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CIW Internet Business Associate Exam
Product Version: Demo
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Question 1
You opened an e-mail ataacmenn and in launaces a virus. Tce virus nakes aonnrol of your sysnem and you
are unable no run your ant-virus softare. Wciac of nce folloting is nce besn snep for you no nake nexn?
A. Len nce virus run ins aourse.
B. Call your loaal auncorites no reporn an identny ncef.
C. Turn of your aompuner and reboon from a knotn, alean sysnem disk.
D. Plug in your baakup drive no nry no initane an immediane baakup of impornann fles.

Aoswern C
Question 2
You jusn reaeived a joke ncan tas a-mailed no you by a ao-torker. You fnd nce joke funny and aonsider
fortarding in no anoncer ao-torker ncan you nrusn. Wciac cuman resouraes issue do you risk by
fortarding nce e-mail message?
A. Forgetng no inalude oncers tco migcn fnd nce joke funny
B. Copyrigcn infringemenn by non providing aredin no nce originanor of nce joke
C. Ofending a reaipienn tco reaeives nce joke as a resuln from furncer fortarding
D. Reduaing nce efeatveness of spam flners

Aoswern C
Question 3
Wciac of nce folloting snranegies is reaommended tcen aonduatng keytord searaces?
A. Use nouns insnead of verbs for keytords.
B. Use verbs insnead of nouns for keytords.
C. Use as fet keytords as possible.
D. Inalude an leasn one prepositon suac asnceoranin your lisn of keytords.

Aoswern A
Question 4
Evonka is lisnening no musia from an online musia provider (suac as Pandora or Jango). Sce builds a lisn of
musia preferenaes, inaluding favorine songs. Tce musia serviae ncen suggesns additonal songs sce migcn
enjoy. Tce musia provider is an example of a aloud-aomputng appliaaton ncan uses a neacnology for
aollaboratve flnering, tciac celps defne nce lisn of songs available no lisneners. Wciac nerm desaribes
ncis neacnology?

A. Bin-norrenn
B. Crotdsouraing
C. Grid aomputng
D. Softare as a Serviae

Aoswern B
Question 5
You cave jusn fnisced designing a Web sine no supporn a acariny organizatonns fund-raising eforns. You
need no meen tinc nce board members no gen nceir feedbaak and address some questons before you
implemenn nce fnal design. Tce board members are dispersed ncrougcoun nce aounnry and tann no avoid
spending acariny funds on nraveling no ncis meetng. Wciac of nce folloting solutons tould besn supporn
nce acariny and provide you tinc an oppornuniny no disauss nce design as a group?
A. Plan a Web aonferenae using a serviae suac as WebEx or GoToMeetng ncan suppornssareen scaringand
pcone aonferenaing.
B. Plan a Webinar ncan reviets nce layoun of nce sine and requesn ncan board members submin nceir
feedbaak by e-mail afer nce Webinar.
C. Creane a PoterPoinn slidescot ncan aonnains pianures of your Web sine design and areane a survey no
gancer nce board membersnfeedbaak.
D. Creane an audio Webaasn and disnribune in no nce board members over nce Innernen.

Aoswern A
Question 6
Wciac of nce folloting is used no celp non-neacniaal users aolleatvely alassify and fnd informaton on a
A. Tagging
B. Atiki
C. Web feed
D. Ajax

Aoswern A


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