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Enzo Nastati
March 2004

Elemental Beings

ELEMENTAL BEINGS............................................................................................ 4
Foreword............................................................................................................... 4
The nine hierarchies .............................................................................................. 5
The three higher levels of consciousness ............................................................... 8
The relationship with hierarchies........................................................................... 9
Elemental beings ..................................................................................................12
The relationship with the four Elements of Greek philosophy...............................12
Sylphs ..................................................................................................................16
Salamanders .........................................................................................................17
Interactions between human beings and elemental beings.....................................19
The relation of various insects to the beings..........................................................21
Physical partners of positive elemental beings ......................................................23
New elemental beings...........................................................................................25
Beings of the planets ............................................................................................25
FROM ELEMENTAL BEINGS TO ELEMENTAL SPIRITS..................................27
Elemental beings or elemental spirits?..................................................................27
Our relationship with the three sets of elementals .................................................28
Corruption of elemental beings.............................................................................28
Changes in the etheric Earth .................................................................................29
Relationship with the celestial spheres..............................................................32
Constellations and signs ...................................................................................32
More on the new etheric Earth..............................................................................32
Two paths to Christ ..............................................................................................34
Inner work for connecting with the christic elemental spirits ................................35
Practical action.....................................................................................................36
The new calendar for planting and human freedom...........................................36
The biodynamic preparations............................................................................37
A new Nature ...................................................................................................38
The vegetabilisation pf pharmacy .....................................................................38
Conclusion ...........................................................................................................39
Bibliography ........................................................................................................40

Elemental Beings


The purpose of this work is to consider the spiritual beings and entities1 that work
behind the phenomena and processes of Nature, and to raise as far as possible the veil
that keeps the interconnections and work of these entities invisible to our eyes.
The only two ways to recognize their existence and work is to find as many tracks
of their footprints on the physical plane as one can, or to develop our higher organs
of perception. Otherwise it will be impossible to achieve any objective results, and
one either will be lost in idle fantasy or be in denial of their existence and influence.
In the distant past and to varying degrees, everybody was clairvoyant. Nowadays
most people have lost their clairvoyant faculties and have to rely solely upon their
physical senses. The loss of clairvoyance was a necessary step for mankind, so that
we could be fully immersed in the material realities and the kind of thinking that goes
with this perspective one with no spiritual hierarchies. Humanity's task is to
metamorphose this attitude into one that recognises the etheric soul and spiritual
planes, and to develop the forces and faculties that allow the evolution of the
kingdoms below him (animal, vegetable and mineral).
The gradual immersion of humanity in the darkness of matter reached its nadir
about 150 years ago, with the advent of techniques to distance the ego from the
human body with an unnatural process (anesthesia). During the temporary druginduced absence of the ego, the most powerful anti-evolutionary beings, the Asuras2,
took this opportunity to occupy the physical human body. These beings can only be
redeemed by the direct intervention of the spiritual world, and this allows us to
understand how deeply we have fallen into materialistic human thoughts, which has
led science to invent a "vehicle" for the anti-Christian asuric forces.
From approximately the middle of the last century the darkness began to retreat.
Thanks to the advent of a new force of Light new spiritual faculties begin to open for
humanity that have been brought by the Highest Entity of Christ with His influence
on the etheric plane, the plane of life. The first higher organ of perception than is
intended to awaken in us the new etheric brain, that will work in new ways. In olden
times, the etheric brain far exceeded the extent of our physical head. As we lost the
higher faculties the etheric brain came ever closer to coinciding with our physical
brain. This process is a accurately represented in the episode of Odysseus blinding the
Cyclops Polyphemus: rational Man who has conquered the logic of the material plane
(Ulysses was called "shrewd", "the man with the multifaceted genius") has the better
of the giant clairvoyant cyclops (the previous lunar man) because Ulysses was
evolving apace with the times. From that distant era (the Lemurian epoch linked to the
forces of the Old Moon), the men began to be "blind" to the spiritual worlds. As their

An entity has evolved to the point at which it can undertake self-directed or autonomous activity. A
being is identifiable as separate from its surroundings but is not yet autonomous.
Just as there is the holy trinity (Father Son and Holy Spirit) there is a trinity of evil of the angels
bound to Lucifer (the seducers), the archangels linked to Ahriman (the abusers of power, the violaters)
and of Archai connected with the Asura (those against life, the Antichrist.)

