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Writing Assessment: Youre a Lawyer!

Graphic Organizer
Tell Lenas Story in the Present Tense!
What is her life like, and why should the jury care about this case?
Lena Younger- an elderly woman works tirelessly to help care for two children, step
daughter, and grandson- has suffered an injustice, along with the rest of her family, that
shouldnt exist in a modern society. Both Lena and her family work for their earnings, theyve
committed no heinous crimes, and live their daily lives like any other American citizen; just
like you and I. However, they havent been accepted as so by their new neighbors for no
valid reason. Lena Younger, and the four other hard-working family members living with her,
are African American and have had their rights violated- by the Clybourne Park
Neighborhood Association, specifically a man name Karl Lindner- because of it. Their
rights, the self-evident rights- written in the constitution itself, violated because of the color
of their skin.
Sophisticated Claim:
In this case, why not try a
rhetorical question
to capture the focus of the jury?
This court of law, which was made to uphold the values and morals that create this nation,
shall surely conclude that the Younger family has suffered a great injustice, for they have,
and correct it. With any other outcome, how could we- as a nation- preach the values or
liberty and a freedom we claim to provide to all?
Preview the Facts of the Case (more than the example did):
Who will we hear from and what will we hear?
Lena will speak about the money she recently obtained and how her purchase of property
was entirely valid. Walter, along with Ruth and Beneatha, will speak of his conversation with
Preview the Law Which Applies to the Case:
What has previous case law stated? What facts do you have to help your case? Explain
The 14th amendment?
Rebut the Defenses Argument! (The example video didnt do this.)
What are they going to try to say, and why are they wrong?
The opposing side will try and argue that no law has been broken because they did not force
the Younger family to refrain from moving into the neighborhood. Though theyre technically
right, they did treat the Younger family unequally to how theyd treat a white family- my
offering the Younger family money to remain in their old house- and assisted in perpetuating

a farce of a practice that is unconstitutional; redlining.

Summarize your Case in 1-2 Sentences Again & Say Thank You!
Why should the jury find Lindner and the CPNA guilty?
With the Younger familys hearts of gold and my silver tongue, no one can find those fools

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