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Stephanie C.

EDU 521
Grade: 2

Topic: The Seasons (Summer)

Professor Esposito
June 18, 2016
Content Area: ELA

Instructional Objective:
After a Prezi lesson about summer, reading the book Harry by the Sea by Gene Zion and
a presentation by Meteorologist Drew Scott from News 12, SWBAT identify the
characteristics of summer and retell the story of Harry by the Sea in their own words with
95% accuracy.
Key Concepts:
Students will demonstrate their understanding that the season of Summer is identified by
very specific traits and there are specific activities take place during that season only.
RL.2.2 Recount stories, including fables and folktales from diverse culture, and
determine their central message, lesson or moral.
SL.2.3 Ask and answer questions about what a speaker says in order to clarify
comprehension, gather additional information, or deepen understanding of a topic or
Students will watch a presentation by our guest speaker (Meteorologist Drew Scott from
News 12) about seasonal changes and how those changes impact the activities that we
engage in during summer and spring.
Prezi about Summer
Book: Harry by the Sea by Gene Zion
Smart Board
Harry by the Sea coloring handout
Independent Activity: The students will each receive a Harry by the Sea coloring
handout and will write three sentences about what they imagine Harry is thinking about
in the image on the handout.
Direct Instruction: During the Prezi presentation, I will provide direct instruction on
what the characteristics of summer are, activities that we may engage in during summer
and ask essential questions to engage the students in critical thinking.

Group Discussion: The students will be assembled into groups and asked to share with
each other what they found most interesting about the guest speakers presentation and
will then share their groups responses with the class.
For the English Language Learner: I will scaffold the language being used by the guest
speaker and supply the student(s) with a hard copy version of the Prezi in Powerpoint
accompanied by supporting visual aids.
For the student who does not read on grade level, a you tube link for the book (with each
page of the book displayed as it is being read) will be provided to the parents of the
student, allowing them to read along with the narrator.
Differentiation of instruction:
Tier 1 (High Achievement): Students will be able to recount Harry by the Sea with
100% accuracy and write 5 complete sentences under the image on the coloring handout.
Tier 2 (Average Achievement): Students will be able to recount Harry by the Sea with
95% accuracy and write 4 complete sentences under the image on the coloring handout.
Tier 3: (Low Achievement): Students will be able to recount Harry by the Sea with 90%
accuracy and write 2 complete sentences under the image on the coloring handout.
Developmental Procedures:
1. Essential Questions: What happens in Summer? What is the weather like in
Summer? What kinds of activities can we do in Summer?
2. Students will be informed that we will be reading Harry by the Sea after having
watched a Prezi about summer.
3. Independent Activity: Upon completion of the classroom reading, students will be
given a coloring handout based on Harry by the Sea and will be instructed to write
complete 3 sentences under the image that state what they believe Harry is
thinking about in the image on the handout.
4. Checking for Understanding: After the students have had ample time to complete
the independent activity, I will ask for volunteers to show their handout to the
class and share what they wrote under Harrys image.
5. Our guest speaker (Meteorologist Drew Scott from News 12) will arrive and give
a presentation about the seasonal changes that occur in Spring and Summer and
how those changes can impact our activities.
6. Group Activity: Students will be placed into their assigned groups and begin the
group activity.
7. Students (taking turns by group) will share with the class what they found most
interesting about Mr. Scotts presentation.
8. Closure: Students will be given their homework assignment which will consist of
a teacher created handout that will require the students to rewrite 5 different word
lists (5 words each) in alphabetical order.

The students will be assessed on their ability to recount Harry by the Sea.
The students will write three complete sentences on the Harry by the Sea handout
regarding what they believe Harry is thinking about while at the beach.

Independent Practice:
Students will complete a summer collage that will contain pictures of their favorite
summer activities.
Follow up: Direct Teacher Intervention & Academic Enrichment
Academic Enrichment: The students who have met the objectives will create an o-ring
book with illustrations about their own beach adventure.
Direct Teacher Intervention: The students who were not able to successfully recount the
story will work with me in a small group. We will collaboratively re-read the story and
the students will re-create the book with their own additional details about summer in an
o-ring version (with illustrations) over the course of 3 days.

Harry by the sea coloring page. (2014, March 23). Retrieved from
New York State Common Core Learning Standards. (2013). University of the State of
New York State. Education department. Retrieved from
Old Farmers Almanac For Kids - Weather. (n.d.). Retrieved from
Zion, G., & Graham, M. B. (1965). Harry by the sea. New York, NY: Harper & Row.

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