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Laboratory scientist degree created NEED: Qualification to replace 3-year diploma A. NEED for highly sitet ced autbly-quabied medi a lboratory Seen ta SA ths vested in the deve hot fa inka Sonal degece ih Medical oratory cence as deci place the ‘ation Diploma Biome ‘eal Technology. The mew Bachelor of Health Sciences Degree fi fils the Counel fF Higher Education (CHE) and South ‘Arican” Qualifications Aut thority (SAQA), require ‘ments and includes 3 fal board examination which and. approved by the Health Profesions Council ‘of South Ales (HPCSA). The. gualifeation ie geen SAG sional deguee — National Quabtieatione lev (NUP) Ieee "The degree was developed wat ba tiena ote. {echo and from shure cnet demic in the field of Bo ‘medical Scence st Higher duction Insitutions the Profesional Bard for Med: fen Technology ofthe HPC: SA, the See of Medical Labocitory Technolog of South Avis Smite and ble and private practice Eiketolde The Bachelor of Meal Science in Medical Labora. fry Sence difers fom Bregevewon, the theesyeat Sisome Feo bean structred 50 da tne eee ‘both the atonal Diploma, SF wal the Baceaurest Fechnologiae: Biomedical Technology, Successful dusts wl ex with 4 Sathorn in parade id of speciation ne the Bete dagee hich "The propene i tree: tora 8 tat in te ft yar ‘ttedy rm foundation of Seodetets knowledge tnd down. The modern ‘spond tthe diferent sea oP specialisation tn the Sccond and third. year of Soar an students need 0 select an dea of speciation = from the 1 arabe disciplines tovcomplete ther inersaip tnd therester practice The trtecraip i. dompleted in laboratories secreted y the THBCSA forthe training of medical borstory. stent The National Board Fao ination, which cen ddopeafer the interop wl bencnporated into the ro Gna degre ot he su ‘dete final sntgeated som tative aescrsment. which ‘hey weed pas inorder ae “Thereafer the graduates sunt eter wath the Profs: Sonal Bourdthe HPCSA as Media taborstory. Scent Bein the aes of speci fon in which they obtain thee qualfction in orderto pravite as 3 Media! Labor. Story Sint ‘Geli Nodal abort. ‘ory Scene are employed in Ioratoriesin Bod raat on sien private abe. fry practices the Nationa] Hida taboratory Serves, the Media Rescate Cou cit forensic laboratories, ‘eterna practi and oth Serle vik eo: mepacone te;

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