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DION | HE : AR ~Riay ined oy uoueWSeW UBOOW wio4) Jaii91 sa = “—"fesodoig Buy/a5un03 Bujuo 2]0sU0> aoe san | 58K 6007 papwe dead 10) siuawareis jeDuEUL ajOSUOD, C : se] 3A FOZ waneaqddy ArstioT 2105103 - E sah | sea Bsnoy OIN alqiveg 67 MSy [Aa WO J5N} (auy/ydesBesed ee a auenajat ondiuoxg hueg | arersyensed/ouy) | asanboy soy suoseay | .€1Nsu09 | lere4/ON/sOA 25e0I0y | Aq po19N0> puonay jo area g_uondiasag jana SSE/TVIN 1107 wonvorddy Gay 07 Sunpeyy worst Jo Areuuung sspsoa9y Jo ajnpayag OSI/S10Z 1OA {~ ih \ Comsole LIVING WITH SUICIDE fe Celbridge Co. Kildare Geniral Administration Console Hause 4 Whitethorn Gi ansole.ie wanwconsole.ie Telephome +353 1 610 2638 Fax +3331 610 2642 Email info Bairbre Nic Aongusa ~ Director Office for Disability & Mental Health Department of Health and Children Havikins House yefaje : in AL. Re: National Lottery Grant Application Dear Bairbre, Please find enclosed a completed application for National Lottery Fun development of the Console Online Counselling aad Support Service: Bereaved through Suicide in Ireland. for those affected or Ihave also attached a copy of our latest Audited Accounts and some information concerning the Service Provision of the Console Organisation for yout files Hock forward ta yous eeply Yours sincerely, J Paul ‘Kay i Founder —__-_—__-____- Helpline Tel £809 201 890 Registered Charity Number CHY 15042 Co, Reg. No, #31245 Patron: Mary McAleese, President of Ireland. CONSOLE Suicide Bercavement Counselling Limited is ¢ Limiced Company by Guarantee and not having 2 Share Capital DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND CHILDREN APPLICATION FOR NATIONAL LOTTERY FUNDING DEPARTMENT OF HEATLH AND CHILDREN AN ROINN SLAINTE AGUS LEANAT Hawkins House Hawkins Street Dublin 2 Telephone (01) 635 4000 VPN112 Email: infivdhealth.gov.ie Website: hitp:/www.doh.je TAILS OF APPLICANT GROUP (I. Details of Organisation {Name of Organisation: | CONSOLE | Address of 4, Whitethora Grove jf Organisation: Celbridge : i Co.Kildare [016102638 : | 01 6102638 [Email Address: [ paul@iconsole te j (2. Details of Contact Person to whom all correspondence should be sent | [Name of Coniact: Paul Kelly | Address of Contact: 4, Whitethom Grove | | Celtridge | | Co.Kildare | L 16103638 or 087 99 47 588 16103642, | panli@console.ie vou a Tax Reference Number or Charitable [Yes CHY ] | Status (CHY) Nem Jase tick as appropriaie) | 15042 | elling, Support and Helpline | The aim of Conse is to provide Professional Ce | Services to those Bereaved through Suicide, | Console seeks to respond to the Spiritual, Emotional and Psychological needs of our Clients. Our Mission is to provide Professional Therapeutic Counselling, Support | Helpline Services to those Bereaved through Suicide with Respect, Dignity and 5. Describe the Organisation’s activi Console provides the following Services Nationally Freephone National Helpline (1800 201890 } individual and Family Counselling Id Psychotherapy Therap; ec Service: fREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEeE TE that irelani fourth hi among yout We also know that this age demographic readily em! web-based supports above the more traditional face to face supports. We believe at by engaging with a younger audience through Silvercloud, we can address Specific needs in a much more productive and sustainable manner. theiz (9. Ts this project once-off or part of a continuing operation? LThis is 2 ‘ Once Off Project Z Be 10. When did the project commence? fune 2011 TTL, When is it due to end? tune 2012 [12."How many people are expected to benefit? 5.000 13. State the estimated total cost of the | project: | €120,000 | (TA. Suse the estimated cost in cument | year Ht | TS, State the amount of grant now so for the project: nto any other pis project? (Please tick as approp MLEYES, state: Sout {and result if any: ie) 5 of funds that are available to your [ 17. Give details of the amounts and sou donations, fund-raising, etc. Organisation for this project ~ cash hon he 1 will be: ribution for this | The Total Console F £29,000 Breakd Finanei Console Bereaved by Suicide Foundation Financial Statements for the year ended 31 December 2009 CHY Number Name Objectives Patron, Console -reaved by Suicide Foundation Information 15082 The Bereaved by Suicide Foundation operates under the name Cnsole, It has the following objectives (0) To provide a fice confidential helpline operated by trained volunteers and counsellors (2) To provide in-house counselling and run and fisise with support groups all over the country (3) To publish Jesfles, booklets and ether literature