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Renewal Goals 2009: SLT Retreat

1. What will Renewal do to grow the student movement?

a. Make Renewal accessible and offer a gateway/marketplace to other
b. “Plan-in-a-can” start-up and do-it-yourself kits
c. Creation Care 101 resource for “where do I start as a Christian” question
d. Newsletter/dispatches/forums
e. Online “expert contact” and “existing effort” database
f. Help local campus groups find funding and other resourcesto realize plan
g. Ride board for events, etc.?
h. Help campus student leaders inspire and mobilize their communities
i. How to engage and infiltrate/tap existing leadership structures
j. Encourage/rally the troops (like what RE did at their Goshen retreat)
k. Remember/cultivate our love for creation and passion for creation care
l. Intercampus competitions and annual awards

2. What will Renewal do to grow the organization?

a. Draw from existing bases such as Au Sable/CCSP; have a Renewal
presence, offer job resources/other practical offerings; maintain a Renewal
presence at existing events
b. Reach out to other campuses in regions and establish relationships with
their various campus clubs
c. Develop a Renewal presence in local churches: train students to engage
and fundraise from local churches; present the biblical basis for creation
care; put together packets/resources such as Sunday school curriculums
d. Be aware of our weaknesses and potential conflicts/controversy within our
e. Find our niche: students reaching students, networking existing
efforts/people, train and equip
f. Employ art/music competitions and celebrations
g. Involve local/other media
h. “Renewal in the news” section on website
i. Connect with Relevant magazine and other key friends/partners
j. Don’t reinvent the wheel

3. What will Renewal do to have an impact on important issues?

a. Speak with love
b. Practice sustainability/stewardship as an organization (green travel, e-
newsletters, etc.)
c. Make use of visual/auditory mediums such as podcasts, youtube, video
petitions for DOA
d. Large conference in DC
e. Engage local politics and campus admin too
f. Eco-party fun time?

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