Elemental Beings

blindness became more profound, they developed their tactile sense, con-tact, to be
able to orientate themselves in and via the material. This capability, in the course of
time, has developed to enable full manipulation of matter itself, peaking in nuclear
fusion and genetic engineering. But now the etheric brain is slowly re-emerging from
the forehead of man through the chakras of two petals (the "third eye") and gives us
an opportunity to develop the living thought / metamorphosis that can capture the
spirit through images (which corresponds development of so-called "imaginative
consciousness".3) Through this new faculty of vision and thanks to the skills acquired
by prolonged contact with substance, Man has the opportunity (and responsibility) to
help the evolution of the lower realms back to the spiritual world.
Now there's an opportunity to learn about the spiritual worlds not through direct
vision, but through a renewed thinking that is related to the process of initiation. A
clairvoyant person has the ability to see in the spiritual worlds, but if they have not
developed the necessary knowledge they cannot recognize exactly what is seen. When
we cross the threshold of the spiritual world usually the first being to appear is a
beautiful angel. Because of its beauty it is difficult to identify this as a negative entity,
but this is none other than Lucifer whose characteristic attribute is his dazzling
beauty. Similarly, when we fall asleep, the first beings we encounter are the Gnomes,
but normally we are not able to distinguish the regressive from the progressive
Gnomes. For this reason such clairvoyance is always accompanied by risks. In ancient
times, when Man was clairvoyant, he was so to speak "in the arms of God", that is
protected from the spiritual worlds. In the process of conquest of the self however,
Man had to depend increasingly upon his own discernment and exercise his freedom,
so the protection of the spiritual worlds has gradually receded into the background to
make room for the full consciousness that must be developed by anyone who now
seeks the spiritual worlds. The more one cultivates and develops ones familiarity and
knowledge of the Spirit, the more the same higher worlds reciprocate to give him - at
one point - new conscious faculties of clairvoyance. The new knowledge gained does
not in any way preclude clairvoyance but is its protection and the premise. However,
on the path of initiation those people who are still connected to the atavistic
clairvoyance may experience the disappearance of their previous "supernatural"
faculty. This should be seen as a gift that will allow us to walk towards a new
Christianized clairvoyance.
The nine hierarchies
Now we will return to our main topic, namely the elemental beings and the other
beings and entities that weave unseen behind the manifestation of Nature. Each of the
Nine Celestial Hierarchies residing in the solar system and Zodiac have contributed to
the creation but, due to the fall to the material world and the consequent expulsion of
Man from the spiritual worlds, none of them can act directly on the physical plane, the
realm of luciferic and ahrimanic forces. To influence the Earth the hierarchies must
act through intermediaries: Man, the elemental beings, the Spirits of cyclical periods
and other entities that we now know. The realm of these entities is extraordinarily rich
and wide and, like all things, has both good or evil aspects.

For more on the terminology used in the texts of Rudolf Steiner see his Theosophy. See also A
Practical Guide to Anthroposophical Terminology by the present author (www.moodie.biz)

Elemental Beings















The world of these entities is the means for the hierarchies to be active in the
creation and the world of men, but the same entities and beings can act as connections
between men and the spiritual worlds. The elemental beings do not die but when they
have completed their tasks are actually, as it were, "reabsorbed" by the spiritual
worlds and in their ascent, they carry with them the experiences they had on Earth.
Man is responsible for the messages that these entities bring to the hierarchies,
especially in light of the fact that these messages are nourishment for the spirits of
purification of the
physical body


