tw sorry... 1 .. Pmissed a step .. 1 beg your pardon D-dow't mention it!. You see, Smowy, inr Very pretty, isn't it? Mil let you admire if a bit more closely... There!... Happy di daccig landings Mind the Opens!... tei) AN ae NL ISIAY Vp VW \ ‘ AE Ty s \ \ . ° YIN =, 2 - K \ My I tN A A. ae > yy , qc yo 1 ~] N bears SS Ee | RRR.. } My aeroplane... BR [ fell... Crash!... Into f @ straw... Czestot wzryzkar nietz on vaghabontz! +... Czestot bdtczer yhzer kzOmmetz noh dascz gm politzski?... Kzommet micz omhz, noh dasez politzski! Come with you to the police?... With pleasurski! .. I've got a com- plaint to make ! Al Captain, what | have to say is of the utmost im~- portance... May I speak to you 1h private ?... Er... Yes... Leave us First, may I ask you a question ?... [ read ina brochure about Syldavia that if your King loses his sceptre he will be Forced to abdicate. Is that true ?.. As a matter of Fact it is... But how does this concern you? I'll tell you. | am certain there's a conspiracy against King Muskar XII, and that certain people will try to steal the sceptre From him ! Whats Ehat you say?... What makes you imag- ine such a thing ? lll explain... But first, are you sure we are wot over- heard? Definitely wot. Goon... You have just rendered a great service tomy country: | thank you. I will telegraph at once to Klow and have Professor Alembick arrested. I'm sure lcan rely on you for absolute secrecy, OF course... But [ must be on my way There isn't a single car in the village. But tomorrow is market-day in Klow. You caw go witha peasant who is leaving here today. But you won't arrive there until morning Tow bad, but I have no choice. 1'Il go with the peasant This must be serious. They've beew im there vearly an hour... Hello?... Yes, this is Klow 3324... Yes, Cen- tral Committee... Trovik speaking... Oh it's you Wizskitotz...What?... Tintin ?... But that’s impossible: the pilot has just told me... What?,..[nto some straw!...Szplug! He must be prevented From reaching Klow at all costs!... Doit how you like... Yes, ring up Sirov... Hello?...Yes, this is Siow... Hello Wizskitotz...Yes...A young boy, on the road to Klow... Ima peasant's cart... Good, we'll be waiting in the Forest... Yes, we'll leave at Goodbye !... Look out!. hey come!... Where's the young foreign- [ That's enough!... We F N-n-wo! ...1b...it..ib... er you are taking to know he's with youl... it's b-b-be-because...J...J... Search the cart Zlop! # | ee) Alt-t-talk...talk...talk... you stutter : : Th- Eh~ the young | [Th-th-the F-F-Foreign like that?,.. |e Sirov! There's no f-F-F- Foreign -er.. Szplug! Where} 1...1... w- was g-g- can hebe?... | going t-t -bo t- tell | Come on, are you| y.y-you, b-b-bbut y- going to talk ?... yyou in-in-inter- inter} interrupted m-m-me!.. He st-st-stopped at... my) at... at... th-th- the If you say one word ,or make f Hone move... just remember our rifles are trained on you!... oe whO.. WhO Wew-w] Cocoa!... Cocoa!,,. What cocoa’. Have you been drinking 2... i The Co-Co -Coach- Coachman's Rest, an- ay an-and,.. Why didn't you say so sooner? . Pim t t-try-trying to b-k- A Wew-was in...in...in th-Eh-that B B tell...yy-yy-yyou...ch-Eh-the y- c-c-car w-w-w-which j-j-just y- young P-F-For-Foreigner w-w- H papa-papa-passed!. Szplitz on | Szplug! Where Yes, [ am singing tonight at the Winter Ah, my beauty S past compare : Garden in Klow... Would you like to these jewels §5 bright [ wear!... hear me now ?.. - Hello’... Yes, this is Wizskitotz...Ah, ik t ae . a f 7 it’s you Sirov... Well?...Whak 2...Szplug! om “oF ... $0 it's wot your Fault?...Perhaps you think it's mine, eh?...Whab?... IF he hadn't stuttered so?...1f!...1F!... You can get round anything with ‘iF... 1'll telephone to the Chief of Police at Zlip...Yes. he's one of us... He'll stop him on the road. [t's lucky the windows are strong! Well, how did you Iu that case, just to please like that?... you I'll sing something else! Meanwhile, in Khow... So, you wish to have access to the Treasure House to examine the national archives ?... 