for (4) To be involved in training seminars to educate paopfe in how to deal with a suicide (5) To eliminate the stigma which surrounds sui beareves by suicide (6) To be involved in suicide prevention programmes ide and those President Mary McAleese; President of Ireland Mr. Paul Kelly - Chairman Ms, Patricia Dowling- Secretary Mr. Raymond Foran Ms. Margaret Tlemey Fr. Aidan Troy, CP Sr. Margaret O' Sullivan RSI, Mr Liar MoCarthy Ms Joan MeKenna Ms Josephine Murphy Mr Ciaran Tighe MrNool McKenna Console Ses uede Beyegyed by Suicide Foundation Celbridge Co Kit Bankers Allied Irish Banks Ple 7/12 Dame Street Dublin 2 Auditors Condran & Associates Registered Ausitors and Certified Accountants CS, M4 Business Park Celbridge Co. Kildare Independent Auditors’ Report Statement of financial activities Balance sheet Notes to the accounts Console by Suicide Foundation Contents Page Console Bereaved by Suicide Foundation J nddopendent auditors! report ro the members of Console ~ Bereaved by Suicide Foundatton We have audited the financial statemeits of Console - Bereaved hy Suicide Foundation for the year ended 31 December 2009 which comprise the Income and expenditure account, the balance sheet and the related notes, These financial starements have been prepared under the historical cost convention and accounting policies set cout therein, This report is made solely to the members of Console. Our audit work has been undertaken so that we might state to the members those matters we are requited to state to them in an auditors’ report and for no other purpase. To the fullest extent permitted by law, we do noc gecept or assume responsibility te anyone other than the charity and the chatitys members as a body, for our audit work, for this repor, of forthe opinions we have formed. Respective responsibilities of members and auditors ‘The members are responsible for the preparation of the financial statements in accordance with applicable Taw snd the Irish accounting standards, Gur responsibility is to audit the financial stacements in accordance with relevant legal and regulatory requirements, We report 10 you our opinion as to whether the financial statements give true and fair view and are properly prepared in accordance with Irish accounting standards, We also report to sou whether in our opinion: proper books of account have been kept by the organisation. In addition, we state whether we have obtained all the information and explanations necessary for the purposes of our audit and whether the organisation's Gnancial slatements are in agreement with the books of account Basis of audit opinion We conducted our audit in, accordance with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles, Am au examination, on a test basis, of evidence relevant to the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements, It also includes an assessment of che significant estimates and judgements made by the members in the preparation ‘of the financial statements, and of whether the accounting policies are appropriate to the organisation's circumstances, consistently apptied and adequately diselased We planned and performed our audit so_as to obtain all the information and explanations which we considered necessary in order to provide us with sufficient evidence to give reasonable assurance that the financial statements, are fee from material misstatement, whether caused by fraud or other irregularity or error. In forming our opinion ‘we also evaluated the overall adequacy of the presentation of information in the financial statements. Page t Console Bereaved by Saicide Foundation I ndependens auditors! report to the members of Console - Bereaved by Suicide Foundation continued Opinion In our opinion the financial statements give a true and fair view of the state of Console's alfairs as at 31 December 2009 and ofits incoming resources and epplication of resources for the year ended on that date We have obtained all the information and explanations thet we consider necessary for the purposes of eur audit, 4m our opinion, proper books of account have beew kept ay Conaole. The financial statements are in agreement ‘with the books of account. Condron & Associates Registered Auditors and Certified Accountants C5, M4 Business Park Celbridge Co. Kildare Page? Incoming Resourses Donations received Grants Received Snow drop appeal Activities Courses amily Suppor Agency Res rees Exponded Pundeaising costs Charitabte activites Governance costs Other Resourses expended Loan Inet i ‘oa! resources expended Net Incoming! (Outgoing) resources T oval fundsdeficit) B/F Total fundsi(defiest) CF Paul Kelly Chairman Dste: 