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LITERATURE REVIEW.............................................................................................. 2
Introduction of Multiple Intelligences..................................................................2
The Concept of Multiple Intelligences.................................................................3
The Principles of Multiple Intelligences...............................................................3
The Types of Multiple Intelligences.....................................................................3
The Identification of Individuals Multiple Intelligences......................................7
The Feedbacks on Multiple Intelligences............................................................7
Positive Feedback............................................................................................ 7
Negative Feedback.......................................................................................... 8
The Findings of Multiple Intelligences Research.................................................9
Multiple Intelligences and Reading Skills.........................................................9
Multiple Intelligences and Sports.....................................................................9
Multiple Intelligences and High Achiever Students........................................10
Multiple Intelligences and Academic Achievement........................................10
Multiple Intelligences and Students Performance.........................................10
Multiple Intelligences, Teaching Strategies and Students Intelligence..........11
Multiple Intelligences and Gender.................................................................11
Conclusion........................................................................................................ 12

Introduction of Multiple Intelligences
Multiple Intelligences is a theory proposed by Dr. Howard Gardner in 1983 through his book,
Frames of Mind: the Theory of Multiple Intelligences (Ekinci, 2014, p. _____) (Haley, 2004,
p. _____) (Hanafin, 2014, p. _____) (McClellan & Conti, 2008, p. _____) (Mohamed Zin,
Ariffin, Mohd Meerah, & Othman, 2007, p. _____) (Shariffudin & Foong, 2007, p. _____)
(Szpringer, Kopik, & Formella, 2014, p. _____).

The theory was introduced because Dr. Howard Gardner did not agree with the injustice of
traditional intelligence test (Mohamed Zin, Ariffin, Mohd Meerah, & Othman, 2007, p.
_____) (Eberle, 2011, p. _____), that adopt a persons intelligence based on mental ability in
Verbal Linguistic and Logical Mathematics only (McClellan & Conti, 2008, p. _____). For
Dr. Howard Gardner (1983), he defined intelligence as the ability to solve problems or create
a significant product in the cultural setting (Othman & Yaakub, 2010, p. _____)

Therefore, in Multiple Intelligences Theory, intelligence is not only narrowed to the linguistic
and mathematical intelligences, but it also includes seven other intelligences which are;
visual spatial intelligence, kinaesthetic intelligence, musical intelligence, interpersonal
intelligence, intrapersonal intelligence, naturalist intelligence and existential intelligence.
This theory consists of four main concepts based on three principles and nine types of those

The Concept of Multiple Intelligences

The four main concepts in its meaning are; (a) every individual tends to has at least seven to
eight intelligences (Mohamed Zin, Ariffin, Mohd Meerah, & Othman, 2007, p. _____)
(Haley, 2004, p. _____) (Hanafin, 2014, p. ______) (Shariffudin & Foong, 2007, p. ______),
however, the levels for each of the intelligences may be different among them (Haley, 2004,
p. ______) (Handayani, 2013, p. ______). (b) The intelligences still can be developed from
time to time (Haley, 2004, p. _____). (c) The intelligences can work together (Saeidi, 2009, p.
______) and complement each other (Handayani, 2013, p. ______) and (d) No standard
intelligence is needed for a person to be considered intelligent (Saeidi, 2009, p. ______).

The Principles of Multiple Intelligences

The three principles that became the basis of Multiple Intelligences Theory are; (a) every
human being is different; (b) everyone has their own mind and thinking; and (c) the
differences should be considered for an effective education (McClellan & Conti, 2008, p.

The Types of Multiple Intelligences

The nine types of Multiple Intelligences are; Verbal Linguistic, Logical Mathematics, Visual
Spatial, Musical Rhythmic, Bodily Kinaesthetic, Interpersonal, Intrapersonal, Naturalist and
Existential (Mohamed Zin, Ariffin, Mohd Meerah, & Othman, 2007, p. _____) (Handayani,
2013, p. ______) (Ekinci, 2014, p. ______) (Othman & Yaakub, 2010, p. ______) (Haley,
2004, p. ______) (Hanafin, 2014, p. ______).

Verbal Linguistic Intelligence is the mental ability to use words appropriately in speaking or
writing either in academic or arts forms in solving problems (McFarlane, 2011, p. ______).
The useful activities that can be done to enhance this intelligence are; reading or writing
stories, enjoying listening to lectures poems, and jokes, chatting, storytelling, attending book
corners, brainstorming, using vocabulary and lecturing (Abdulkader, Gundogdu, & Eissa,
2009, p. ______). Usually, poets, lawyers and speakers are in this group (McFarlane, 2011, p.