1 won't conceal from you that this is a privilege rarely accord ed to a Foreigner, but since our ambassador has vouched for you,| think His Majesty will look favourably upon your request Where is the boy who 15 travelling with you? ne He get out earlier on, He'd forgotten some - fameorry, but | cannot allow you to proceed. Take him away! Your papers are not im order! ... Come with us to the police station ! Quite correct: your papers are not | inorder!... 1 shall have to keep you here until | receive instructions But Captain, there must be some mistake !... My pass- port was stamped before [lefe and... Captain!... You must listen!... Thave something important to tell you}... I... Hello?... Wizskitotz?... This is Szplodj... I've got our Fine bird !...Yes, we simply picked him up...Now what do you want us to do with him ?... Yes... Yes... He obviously mustn't get ff to Klow... J’ think i over.,.That's it, ring up in the morning... Good bye... I While | cool my heels here, goodness knows what's going on in Klow... Aaacu gaah'...[s gatting dark... Id better try and get some sleep, as there's nothing else to do... | Ah, my beauty 2” past 73 | Td || compare, these jewels lj tell me truly ! bright 1 wear! Sd Was [ ever Margarita? This is Radio Klow... We are now broadcasting a concert From the Winter Garden at Klow. The solo- ist 15 Signora Bianca Castafiore of La Scala, Milan. ome reply | Mirror, mirror This document bearing the royal signature will admit you to the Treasure Chamber. Lieutenant Kromir willescort you there... : : E a The regalia is housed inthe keep of Kropow Castle. A special guard |] is mounted over i. The regalia {J Ibis! Theman seems well || who is clever en- guarded | ough to steal it hasn't been born! There i¢ His Majesty's regalia, Professor! ... — = And this is the Muniments Room, which adjoins the Treasure Chamber. You must forgive mé, but two guards will remain with you for as long as you are here. The doors will also be locked from the outside. Those are the orders. I hope you will not be offended. These are your orders... You, as the dri- Don't worry!... : ver, will stage a breakdown. You A Oe will |... You are to take this young man Eo Klow. | will get op Eo lopkc-ak the ¢naind | But be careful!...Heisa dangerous ruffian and the others will Follow The * who has been meddling im State secrets... prisoner will then try to esca J H In Fact, I've been given to understand, on You inideretand ys 7 ean high authority, that it ‘d be Yes, sir! ,., But what if he doesn't try to get away? We'd better get Here, Snowy, swallow EL Be KE! rid of this, this paper pellet .. What Friend?... NG tog. case Sm search-|| || for me... I wonder who can have sent me this ?...°A Friend? Hurry up now, Snowy, [ think someone 15 coming Por us... I suppose you think it's easy ? A AWS aa Sea Meee » Se — SES aa a ae Look out, he's moving! fF ff : Mea There he goes!... Don't miss!... imam He's getting out... Get ready... [t's wo good , hold your Firel...He's disappeared behind the boulders! ’ . He must have broken his neck... H bu B Careful! About Szplug! Where is he? We've simply got Fo Find him... The captain |] will never Forgive us if we let him get away, after he'd planned that trap... He Fell down there ... Somewhere be- hind those rocks... I must watch my step!... I see that noone can be trusted !... Imust warn the King himself. Now, of f we go to Klow!... Whew!... They 've passed ET TI ' Here's the main road You have His Majesty s permission i to photograph the documents. But the pictures may only be kaken by the official Court Photographer, Herr Czarlitz. Here is the order which authorises him to go with you into the castle... Which way to the pal- ace, please ? Follow