3" March 2010 Console Bereaved by Suicide Foundation ‘Statement of Financial Activities for the year ended 31 December 2009 2009 2008 Unrestricted Unrestricted € € Notes 2 858,817 691,461 461,749 415,623, 16,833 46,200 : 14,918 30,100 : 50,200 1,417,399 125,741 145,892 1,033,792 911,765 12,100 12,150 305,119 112,803 23,858 24,126 (1,300,610) 1,206,737) 116,789 (186,463) (69,674) Patricia Dowling Secretary Page 3 Console by Suicide Foundation Batanee sheet ‘as at 31 Bocember 2609 2009 2008, Notes € € € € Fixed assets Tangible assets 5 867187 877,003 Current assets Cash at bank snd in band 30472 Creditors : amounts falling due within one year 6 406,963, Net current liabilities (263,107) (374,198) Total assets less current abilities 604,050 302,805 Long term liabilites 7 (673,724) (689,268) Deficiency of assets (69,674) (186,463) Capital account Brought forward at 1 January (186,463) (167,028) Surphus!(Deficit) for the year 116,789 (18,535), (Canied forward at 31 (69,678) (186,463) Paul Kelly Patricia Dowling Secretary Date: 3" March 2010 Page ¢ 14. 1S, Console ‘caved by Suicide Foundation Notes to the accounts for the year ended 31 December 2009 Accounting policies Accounting convention ‘The accounts are prepared under the historical cost convention. The Board of Management has consistently applied relevant accounting standards, Income Resources All incoming resonrees are included in the Statement of Financial Activities when the charity is entitled to the Income and the amount can be quantified with reasonable accuracy. For legactes, entitlement isthe eanlicr of the chatty being netified ofan inpending diswibution of the legacy being received. The following specific policies are applied to particular categories of income: = Voluntary income is received by way of grants, donations, gifts and included in full in the Statement of Financial Activities when receivable + Grants, where entitlement is not conditional on the delivery ofa specific performance by the charity, are recognised when the charity becomes unconditionally entitled t0 the grant ~ Donated services and facilities are included atthe value tothe cherity where this can be quantified. The value of services provided by volunteers bas not been included in these accounts, + Investment income is included when receivable. “Incoming resources fiom charitable wading activity ae accounted for when earned, = Incoming resources from grants, where related to performance and specific deliverables, are accounted for as the chatty ears the right to consideration by its performance. Expenditure Expenditure is recognised on an accrual basis as a liability is incurred. Expenditure includes VAT which cannot be fully recovered, and is reported as part of the expenditure to whieh it relates: = Costs of generating funds comprise the costs associated with attracting voluntary income. = Charitable expenditure comprises those costs incurred by the charity in the delivery of its activities and services for its beneficiaries. It includes both costs that can be allocated directly to such activities and those costs of en indirect nature necessary to support them, = Governance costs include chose costs associated with meeting the constitutional and statutory requirements of the charity and include the audit fees and costs linked tothe strategic management ofthe charity - All costs are alloocted between the expenditure categories ofthe Statement of Activites on a basis design: reflect the use of the resource, Costs relating (oa partichuse activity are allocated divecty, ‘Tangible fixed assets and depreciation Depreciation is provided at rates calculated to write off the cost less residual value of each asset over its expected useful ie, a8 follows: Furniture, iaings and equipment = 25% reducing balance Website = 33% reducing balance Grants ite are released 10 the profit Grants are credited to deferred revenue. Grants towards capital ex and Toss account over the expected useful life of the assets. Grants towards revenue expenditure are released to the profit and loss account as the related expenditure is incurred, Pages Console Rereaved by Suicide Foundation ‘Notes to the aecounts| for the year ended 31 December 2009 Income Class of income Donations Grants Snow drop appeal Concert - N.C. Courses Family Support A Grants were received from the following sources: Heskth Service Executive Department of Health and Children from the National Lottery Family Support Agency Pobal Page 6 2009 858,817 461,749 16,533 30,100 50,200, 1.417399 361,749 100,000, 200 2008 691,460 415,623, 46,200 14,918 295,809 700,000 20,000 19,814 435,623 Console Bereaved by Suicide