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Should Abortion Be Legal?

Abortion is the practice of ending a pregnancy by removing a fetus or

embryo, but to others it could mean ending an innocent life or another form
of murder. The debate surrounding this controversial issue is still ongoing
which comes to whether it should be legalized or not to terminate a
pregnancy, these two answers always comes to divide the publics opinion.
Abortion is one of those major issues that makes people to adopt many
different viewpoints, as many still have a strong opinion against this topic.
But we need to consider what impact abortion has given to us and women
today. Although each side has different points to argue, it is still the womens
choice to have freedom and control over their own body, it is safe for the
well being of the mothers, and prevents crimes. These are the factors that
we should take into consider why abortion should be legal.
Without exception, there has been a dramatic decrease in serious
health complications, or even death due to unsafe and usually illegal
abortion. In Canada, 4000 to 6000 women died from unsafe and illegal
abortion between 1926 and 1947, today maternal death from abortion is
becoming more rare because of the impact that legalizing abortion is giving.
It improves the health care system and medical procedures, preventing most
of the maternal mortality and morbidity, and putting the mother and baby at
less risk.
In 1988, a new law was introduced to the Supreme Court of Canada to
strike down the existing abortion law in 1969 as unconstitutionally;
abolishing all remaining restrictions on abortion. This violated the law of
rights and freedom against womens rights. Everyone has the inherent rights
over their own bodies. Reproductive rights allows women to have the right to
have control over their bodies, and it affects a womans independence and
ability to determine and plan her future. The majority of women getting
abortion is because they are unable to raise a child or young. Many claimed
that it comes to interfere their career, educations, and their financial
situation, which all plays a pivotal role. In other cases, pregnancy may occur
to victims that's has been sexually assaulted. The victim will be pressured
into aborting it because not everyone can mentally or physically get over it
or can handle the fact the child will remind them of the trauma.
Furthermore, women should be able to have the freedom to make the choice

to carry a child or not, at least under circumstances for situations of rape or

if they are unable to raise one.

Abortion reduces crime Teenage girls, unmarried women, poor women

or even rape victims in most cases are more likely to have unintended
pregnancies. Since the mother is carrying an unwanted baby, the pregnant
mother will often resort to illegal abortions which can put their life and
health in danger if there are no other legal options. Abortion was previously
a crime offences and was completely banned in Canada before 1869 (which
was largely under the influence of the Catholic Church's moral). Any illegal
abortions wouldve also been liable to life imprisonment. Those pregnant
women who also couldn't get abortion stayed in a abusive relationship with
their partner. Canada is now currently one of the few countries with no legal
restriction on this field and this has significantly reduced the crime rate that
also falls under violence and homicide.
In conclusion, abortion should be and be remained legal in all countries
to prevent serious health circumstances, to give women a choice and to
reduce crimes. It should be regulated and controlled to be beneficial for the
life of the mother and well-being.

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