this street to Ottokar Square, be ia : Marre Cs >... | eal CAs ns ee \w_eor4 Vy i What a downpour! We'll shelter until this is > { Yt ta MW Come on, let's have another look. He can't be Far away... vad RA Wate wonder if [ might be permitted o photograph some of the / ocuments ? Asaruleé that is not allowed, but His Majesty might consent... Come on Snowy + | i must hurry to warn the ti: King of the danger he's in... Hurry up, Snowy! I jowy!. They have wonderful bones Hey, where is Snowy? ff Snowy in this country, Tintint... L —_ [ IW és You take that bone back where you found it, atonce! Youunderstand...And be quick!,.. ——- ———rry Could His Majesty grant me an | audience 7... 1 have most import} | ant and urgent business... A Please wait here; I will see iF His Majesty s aide H }} de-camp will see you. 1 Whom shall [ an- a by aor ey eee : FEES es EN i w = TP eS ertainly, Signora... Yes... yes i ». tonight, at half-past eight f] | ... His Majesty will be delighted | ... Your servant, Signora... i i TTI PP Se : ou | Sia Se a Nt] a. A; ey Na) Te Se = amy al er =) Ne" So that's all arranged, Herr Czarlitz..| Iwill come and fetch you in the morn- ing at about nine, and we will go to Kropow Castle Eogether... Very well, I will not insist... Will your come back tonight, at about half lH past eight ? [ will try and arrange for His Majesty to allow you a few min - utes, before his reception at the palace... ira Sir, [am His Majesty's aide- de-camp!...1 venture to say that L my sovereign places complete trust in me! : \ MLPA Gy ! do nok doubt it, Colonel! BX .. But the news I have to communicate to the King is so serious that itis PY Hello ?... Yes, this is the Cen- tral Committee. Ah, it’s you, Boris. What's the latest news? Nes...What ?.,. Tintin ?...Are you sure? But the Chief of Pol- ice at Zlip Was just sworn that... Yes...Terribly important information So you want an audience with His H Majesty 7... May | ask why ?... Er...[... you must ex- cuse me, but... it is highly confidential.. | But he didn't say what it was?.. Good!...Aha!...He'll be back to- night at eight-thirty 7... Thats Fine, it gives us time...Listen, he must nok speak tothe King.. . Definitely not !... This is what we'll do: listen... The King is willing to grant you a short interview. Please go with the Captain of the Guard and he will take you to the Audicwce Chamber. His Majesty will see you there. iviac mongrel has giv- en us away !...Comeon!.. That's knocked out all four! Fine! Now, let's try and see the King.. He should | be in here... a - 1 - = hom By — Ets) i )) @ : (eo = = MAM i \\ ys a CLL Ty ig ee S ; ~ \ A \ \ a The Guard!,..There | H H isn't aminute to Sarre) SSSI rr Let me go!... Let me go!... {Your Majesty ! Take care!|$ Dy Ht ] The Guard! , [ must speak tothe King!.. s+ Don't Erust the |} “gf yy You are being trans - ferred to the State More time wasted !... Aud I'm sure the Come with us. The police conspirators won't van is outside... be wasting theirs! Hello, this is St. Vladimir's Hospital...An accident ?... w+ Casualties? In Molbus Street? , All right, 1'I! send an ambulance! ‘4 better go back forthe others... J Avery useFul thing, concussion ... Come on, Snowy! Now or never... Yes, definitely sat I fering From con- cussion... Aha! That's done the trick !... Now | back to the palace ! sT Ls You aren't hurt, I hope ¢ No, thank you . I'm BG all right...Greaté snakes!,. The King! Take care, Sire!...This i BZ > : se ss Don't shoot, Sir!,.. Please list - anarchist’ who tri- ad... } . Gy en!... Lam not an anarchist. J > I wanted to warn you...Even at this moment Ehose scoun- drels may be trying to_steal lO He's in the plot too? || ae Pe ie 7, Om \ al . It's the truth, Sir. [am certain d | And this man is in with that Professor Alembick is an im- : them, Sir... Thatis postor. Coming to Syldavia to study f why he tried to stop the archives was only a blind. He