Foundation Noves to the accounts for the year ended 31 December 2009 Resources expended Fundraising costs Salaries - Fundraising cost Employer's NI Contributions ~- Fundraising costs Motor & travel expenses - Fundraising costs Fundraising activities Snow Drop Day Charitable activities Salaries - Charitable activities Employer's NI - Charitable activities Staff Training ‘Clinical Supervision & Contract Counselling Staff Rent Payable Celebration of Life Insurance Light and Heat Repaits and Maintenance Refuse Disposal Professional & Cengultaney fees Charitable Donations Subscriptions Printing, Postage and Stationery Advertising Telephone Counselting Sessions The Daughters of Charity Community Outreach Programmes Motor & Travel Expenses ~ Charitable Activities Governance Costs ‘Audit & Accountancy Page? 2009 60,000 6.450 41,081 1473 16.767 379,665 40,751 19,488 94,250 85,214 4465 2365 103,885 13,767 2.170 1,033,792 2008 60,000 6,450 45,997 2,750 145,892 372,986 39,584 25.401 5.366 112,541 3 7964 22,875 100,968 26,376 50,971 911,765 Console Bereaved by Suicide Foundation Notes to the accouns the year ended 31 December 2009 Resoureas expended (continued) 2009 2008 € € Other Resourses expended Administration salaries 37,059 37,000 Employer's NI contributtons 3,084 3.978 Staff pension costs 8312 Database/Computer costs 8,239 National Conference 21,709 Bookkeeping, 2,400 Bank charges 3546 Loan arrangement fee - Interest on overdue taxation : Sundry expenses Depreciation on website Depreciation on FF & Equipment 17,871 105,119 112,808 4. Going Concern ‘The management have considered the deficit carried forward of the charity for the year ended 31 December 2009 and confirms that it expects to receive sufficent funding in te year 2010 and that all bilities witl be cleared. The management expect that Console witl continue as @ going concer. ‘Tangible assets Land and Furniture, buildings fittings & freehold Website Equipment ‘Total « € € € co At | January 2009 814,364 1300 10135 917,199 Additions : - 1763 75063 AU31 December 2009 814,364 1300 109,298 924,962 preciation 1 January 2009 30,011 40,196 10571 17,609 Sarge for the year - ACI December 2009 : 57,805 Net book vatues AU31 December 2009 814,364 At3] Decem 008 814,364 Pages Q) Conso LIVING WITH SUICIDE Proposal for the Provison of Online Counselling & Stivercle 1. Online Counselling Console intends to extend our existing Suicide Bereavement Counselling Services to an online setting. The provision of online counselling is @ specialist area which requires a lavel of competence similar to face-to- face work but requires further specialist training in online counselling skills which includes theoretical, practical and ethical elements of working online using email, chat and video chet. Clients would access online Console counselling services via a portal on the existing Console weasite. After initial assessment by and registration with 2 dedicated Console Online Counsellor, counselling sessions would be scheduled and allocated as required. One obvious and frequently-mentioned benefit of online counselling is the opportunity to reach people who are unable to visit 2 counsellor due to geographical, physical or lifestyle limitations. Computer-mediated therapy may also be an important initial step in establishing what could become an ongoing, in-person treatment for those who are reluctant to seek out counselling, preferring instead the percieved anonymity of an online therapeutic relationship. Console has carried out preliminary training with staff members in the field of online counselling and has already reviewed ethical and tegal obligations in this regard. Given the high rates of suicide in sometimes remote areas of the country, Console has noted a significant demand for bereavement counselling in areas beyond our existing activities “on the ground”. For that reason we are confident that the onfine service would be well recieved. Online Counselling Costs [Selary, Online Counsellor [£38,000 Related Employer Salary Costs [£5,700 [Website improvements [£4,000 Additional personnel, [Tand admin costs | €8,000 | [PR & promotion ae | €2,000 [Total | 657,700 Private & Confidential, Conscle lotterygrents/SLAINTE To paul@eonsoie ie eo? Sent by: Morrogh - go Naseer Shane © ‘agus Leanal poeta 36:10. bee Subject Acknowledgement National Lottery 2011 25 May 2011 Mr Paul Kelly Chairperson CONSOLE 4 Whitethom Grove Celbridge Co Kildare Ref: NL. 11/385 Dear Mr Kelly I wish to acknowledge receipt of your application for National Lottery funding. Yours sincerely Morrogh Mac Mahon Finance Unit was, Sandra Walsh» Application for Lottery Funding Please complete the