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Task Analysis

I chose a procedural analysis because I thought it would be the most useful in terms of understanding the sequence
of tasks that teachers would perform to create a sign-up on the Sign-Up Genius website. This is a wonderful
organization tool and timesaver for teachers when setting up conferences and sign-up sheets for various activities.

A. Locate Sign Up Genius website
1. Open internet browser
2. Search sign-up genius
3. Click to open sign up genius website
B. Create a sign-up sheet on Sign Up Genius
1. Create an account
2. Login
3. Click create a new group and name your group
4. Type in a title for your sign up
5. Type a description for your sign up (optional)
6. Click continue
7. Pick a theme
8. Click continue
9. Choose date/time information
10. Click continue
11. Add information in slots for the sign-up
12. Click continue
13. Create settings for the sign-up users
14. Click continue
15. Click Proceed to invite and publish tab
16. Enter emails
17. Click Take my sign-up live and send my invites
18. Click My Account tab to logout

Script: Tutorial for creating a sign-up sheet on Sign-Up Genius



A2 & A3

B1 & B2

Action on Screen
Title slide will play during this audio.

Hey everyone, today I am
going to show you how to
create a sign-up sheet on
the website Sign-Up
Genius. If youve ever
been frustrated with
sending out invitations
and reminders for people
to bring things to an
event, then Sign-Up
Genius if the site for you.
Ok, lets get started. Open
whatever internet browser
you are more comfortable
with. I personally like
Google Chrome, so I am
going to double click on
Chrome in my task bar.
When Chrome opens, I
am going to type
signupgenius in the search
bar. When it comes up, I
am going to click on the
first choice.
When sign-up genius
comes up, if you do not
have an account just click
on create a sign up and
fill out the information to
register for your free
membership under new
member registration.
Once you have a
membership, you can
click the member login. I
already have a
membership so I am going
to click member login and
fill in my information.

That would be my email

and password that I used
when I registered my
account. My information
is in from a previous login
so I can just go ahead and
click login.
B3, B4, B5, B6

B7 &B8

Once you are in, it is

going to take you straight
to where you need to be to
start your sign-up. The
first thing you have to do
is create the details of
your sign-up. Click on
create a new group
called and type in the
name of the group you are
setting this up to send to. I
am going to name my
group family. Then you
are going to click in the
box next to title of signup and type in your title.
I am going to title mine
Cook-out at Sheas house.
If you want to put in a
description to add details
or instructions, you can
click in the box and type
your information. I am
going to type a message
that tells everyone to
bring their swimsuits.
Then you are going to
click continue at the
You are then going to be
taken to a screen to pick
your theme. There are
many different types of
themes for you to choose
from to match the title of
your sign-up. So I am just

B9 & B10

B11 & B12

going to look through

them to find something to
go with my bar-b-que
theme. If you do not see
something you like on this
page, you can click on the
more most popular
themes tab at the bottom
right corner and it will
take you to more themes
to look at. Here I see one I
like so I am going to click
in the circle next to that
one to choose it. Then
click continue.
You are then going to be
taken to the screen to set
the date and time of your
event. The type of event
you are creating the signup for is going to
determine your time. My
bar-b-que is going to take
place one time at one
place so I am going to
choose the first option.
Once you make a choice,
the spaces for you to fill
in the date and time are
going to pop up at the
bottom. So I am going to
fill in the boxes with my
date and time and location
and then click continue.
This is going to take me to
the slots to fill in what I
want my group to sign up
to bring. You can also put
in how many of the item
you want and make a
comment if you want. So I
am going to fill in some
food items that I would

B13 & B14

like for my family to

bring. If you need more
slots added for items then
you can click on the box
that says I need to enter
more sign up slots and
click continue then it will
take you to a page with
more slots. It is also going
to give you an edit and
delete option to the items
that you have already
entered in case you need
to change those. When
youre done with adding
your items, click continue.
Then you are going to be
taken to the settings of
your sign-up so that you
can determine what you
want your group to do
when they sign up. I am
just going to read through
these choices and click
what I want. I want their
name and email to be
required but not phone
and address. I am not
going to make the
comment box a
requirement. I want to be
notified when someone
signs up or edits their sigup, and I want Sign-Up
Genius to send a reminder
email 2 days before the
event. I will allow
members of the group to
swap items, but I do not
want to display their
profile pics or encourage
them to share this post on
social media networks.


B16 & B17

Once I make those

choices, I am going to
click continue at the
bottom of the screen.
You will then be taken to
a preview of your sign-up
so that you can make sure
it looks the way you want
it to. If you think
everything looks good
you click the proceed to
invite and publish tab. I
think everything looks
good so I am going to
click that tab.
After you preview your
sign-up sheet that will be
sent out, you move on to
the last step which is
entering the emails for the
people you are going to
invite. This can be the
most time consuming part
depending on how many
people you are inviting.
So just for this tutorial, I
am going to enter 2 emails
to finish up. If you have
an address book saved in
your computer, you can
pull emails from that or
you can manually enter
them. I am going to click
on manually enter emails
and then put in a couple of
emails in the box. You
must enter one email per
line or separate by a
comma. If you want to
enter a group alias you
can. I am going to leave
this box blank and go
down to description. Sign

Up Genius has a
description already set up
for you that you can edit if
you like and you can also
preview the email. Then
you make a choice at the
bottom to determine if
you are ready to send the
invites or wait until later. I
am going to choose take
my emails live and send
Now my sign up is
complete. It is going to
tell me that my emails
have been sent and I will
get a confirmation email.
It is also going to give me
a link to view my sign up
if I want. I am done with
this sign up so I am going
to go to the top and click
log out of my account.
And that is how you
create an online sign-up
sheet on Sign-Up Genius.
Thanks for watching and I
hope this information has
been helpful to you.




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