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Fanta Sylla

Creative Writing
Associative poem
Awesome, I love it. You can obviously tell wonderful stories and use great sensory
language to do it. Yay. I hesitate to suggest anything, I like this so much. The one
thing you might think of is James Merrills poem and how it goes to different places
that all contribute to an idea or theme what you want to say with this piece. As it
stands, it is luscious with life but it isnt particularly deep with meaning. Not every
poem is or needs to be, but you are so good at this level, you could easily ask
yourself what you want to, or could, say with this piece and then expand it or
augment it with other scenes or snapshots that give it some dimensionality.
Nerudas odes, too, go to different places in their realization of his subjects. But I
love your writing. You must keep doing it.

What does Mba mean?

In the morning
Outside the sky is fooling me, its 7 a.m.
but feels like 7 p.m. Long winter nights, deserves more sleep
The alarm rings three times this time, Mom sighs
In the hallway her heavy feet approach my room
Feels like elephants coming disrupting my sleep
Mba! Mba Fanta! she yells, Im always the first to wake up<<you only use a
hyphen when it is a modifier or a noun a wake-up call. To wake up is like to get up,
stand up, be fed up etc. Just a verb and an object
I hate showers in the morning
the water is cold, then slowly too slowly, becomes hot
Mom scratches my skin because my skin is dark like dirt
The smelly soap will give me luck she says, it will give me love she says
I hate Mom in the morning
Then there is
The milk, boiling on the stove, waiting for me

I can hear it cackling through the bubbles as if it knew

I already see the thin layer of cream forming above the white liquid
In the morning I am forced to drink the milk, mom puts it in the Lion King bowl
Recipient of the poison, recipient of the nightmare
Mom is tall even when she sits down, her eyes staring at me staring at the bowl of
milk that now lays quiescent waiting for the first swallow.
I hate milk in the morning.

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