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CintaNotes provides you with several ways to take notes.

You can enter notes manually, clip text from other

applications, or paste text from clipboard.

Entering notes manually

Open CintaNotes and select the "Add" command from the "Edit" menu (or just press the Ins key). CintaNotes
creates a new note and displays the note editing dialog. In this dialog, you can enter note's title, note's text,
note's link, and note tags.
The "Link" is just some URL associated with the note. If CintaNotes recognizes contents of the "Link" field to
be a URL, it displays a small blue arrow icon to the right inside of the "Link" edit box. Clicking on this icon will
open the URL in your default browser.
There's also a "Browse Link" command in note's context menu, which enables you to browse
the note's URL without opening the note edit dialog.
The "Tags" field is used to categorize notes (see "Using tags to categorize notes" section below).
None of these fields is required, so you are free to leave any of them empty. After you've entered the
information you want to store, press "OK" (or Ctrl+Enter) to add the note to your notebook.

Clipping text from other applications

Entering notes manually is great if you want to write down some brilliant idea of yours, but more often you
just want to store a piece of information you've found elsewhere. This is the case where CintaNotes really
Provided CintaNotes is running in the background (usually it will reside in the system tray), all you need to do
is mark the text you want to store and press Ctrl+F12. Et voil! CintaNotes' main window pops up, focused
on the new note with the text you've just selected. Some fields beside text are also filled automatically - the
title of the source application window is taken as note's title, and if you clip text from a web page, the note's
"Link" field automatically receives the URL of the page from the address bar of your browser (Internet
Explorer, FireFox, Opera, Chrome and Safari are supported).
At this moment you might want to edit the new note to add information to it or tag it. Or you can just press
Esc to minimize CintaNotes and continue reading where you left off.

Pasting notes from the clipboard

CintaNotes also supports direct text pasting from the Windows clipboard. Select the "Paste" command from
the "Edit" menu or press Ctrl+V. CintaNotes creates a new note with the text from the clipboard. It also tries
to determine which application has put the data into the clipboard, and if successful uses the application
window title as the note's title. Unfortunately reliable clipboard data source detection is not always possible,
and when CintaNotes fails to find the source window, the first line of the pasted text becomes also the note's
Generally you should prefer clipping to direct pasting, because in the former case more data
can be filled automatically for you.

Editing and deleting notes

You can go back to editing any note anytime - just double-click on it, or highlight it and press the Enter (or
F2) key.
Deleting notes is also straightforward - select the notes you want to delete, and press the Delete key (or
select "Delete" from the "Edit" or note's context menu).

Merging notes
Oftentimes when you read a long text and make notes along the way, you end up with a whole bunch of short
notes on the same topic. In many cases this is ok, but sometimes what you really want is just one note with
all the text you've copied.

In CintaNotes, you can merge these notes together via selecting all of them and choosing the "Edit/Merge"
command (or pressing Ctrl+M). The selected notes will be merged into one. What exaclty happens here is the
following: text of the second and subsequent notes is appended to the text of the first (earliest) selected
note, then the appended notes are removed since they are no longer necessary.
The "Merge" command is also accessible from the note's context menu. It is enabled only
when two or more notes are selected.

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