y me speaking to you! ,, | and his accomplices plan to steal King Ottokar's sceptre, and so 1, E Li you to give up nN wy a [ene of throne! J S| << : : 4 * my Wi By Viadi- a Z * J Hs } J MA | [ed CaS: lie, Sir As i) mir! Can : wit be |] er o = fic uy That's that... May we now go } We must hurry, Sir... l'm sure i into the Treasure Chamber, not a moment to lose... : 5] You will return to the palace A\gl atonce and await my orders! . T myself will go to Kropow Castle with this young man and prove For myself Ehe truth| of his allegations @!... oO If The light is mot very good. We'll have to use Q a flash-bulb... We're nearly there... Those are the towers of Kropow Castle... the sceptre is im che keep, that square tower in the centre... 1 only hope we're not too late!,.. Bp Where is Professor Open up! In the name Alembick 7 > of the King! Everything seems quite normal... are in time ! KAZ let us hope nor, & Sir... Ah! Here is the guard with 9 L% GIST 4, VR i. MJ ‘ | AS) a here | -———— Next merning So, Lord Chamber- lain, the sceptre has mot been re covered yet ?... Sire, may I present Mr. Thomson and Mr Thompson, certified Actectives.. Welcome to | Majesty, your sire Tobe precise... it’s Alas wo, Sire...BueT . have secured the servi- ces of two detectives oF international repute. . expect them any minute Syldavia, ( (4 is very good...Good 41 gentlemen NT Majesty...no, | mean.. i } \ a majesty, Your K Pleasure... WE; \ ote 5) See oF Ah, I think I know who hey are. Whats going on?... Goand see. We thank you For answering our call so promptly, and for placing your experience at the service of the Crown,.. This is Me Tintin, who willgive you all the details of this business... -Y Tintin! Well I never! <0 INI PRT | \ Er ..We are the detec- tives who... Hm.,.We | [hn ..we slipped...and Yes. and we fell down,.. This ts the position... Someone has stulen che King’s sceptre!.., When His H Majesty and I entered the Treasure Chamber we found the Governor of the Castle, two of his men, the photographer Carlitz, and Professor Alembick whom you know, All of them were in a coma, and vione of tine Five Came to ; until this Have they been ques- = = = pera z a Yes, aud their statements agree OF course! Even the guards’ halberds were onall points. Herr Czarlitz Ae- cided to use a flash-bulb. After the Flash the room filled with thick smoke. They began to choke, and then passed out... Good. But... hin... did anyone think of search- ing these people’... taken to pieces, and the camera tripod, to make sure the sceptre wasw't hidden there. They tapped every inch of the room looking fora secret passage , but Found nothing! The onty door through which che the thief could escape was guarded by two sentries, who saw no one Goodness, they're smarter than! thought | Very well, we'll go!,.. n Be careful. @ slippery... 4 Your Majesty, this is all childishly Simple!... With your permission we will ga to Kropow Castle and de- monstrate how your sceptre war This is what happened. One of the Five people present was in the plot. He collap- - > n) |\sed when the smoke was released, but , we said, Your Majesty : took care to hold a handkerchief to his 1 | Impossible, gentlemen! The court- | yard is guarded . No one goes there but the sentries; and the srt are above suspicion... They are [| men of absolute trust who [| would die rather than betray their King ! , \ 3 oy Gl J Io the whole thing is child Mose. When he was sure the others had been chit put to sleep he got up, opencd the glass é"| Ds A case, Seized the sceptre, opened the win- << Ti dow and dropped the sceptre into the ; 4 4 courtyard. There an accomplice collected AS Na) it, took it away, and that was that ! There .. doz... —— = n —r As a matter of Fact the guard patrol f However, you shall | ling this side of the tower did hear h sec... Could you 4 hundred yards from this ¥ a window open and shut. But