EVOLUTION inspirative consciousness

purification of the
etheric body
purification of the
astral body


imaginative consciousness

objective consciousness


1. Hierarchies, actions and consciousness

It may be confusing to speak of the "First", "Second" and "Third" hierarchy when,
at the same time, we refer to a system of nine hierarchies (actually the tenth hierarchy
is humanity). To be clear, each of the three hierarchies encompasses three different
classes of spiritual entities, although sometimes for convenience we will speak of nine
hierarchies and not nine classes.
Let's look at the roles and influences of the hierarchies in the process of Creation.
The first hierarchy has the power to create worlds. It has created the solar system
with its laws, its rhythms, its organization and its logic. This whole world is the
offspring of the first hierarchy, to whom we can attribute the control of evolution: the
Meaning of Nature. The implication and meaning of the disappearance of the
dinosaurs or the appearance of a new species is under the direction of the First
Hierarchy, which includes within it the three classes of entities: the Seraphim,
Cherubim and Thrones.
The Seraphim, also called the Spirit of Love, are absorbed in perpetual adoration
of God, and their gaze is turned away from the solar system. These form that part of
the Zodiac that has not succumbed to evil and so did not follow Man in the Fall.
The Cherubim, also called the spirit of harmony, are orientated toward the solar
system. This part of the Zodiac has actually partially followed the man in the fall.
The Thrones, acting from the sphere of Saturn, are called Spirits of Will. They are

Elemental Beings

characterized by the desire to "make sacred", ie to implement the thoughts of God, for
which they are linked to the element of sacrifice, "making sacred".
The outer planets of the solar system (Saturn, Jupiter and Mars) also the origins of
the etheric formative forces4 and the etheric force that originates from the sphere of
the planet Saturn is the warmth ether, and force that also gives rise to time.
The second Hierarchy includes in itself the entities called Dominions, Virtues and
Powers. The Second Hierarchy presides over laws, and these laws are subordinate to
the meaning from the first hierarchy.
What the Thrones brought forth from their sacrifice is now permeated by Wisdom
on Jupiter, by the Dominions or Spirits of Wisdom. The sacred must be penetrated by
Wisdom, and thus by the light of discernment, even into its least part. Since the light
of wisdom comes to us as a gift the characteristic feature of the Dominions is just that
giving or gift. The etheric force which originates from the sphere of Jupiter is the
Light ether and the dimension aroused by this ether is space.
At the sphere of Mars we meet the Virtues, the spirits of the movement. They put
everything in motion. For example, in plants they trigger the momentum to the
movement of sap and in humans they give the impetus to the movement of blood and
activity that is aimed toward a purpose. In this sphere, during the Old Moon phase of
Earth evolution, the forces of evil came forth and that which came down freely from
heaven as a gift was rejected for the first time causing disharmony in the flow of
cosmic forces. At this time rejection was born.5
The etheric force which originates from the Mars sphere is the ether of alchemy6,
the force that "orders and separates whilst maintaining the relationship between the
The Powers are based on the Sun. These Spirits of Form are also called Elohim
in Hebrew. All existing forms originate in the solar sphere which is the coordinating
centre for all formative influences. This is the source of the Ether of Life, which
maintains coordination throughout a whole organism.
The third hierarchy presides over the forces of Nature.
The Archai have established their base in the sphere of Venus. They are also
known as the Principalities or the Spirits of Time. They brought the principle of the I
to man and have the task of governing the historical eras. The Archai that is regent in
the current era is Michael, who brings us the forces to initiate free conscious activity.
As the outer planets are the origins of the etheric formative forces, so the inner
planets bring us the four philosophical Elements.7 The sphere of Venus is the origin of
the fire Element.
Archangels, or the spirit of Peoples, are active from the sphere of Mercury, and
each of them is the custodian of a different people united by a common language.
From this sphere arises the air Element.

The etheric formative forces are forces that originate from the influence of the planetary forces upon
the etheric plane which then mould the form of living things.
For more details of Earths evolution see Dr Steiners Occult Science.
Translators note: In the English speaking anthroposophical world the alchemical ether is more often
known as the chemical ether but the concept is broader than chemical activity. It can also incorporate
exchanges in the nucleus of the chemical atoms that are known as transmutations. It is also known as
the number or tone ether.
See later in this publication for more details. The Greek philosophers Elements have a capital E to
distinguish them from the chemical elements with their lower case e.

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