Assessment Form beneath in respect of the 2011 Lottery ‘hid : application made by the CONSOLE. al SN" Also, please retain a copy of your recommendation as you will be asked, at 2 later date, to place all completed applications within your service area in order of priority. These recommendations will be made available to the Minister, Herel MaA Morrogh’Mac Mahon Finance Unit 25 May 2011 An Roinn Sidinte agus Leanaf 26" May, 2011 Mr. Geoff Day Director National Office for Suicide Prevention Dr. Steeven’s Hospital Dublin 8 Dear Geoff The Department has received an application for Lottery Funding from Console, 4 Whitethorn Grove, Celbridge, Co. Kildare The organisation is seeking funding of €100,000 towards the cost of developing Online Counselling Services. 1 would appreciate your views in relation to this application and also whether you would recommend that this project be considered for National Lottery funding. Yours sincerely, Wp A fog Moe ie Metfeman Mental Health ‘Ao, Foin Sie us Leas Dapatimant of Haan & Chileon awk use Din 2 Fén/Tol (01) 628 «060 RermphosvEmati_—_sroaneath gov le Feochiacin Gale Aha Clan 2 Feva/Fax C1} 695 4001 Suomen Grannies rr dhe National Office for Suicide Prevention Froom 2.44 Dr. Steoven's Hospital, Kilmaintarn Dubin & Bt 01 696 2179 01 695 2404 ail: infoSnosp.ie Feidhmeannacht na Seirbhise Sldinte Health Service Executive Liz Heffernan Mental Health Dept of Heaith and Children Hawkins House Dublin 2 30.5.1 Dear Liz, Lottery application from Console to develop online counselling ‘Thank you for your letter of 26" May and attachments. Online counselling is a new development and many organisations are moving in this direction. However appropriate this may be it is important that any new service is safe and reliable, protecting coniidentiality. Ideally there should be an agreed set of standards around this work. As you know the IAS are developing such standards funded by this office. T am not aware that the ‘siivercloud’ platform has been tested and would want reassurances around that. Also, the sum requested seems excessive, I would want to see a breakdown of how this funding will be spent and what the ongoing costs are. Console has consistently sought to develop new services and then look for funding to maintain them. In the present climate the sustainability of this, programme into the future needs to be rigorously examined. I would suggest that you request more information on this application before approval T cannot therefore recommend this proposal for funding at this time. Yours Sincerely (OK AS Geoff Day “\ wunencsp.ie — ww.yourmentathealth.ie www.letsomeoneknow.ie Margaret To Adrian McLaughlin/SLAINTE@SLAINTE eee Le Liz Heffeman/SLAINTE@SLAINTE, Sandra 05/07/2011 15:17 Wolsh/SLAINTE@SLAINTE bee Subject Folfow-up to Console meeting - application for lottery funding Hi Adrian ‘Atthe meeting with Console today, Paul Kelly mentioned about an application for €100,000 lottery funding to develop on-line counselling. Minister asked me to follow up and let her know position, Application was received on 20th May. No decision has yet been taken. The HSE has some concems = amount requested, ongoing costs and whether the ‘silverclouc! platform has been tested. | will follow-up and talk to Sandra about it when she gets back from holidays. Regards Margaret McGuinness Mental Health Tel no 01 6354104 email address: Margaret_McGuinness@heatth.irgov.ie Margaret To. Sandie Walsh’SLAINTE@SLAINTE McGuinness!SLAINTE ie 271072011 11:18 bec ‘Subject Fw: Console's application for lottery funding FYI Margaret McGuinness Menial Health Tel no 01 6354104 email address: Margaret_McGuinness@health ilgov.ie Forwarded by Margaret McGuinness/SLAINTE on 27/07/2011 19:17 ~ Gootf Day To Margaret_McGuinness@health.gov.ie 27/07/2011 10:28 ce Subject RE: Console's application for lottery funding Hi Margaret, This is 2 potentially expanding area of work but ‘also one which requires ear policy guidelines. I wowld support the development by Console of this area of work On the basis that at the end of the. peried of funding they would provide’ i) An evaluation of the work undertaken including identification of the strengths and weaknesses of the approach and ii) detailed guidelines relating to the operational and safety issues associated with this development. Both of these may be of use to other such services which the State may fund in future. I would recommend that the sum suggested be made available to Console with the above provisos. Also I think it should be made clear that any Longer term funding for this project would depend on the overall allocation for suicide prevention and the business