Logical Mathematical Intelligence is the mental ability to use numbers and logics
appropriately in solving problems (Abdulkader, Gundogdu, & Eissa, 2009, p. ______)
(Eberle, 2011, p. _______) (Ekinci, 2014, p. ______) (Haley, 2004, p. ______) (McClellan &
Conti, 2008, p. ______) (McFarlane, 2011, p. ______) (Sulaiman, Abdurahman, & Abdul
Rahim, 2010, p. ______). The useful activities that can be done to enhance this intelligence
are; reasoning answers, explaining natural phenomenon, logic puzzles, experimenting and
manipulating numbers (Abdulkader, Gundogdu, & Eissa, 2009, p. ______). Usually, scientist,
accountant and computer experts are in this group (Handayani, 2013, p. ______).

Visual Spatial Intelligence is the mental ability to use image and space appropriately in
solving problems (Abdulkader, Gundogdu, & Eissa, 2009, p. ______) (Ekinci, 2014, p.
______) (Handayani, 2013, p. ______) (McClellan & Conti, 2008, p. ______) (McFarlane,
2011, p. ______) (Sulaiman, Abdurahman, & Abdul Rahim, 2010, p. ______) The useful
activities that can be done to enhance this intelligence are; drawing diagram, mental maps,
concept maps and imagining (Abdulkader, Gundogdu, & Eissa, 2009, p. ______). Usually,
artist, architects and designers are belongs to this group (Handayani, 2013, p. ______).

Bodily Kinaesthetic is the mental ability to use and control body movements to express ideas
or to move skilfully in problem solving (Abdulkader, Gundogdu, & Eissa, 2009, p. ______)
(Ekinci, 2014, p. ______) (Handayani, 2013, p. ______) (McClellan & Conti, 2008, p.
______) (McFarlane, 2011, p. ______) (Menevis & Ozad, 2014, p. ______) (Sulaiman,
Abdurahman, & Abdul Rahim, 2010, p. ______). The useful activities that can be done to
enhance this intelligence are; role plays, dramatising, project work and sports (Abdulkader,
Gundogdu, & Eissa, 2009, p. _____). Usually, carpenter, athletes and mechanics are belongs
to this group (Handayani, 2013, p. _____).

Musical Intelligence is the mental ability to understand and create the music or rhythms
appropriately in solving problems (Abdulkader, Gundogdu, & Eissa, 2009, p. _____) (Ekinci,
2014, p. _______) (Handayani, 2013, p. _____) (McClellan & Conti, 2008, p. ______)
(McFarlane, 2011, p. _____) (Menevis & Ozad, 2014, p. _____) (Sulaiman, Abdurahman, &
Abdul Rahim, 2010, p. ______). The useful activities that can be done are to enhance this
intelligence are; learning by singing, memorizing through song melody and composing a
song (Abdulkader, Gundogdu, & Eissa, 2009, p. ______). Usually, composer, song writer and
singer are belongs to this group (Handayani, 2013, p. ______).

Interpersonal Intelligence is the mental ability to understand others feeling, mood or

situation appropriately in solving problems (Abdulkader, Gundogdu, & Eissa, 2009, p.
_____) (Ekinci, 2014, p. _______) (Handayani, 2013, p. _____) (McClellan & Conti, 2008,
p. ______) (McFarlane, 2011, p. _____) (Menevis & Ozad, 2014, p. _____) (Sulaiman,
Abdurahman, & Abdul Rahim, 2010, p. ______). The useful activities to enhance this
intelligence are; group works, team buildings, and volunteerism (Abdulkader, Gundogdu, &

Eissa, 2009, p. _____). Usually, socialists, teachers and motivators are belongs to this group
(Handayani, 2013, p. _____).

Intrapersonal Intelligence is the mental ability to understand self thinking, feeling and acting
appropriately in solving problems (Abdulkader, Gundogdu, & Eissa, 2009, p. _____) (Ekinci,
2014, p. _______) (Handayani, 2013, p. _____) (McClellan & Conti, 2008, p. ______)
(McFarlane, 2011, p. _____) (Menevis & Ozad, 2014, p. _____) (Sulaiman, Abdurahman, &
Abdul Rahim, 2010, p. ______). The useful activities that can be done to enhance this
intelligence are; journal writing, self assessment and personal opinions writing (Abdulkader,
Gundogdu, & Eissa, 2009, p. _____). Usually, counsellor, businessman and novelist are
belongs to this group (Handayani, 2013, p. _____).