he did get me something window to the ramparcs! || nok notice anything unusual ... || || the same size as vo And there are bars... & h E i the sceptre?... . xactly! What do they mat- have thrown the sceptre over the ramparts surrounding the castle!...An accomplice waited f° tor?... [f just weeds YJ a good aim... | H Clumsy oaf!... Ler me show you the right way bo do pe | Watch carefully the sceptre didn't leave this | room like that!... Te 4 Sire!... [t's unbelievable !... froPesso .. have escaped From the State Prison, Sire.) Accomplices !... Accom - l Alembick wand Herr Czarlitz... They had accomplices among the warders |... plices!...They are every- . wag a \ ER 2 Four of them have disappeared with the where !,.. Oh, the plot was Fugitives! well laid: all is lost! By the Sceptre of Ottokar | }| Leave it to us, Your Majesty... [I wiay bake a week, a month, even a year, but we will recover your sceptre!... This time our honour is at stake! We have sworn to Fi 7 “Only three days, said Columbus, ‘and [ will give you a new world!” Only three days, Majesty, and we swear to (ud the sceptre; we must bring your sceptre, bound hand and Foot . Keep our word! To be precise . we must! keep Our word ! Thank you, gentlemen! May you succeed, ‘g Alas, gentlemen, there ave only three days!,.. If Lam without my sceptre on St. Vladimir's Day, I have ne choice but St. Vladimir protect them! | In any case, I'd like your permis- + They will succeed, H sion to try to solve this mystery : won't they ?... is to find out : HOW tue sceptre | [ hope 50, Sir, Thank you, my Friend. What - was stolen : ever happens, I shall never For- with all my 2 get what you have done for., me | Yaa DV he ‘ve got it!,,. Come with me to i the Treasure Chamber'!,.. L'll te oe a How the sceptre was. Don't go so stolen!... Quick! : Fast !.,, Wait Follow me! + Ta I peer H What happened ?... Quick, The camera!... Look ak } tell us!... the camera!... Yes, this spring came out. Tt hit mein the Face and knocked me out !... Watch!... There's the spring back in place,..l insert into the tube this stick used by the two dekectives... sceptre through the bars... | Err i it 1 Py it gave me the idea that per- haps the camera was Faked am up Lo hide a spring capable of throwing the sceptre beyond the castle ram- parts ! And my guess was pe Sea I ar aha EEF the river!,.. 'm going to have a look round over there. So they haven't Found it yet! \ W {f that Fool Czarlitz had aimed at the , (" ] clump of birch trees by the river bank as a y ... There's nok a moment to l lose!...[ must get back and H J have this wood surrounded. i : tal A He aw t cuit te | % S yr S| ' if I H himself, boys!...| Py ‘ : : ene fs eet i I The police!... let them try and catch me! eres ENE ae ry Se 4 They've got it UC again!... Snowy dropped it! ; ] How did you know 1 was f There's the King... They told him,too. ff |] Well, what has happened 7... fj He went round by the bridge while | we crossed ina boat... ft Those gangsters have got a- bine ppemeiengl ' nb way ina cai, with the sceptre! castle eae ween , WEE : ‘ J..+ LP you will lend us your had crossed the river... d i \ car, Sir, we three will try and catch them... E) They haven't got much of [}a start on us... We'll | U We're almost out of petrol... | = i Five gallons!... We'll have to stop ae Ehe first And make it suappy ! pump we come to... f y 4 Another Ewenty miles to The King’s car! {the frontier...Good!... after us! 9 half an hour we shall be | m clear of Syldavia, and | the sceptre will be safe ! ‘ Sant (ae We certainly caught them on the hop!... Bi They've taken to the mountains ! They hadn't even time to L} get back into their car.. We must stop this! ve. We'll Fool them! | P g a —— | Came on! Nitin! = | Take cover everybody... We'll get them!... } They are shooting at +} \ gl us! Follow me, Snowy, and don't | show yourself! ... We'll sneak ( hem. Now, [ see!... You blocked our way while | your pala got away wilh the sceptre!... N | J =. - ot a sign of Lao iFe... Perhaps we hit him.,. Look! There 4 are the other two... —— Szplug +. He's still on my Eail!... - \ y 4 / “A It's getting dark... We can't i i keep this up much longer, y cay ef Po hs OPES Z dm cs Wh aks é can only wait un it’s light... Wi til We'll walk fast ; That will 5. warm C) Offwe go Snowy!,.. |] [AMZ 4P dc . We simply must re- cover the sceptre ! 