processes applied to all HSE grants 2. Silvercloud Wmilst I accept that a number of organisations are developing this approach I chink it would be unwise to, fund this project until we have seen a full evaluation of thé trials réferred’td. ‘The development costs ara too high to give out funding without such an evaluation. I would suggest that Console maintain their interest in the area and work with the groups at their own expense until we are assured that such a development has a good evidence T would not recommend funding this proposal I hope this helps 2 comtiel Ce, nelller 4 me Ba dD bella db National Lottery Application — Console Funding Sought €100,000 Breakdown of Costs On-line Counselling €57,700 Silvercioud £63,162 Totat €120,882 Recommendation 1. Funding of €50k is recommended in respect on the on-line counselling application. Conditions of Funding At the end of the period of funding Console will be required to provide ian evaluation of the work undertaken including identification of the strangths and weaknesses of the approach, and ii) ii) detailed guidelines relating to the operational and safety issues associated with this development. Both of these may be of use to other such services which the State may fund in future. It should also be made clear that it any longer term funding for this project would depend on the overall allocation for suicide prevention and the business processes applied to all HSE grants 2. Funding is not recommended for the Siivercioud application, A number of organisations are developing this approach however it is the view of the National Office for Suicide Prevention (NOSP) that it would be unwise to fund this project until we have seen a full evaluation of the trials referred fo. The development costs are too high to give out funding without such en evaluation. It is suggested that Console maintain their interest in the area and work with the groups at their own expense until we are essured that such a development has a good evidence base Sandra Walsh’ Mental Health 9 August, 2011 mmendation of Appfication fi sry Funding from Department of Health and Children SECTION A Organisation: + CONSOLE Project: towards the cost of funding the development of Online Counselling Services. Amount Sought: €100,000.00 File Reference: NL 11/385 SECTION B Line Division / Unit: Mental Health Services RECOMMENDATION 1. Wuie you recommend that this project should be considered for National Lottery funding 2 Please state reasons Ue ployeet ) sought far this proje mp ; Would you support the amount (lated above September 2011 Mr Paul Kelly Chairperson CONSOLE 4 Whitethorn Grove Celbridge Co Kildare NL 11/385 Dear Mr Kelly You wrote to me recently requesting Notional Lottery funding towards the cost of funding the development of Online Counselling Services. Lam pleased to inform you that I have approved a grant of €50,000,00 from my Department's 2011 allocation of National Lottery finds for this purpose, The Finance Unit of my Department wil! be in touch with you shortly concerning payment of the grant. tis a condition of the grant that it may only be used on the authorised project and may not be used for any other purpose and that appropriate acknowledgement of this assistance from the National Lottery should be made. The National Lottery Company may be in contact with you at a later date with regard to publicity. It is also a condition of the grant that certification of expenditure should be submitted to my Department as soon as possible after the end of the financial year or when the project is completed (whichever is earlier), The office of the Comptroller & Auditor General may wish to audit your organisation's accounts at any time. Tam delighted to be of assistance to you on this occasion and wish you well with your work in the furure Best wishes. Yours sincere] Dr Vatiés Reilly TD Minister for Health Accounts 41/B02/000/G1910 Subhead B02/0001: National Lottery Suj Please arrange to pay €50,000 from Subhead B02/0001 (Minister's allocation) to CONSOLE 4 Whitethorn Grove Celbridge Co Kildare towards the cost of funding the development of Online Counselling Services, os/09/2011 Sondre Walst/SLAINTE To 1510912011 17:15 cc David O'Connor! SLAINTE bee Subject Re: Console Lottery Dave As requested | attach couple of paragraphs for the Console letter. | would appreciate @ copy of the final letter which issues for our files. regards sandia a) conde ora otro S06 David O'Conner David O'Connor/SLAINTE 14/09/2011 14:55:44 David O'Connor/SLAINTE : 141092011 14:55 To Sandra WalshSLAINTE@SLAINTE (@, An Roinn Sidinte ee

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