Naturalist Intelligence is the mental ability to understand and identify the variation of natures
forms and can use the knowledge in problem solving (Ekinci, 2014, p. _______) (Handayani,
2013, p. _____) (McClellan & Conti, 2008, p. ______) (McFarlane, 2011, p. _____)
(Menevis & Ozad, 2014, p. _____) (Sulaiman, Abdurahman, & Abdul Rahim, 2010, p.
______) The useful activities that can be done to enhance this intelligence are; camping and
jungle tracking, floras and faunas comparison and farms and zoos visiting. Usually,
agriculturist, scientist and forest rangers are belongs to this group.

Existential Intelligence is the mental ability to understand spiritual questions about life and
death and can use the knowledge in problem solving (McClellan & Conti, 2008, p. ______)
(McFarlane, 2011, p. _____) (Menevis & Ozad, 2014, p. _____) The useful activities that can
be done to enhance this intelligence are; self reflecting, experiences sharing or talk and life

philosophy writing. Usually, religious activist or theologies experts and spiritual believers are
belongs to this group.

The Identification of Individuals Multiple Intelligences

To identify an individuals Multiple Intelligence types and levels, there are few instruments
that can be used for instance; Teele Inventory of Multiple Intelligences (TIMM) that can test
seven types of Multiple Intelligences exclude Naturalist and Existential Intelligences (Loori,
2005), Malaysian Adult Multiple Intelligences Test (MAMIT) that can test all the nines.
(Mohamed Zin, Ariffin, Mohd Meerah, & Othman, 2007, p. ______), and Multiple
Intelligence Questionnaires by Walter McKenzie (1999) that can also test all the nines
(Foong, Shariffudin, & Mislan, 2012, p. _____)

The Feedbacks on Multiple Intelligences

Up until now, this theory had been discussed for 30 years already (1983-2015). Along the
time, it received a lot of comments or feedbacks; positive or negative, from many sides such
as researchers, educators and students.

Positive Feedback
Mostly, the positive feedbacks come from the educators (Akpunar & Dogan, 2011, p. _____)
(Hanafin, 2014, p. _____) (Saeidi, 2009, p. _____) . They really appreciate this theory as they
can see the positive result after they implement this theory in their teaching strategies,
classroom instruction and earning activities. Kagan (1998) mentioned in his research about
educators glad to apply this theory because they knew, after the implementation, their

students become alert, engaged and interact better in the classroom (Abdulkader, Gundogdu,
& Eissa, 2009, p. ______). Besides, this theory allows students to identify and use their
strength and passion optimally (McFarlane, 2011, p. _____) (Sulaiman, Abdurahman, &
Abdul Rahim, 2010, p. ______) and this can lead them to a higher level of self efficacy
(Abdulkader, Gundogdu, & Eissa, 2009, p. _____). The self efficacy can be developed as this
theory contradicts with the traditional meaning of intelligence that seems to acknowledge
certain people with certain ability only as intelligent (Akpunar & Dogan, 2011, p. _____). By
knowing students Multiple Intelligences profile, teachers can plan their teaching and learning
activities thoroughly. They can consider their students interest and learning styles based on
the profile (Haley, 2004, p. _____) (Handayani, 2013, p. _____) (Saeidi, 2009, p. _____).

Negative Feedback
For the negative feedbacks, the issues are; this theory still lack of scientific proof because the
findings from this theory have not been approved by the scientific psychologist (Akpunar &
Dogan, 2011, p. _____) (Saeidi, 2009, p. _____). Another issue is the proposed intelligences
are confused with abilities and Stenberg (1991) said this statement cannot be explained by Dr.
Howard Gardner, why human abilities can be easily singled out as intelligence while others
cannot. (Akpunar & Dogan, 2011, p. _____). Furthermore, according to Lacey (2006) this
theory even though it holds some great potential, it seems to affect individual learning
perception because he or she might think their only ability is in certain domain and they
neglect other domain, while the meaning of education is to develop wide range of abilities
(McFarlane, 2011, p. _____).

The Findings of Multiple Intelligences Research

No matter what feedbacks had aroused, this theory was used by a lot of researchers in this
world and a variation of findings had been found.