2.Z.R.K. 1239 [secret] To Section Commanders, Shock Troops SUBJECT: Seizure of Power | wish to draw your attention to the order in which the ions. for seizure of power in Syldavia will Fake place. One day you'll break your neck with all those acrobatics !... Let's search him... Ah! Here's his wallet... B works and power station, the banks, the agneral post office, the Royal Palace, w Castle, etc... In due course each section commander] will receive ones orders concerning his particul Paes salute you! \ 1 : Salute you! (signed) nad Misstler, oo Misstler, There's no time to lose ! | Oh, Tknow... 1 yf There's a house over there... We must get back ta Klow haven't eaten any - { But it's across the Prontier, as Fast as we can... si / thing since yesterday!) f Can't be helped... l'w too IF only I had some ot on Foot hope? Pood | a [ A Bordurian Frontier post!... He's a dangerous Sylidavian spy!... We must capture him!... Little devil! He's scat- f|_ What's the matter with him ? / we or i pepper... Aaaa tered pepper to put the kK \} \eoae es SS ... Echoo! ; RF eee ZA we 2 a That's Ewo nights inthe open... HI'm tired out!... If [ don't Find the } way soon I'J| never I get back in bime ! IF | could grab one of those planes I'd bein E's getting dark... That's annoying.1 shan't be there | He's lowered his under- —— —— nothing unusual .-just reconnaissance}| along the. Frontier. You know, I've been | tipped off that Mus- stler will give his broadcast at midday tomorrow. ..And an hour} later our squadron will || | land at Klow. | You have your orders, Lieutenant . Listening fost 34... Shoot it down!... ABordurian aircraft) | 7 They've picked usup!... hope they... Got him!... Look, he's on Fire... Ah,a signpost !... That's a stroke of luck! A Farm!...Stables!... [F only [ could borrow a horse... That's a splendid idea! whole [ think we'd better go on Fook. Why not ?... A little [ walk will dous ; good, Ont “No, Sir, you will not abdi- cate... = Your Majesty, I have your sceptre with me now | Sixteen miles: that's Five hours’ walk!.., A mere trifle! Aha, here's ahorse!,.. Whoa there!... Good, here's N) 4 saddle too... Whoa now! Gently does it... -Bordurian shops were looted again yesterday. These incidents are of course the work of agitators in the pay of a foreign power, but we are faced witha davgerous situation.And if Your Majesty qp- pears before the crowds without the sceptre, fear Rest assured, Prime Minister, there will be no bloodshed. [ will abdica te. Things are grave, Sire!... the people are suspicious : there are ramours that the sceptre is missing. Further- more... Here it ts!...1... Great snakes! }| I've lost it on the way ! Lucky I saw the sceptre fall out of his pocket! Saved'!...[ am saved!,,, | How happy this makes me! ] Saved forthe mo- jj ment only, Sir. | have/ discovered some - thi c cs = = I Found these on the ruf- fians [ went after. j ‘Seizure of power’! ,,. And it's signed Miisstler!) .. Miuisstler, the leader of Not amoment to. HW lose! Arrest Musstler} and his associates at once! General, the review of the army will not take place to- || Morrow as arranged. By 8a.m., crack regiments will occupy de- fensive positions along the frontier, ] And take over all the strategic bonis which the rebels plan ko at- tack... it‘ ! iri 2 They are firing a And so the royal carriage Oh, it’s you!...What is all that firing For? ecte ose 4 antes te palace. ae Viadimir'’s