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Tutorial 3 - Creating a new project


This tutorial will cover the steps to create a new project, learn the different parts of the
IDE, and learn how to edit code in Netbeans. We will code a simple Tutorial program to
demonstrate this. The Tutorial program will be used for the remainder of the tutorials,
so make sure you don't delete it once you are done with this tutorial.

Step 1: Create a new project

Select File > New Project from the menu at the top

At the New Project screen, select General for Category, Java Application for the
Project and click the "Next" button

Name the project "Tutorial" and choose a location for it. Leave Set as Main
Project and Create Main Class checked.

The Main Class will be your "Driver" class. Always make sure to rename it
something that is not "Main". I prefer the name Driver.

NOTE: In the textbox next to "Create Main Class", it

should NEVER read something.Driver. This will put your files into a java
package, which is not covered in this class. If your project name is
Homework4 and your driver class is named Driver, the main class name
should just be Driver, NOT homework4.Driver.

When you are done, click the "Finish" button and move on to the next step.

Step 2: Parts of the IDE

Below is a screenshot of the Project window. You can use this window to see all
the files (classes) that make up your project.

NOTE: For every project, all of your files should always be in <default
package>. If they are in something else besides <default package>, you
have made a mistake in step 1.

Below is a screenshot of the Output window. This is the window you will look at
when you try to compile and run your program. It will display the same output
as what is displayed when you type "javac" and "java". Whenever you use the
Scanner class, you can use this window for input as well.

Below is the Code window. This is where you will edit all your source code. There
are buttons at the top for adding comments, and doing other useful tasks.

Step 3: Print some numbers!

Lets write a simple program that will just print out the numbers 1 to 5. See the
screenshot below for the code snippet.

You can learn how to compile and run your program in the next tutorial.

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