Multiple Intelligences and Reading Skills

A research to identify the effectiveness of Multiple Intelligence program in
improving certain reading skills which are reading comprehension and word
recognition skill had been done among Special Need Students. The finding shows
positive result where the experimental groups reading skill improved compared
to the control group that was left to be taught conventionally (Abdulkader,
Gundogdu, & Eissa, 2009, p. _____). The effectiveness also can be seen when the
students in the experimental group can retain the learnt information for a long
time even after the program finished (Abdulkader, Gundogdu, & Eissa, 2009, p.

Multiple Intelligences and Sports

In a research conducted by Ermis E. (2013), he found that students who regularly do sports
tend to have higher Bodily Kinaesthetic Intelligence, Verbal and Interpersonal Intelligences
compared to the opposite group which rarely do sports with statistically significant (p< .001).
According to him, it can be said that people who do sports interact socially with a variation of
people, so it helps develop Interpersonal Intelligence in them selves (Ermis & Imamoglu,
2013, p. _____).

Multiple Intelligences and High Achiever Students

Based on research data among high Achiever Students in Malaysia, majority of them have
high Intrapersonal Intelligence followed by Existential, Kinaesthetic, Logical Mathematics,
Spatial, Interpersonal, Verbal Linguistic, Naturalist and lastly Musical Intelligences. Due to
the high Intrapersonal Intelligence, they were found to have their own goals and hobbies
(Foong, Shariffudin, & Mislan, 2012, p. _____). While for Normal Students, it was said that
they have Interpersonal Intelligence but it cannot be comparable to High Achiever Students
because the level of the intelligence was not mentioned.

Multiple Intelligences and Academic Achievement

In a research to see the correlation between Perceived Multiple Intelligences and Academic
Achievement among students, it was found that there is significant positive correlation
between perceived Linguistic, Logical Mathematics, Visual Spatial, Interpersonal,
Intrapersonal, and Naturalist Intelligences with Academic Achievement. Meanwhile, there is
insignificant positive correlation between Musical and Bodily kinaesthetic Intelligences with
Academic Achievement (Ghazi, Shahzada, Gilani, Shabbir, & Rashid, 2011, p. _____).

Multiple Intelligences and Students Performance

In a research to identify the effects of Multiple Intelligence in students performance shows
that the experimental group demonstrated high degree of satisfaction and positive attitude
toward foreign language study. They become more enthusiastic about learning and behaviour


problems were minimized. The students show the positive feeling as they like to experience
the variation of Multiple Intelligences approach in their learning (Haley, 2004, p. _____).

Multiple Intelligences, Teaching Strategies and Students

In Indonesia, a research to see the teaching strategies based on Multiple Intelligences types
by the teachers would affects students Multiple Intelligences types had been conducted. The
results shows teachers who used Linguistic Intelligence based strategy (explanation and
writing) and Interpersonal Intelligence based strategy (dialogue, simulation and presentation)
produced students with strong Linguistic Intelligence, where the students can respond well to
a complex grammar explanation. Besides, teachers who used Linguistic Intelligence based
strategy (explanation, reading, writing and story-telling) and Logical Mathematics
Intelligence based strategy (mind mapping and identification) produced students with strong
Interpersonal Intelligence. The data also shows that most of the teachers employed two types
of intelligences only in their teaching strategies while there are still have seven types more
(Kartiah, Rahman, Rahman, & Jabu, 2014, p. _____).

Multiple Intelligences and Gender

Based on a study that conducted to find out whether different gender among ESL students in
the United States of America might have different intelligence preferences, the results showed
that it differs significantly in some of their preferred intelligences. Based on this study, the
finding is in concurrence with other research findings by Jorm, Anstey, Christensen, and
Rodgers (2004) who concluded male participants tend to do better in some measures of
intelligences while female participants did better in other measures of intelligences. Among
these ESL students, the males demonstrated higher logical Mathematics Intelligence

compared to female, while female demonstrated higher Intrapersonal Intelligence than males
(Loori, 2005, p. _____).

In another research among High School Students in Northern Cyprus by Menevis (2014), the
results showed there were statistically significant differences for Verbal Linguistic, Bodily
Kinaesthetic, Musical, Interpersonal, and Naturalist Intelligences among participants where
the girls demonstrated higher scores of those intelligences than boys (Menevis & Ozad, 2014,
p. _____).

Holistically, based on all the findings, it was really hard to find the similarities and this is
parallel to the concepts of this theory where none of us have similar intelligence or ability and
we are nature and nurtured with the uniqueness of our generation and cultural setting. Even
though there are pros and cons about this theory, it still continues to be studied by other
researchers for the sake of better education system for the next generation.


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