Pay... King, smiling ,bare-headed, Hurry up and dress, is holding the Sceptre of or we shall miss Ottokar iv his hand... A the procession. great roar of welcome greets His Majesty, aroar which Fades only when the strains of our national _- Anthem swell froma *\ thousand voices... on to the balcony to receive their tumultuous acclaim. But now he is seated here inthe Throne Room, where an investiture is taki a id AFA CEYS NENW i 3 : EXSTEETE a | And now the King is once more in his palace. Time and again the delirious crowds have called His Mayesty back = 5 3 C= + 4¢ 4 = | aC & pe 2 2 Co y Lords, Ladies and Gentlemen, Never in our long history has the Order | Tintin, Knight of the Order oF the Hof the Golden Pelican been conferred upon a foreigner. But today withthe Hfullagreement of Our ministers, We bestow this high distinction upon Mr.Tin- tin, to express Our gratitude for the great services he has rendered to Our country.. Golden Pelicam... [expect you will like to hear the result of Professor Alembick was our enquiries. You already know that Mus- also arrested at Miisstler's stler, leader of the Iron Guard, has been ar- home where he hid after rested with most of his followers. Calling the theft of the Sceptre. themselves the [ron Guard they were in fact This little book was the 2.7.R.K., the Zyldav Zentral Revolutzionar Found on him... MINISTRY OF THE Komitzat, whose aims were the deposition of INTERIOR our King and the annexation of our country by Borduria... OFFICE oF THE oy MINISTER ¥ Sy [t's incredible!... But what was this note book for ?... L know him . He's the man who collapsed in my room! But look!.. That's me!... So that they would kuow everyone who went to sée the real Pro- fassor Membick.,.. Here is another photograph found at Misstler's house which is Che key bo the puzzle... .. L might have guessed what happened tothe real professor ?... ...to prove our peaceful intentions, despite the inexplicable attitude of the Syldavians, I have ordered our troops to withdraw Fifteen miles From the froutier... — LN as Saco ] Weil, I've just read the London wewspapers. Listen : ‘During a search carried out yesterday in ahouse occupicd by Syldavian nationals, the po- llice Found frofessor Alembick, the scholar. He had beech imprisoned ina cellar For some weeks. He said he had been kidnapped on the eve of his [forSyldavia, and his passport was ta In private audience this morning the King received Mr. Tintin, Mr. Thomson and Mr. ompson, who paid their res- pects before leaving Syldavia. Afterwards the party left by road for Pouma, where they embarked ina flying-boat of regular Douma - ee Now I seeitall! First the shouts onthe Eelephone ; then the professor not wearing his glasses, and not smoking any more... 1t explains every thing. h Ten past six. We're ] there... We're falling into the sea... IF We are aren't FALLING; we're How absurd | 1, a hed « cont landing! This is a Flying - H Lea ant Pia sn 1 boat, remember ! E Np Me tool...That was eee E A good jo! a — Fi ry a T cam still hear you shouting : Hl ‘We're railiiars into the sea’! MAMMOTH U.K. £5.99 oe T RL “TiNTIN | DESTINATION MOON _ HERGE’S ADVENTURES OF TINTIN Collect all 21 of these adventures! ALSO BY HERGE The Adventures of Jo, Zette & Jocko: The Valley of the Cobras Mr Pump’s Legacy Destination New York The Making of Tintin The Making of Tintin in the World of the Inca The Making of Tintin: Mission to the Moon The Tintin Games Book Tintin and the Lake of Sharks Tintin Adventures: 3-in-1 volumes The Tintin Poster Book Tintin and the World of Hergé by Benoit Peeters ISBN 0-7497-0466-7 | 9 "780749'704667 THE CASTAFI@RE ya ea TINTIN THE CRAB THE G@LDEN CLAWS en odd Rel tat ON THE MOON THE SHOOTING STAR Also in this series a Tintin film book based on the characters created by Hergé: TINTIN AND THE LAKE OF SHARKS.

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