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Ecce 2 - Pre-Reading

Part I – The Picture

1. Who do you see in the picture? What are they doing?

2. What is the setting of the picture?

3. What action words do you think you will learn in this chapter, based on the
activities in the picture?

4. What new adjective do you think you might learn, based on the picture?

Part II – Becoming Familiar With New Vocabulary – Forging Links

Use your Vocabulary List from your packet to find the Latin originals.

Latin Word What I Think The Latin Means

1. current _______________ ____________________________

2. ambulatory _______________ ____________________________

3. agriculture _______________ ____________________________

4. amicable _______________ ____________________________

5. strenuous _______________ ____________________________

III. Story Telling

Now look at page 7 in your textbook. The words are listed in the order that they
occur in the story. On the back of this paper, write dialogue between Cornelia and
Flavia in English. Each girl will speak 3 times, and their conversation will
summarize what you think will happen in the story, using at least one English
definition per sentence. Underline each English definition.
Ecce 2 – A Summer Afternoon
Text for Translating

Cornelia est puella Romana. Flavia quoque est puella Romana. Cornelia

et Flavia sunt puellae Romanae quae in Italia habitant. Cornelia et Flavia sunt

amicae. Hodie puellae non sedent sed in agris ambulant. Brevi tempore

Cornelia defessa est. Non iam ambulat sed sub arbore sedet. Flavia, quae est

puella strenua, in agris currit. Brevi tempore Flavia quoque est defessa. Iam

Flavia et Cornelia sub arbore sedent quod defessae sunt. Dum puellae sub

arbore sedent, Cornelia legit et Flavia scribit. Tandem puellae ex agris ad

villam rusticam lente ambulant.

Ecce 2 - Translation Review
Answer These True/False Questions about the Story

_____1.Cornelia et Flavia sunt puellae Romanae.

_____2.Cornelia et Flavia in agris habitant.

_____3.Hodie Flavia in agris non est.

_____4.Cornelia ex agris currit quod defessa est.

_____5.Flavia saepe in villa currit.

_____6.Amicae in agris currunt, sed brevi tempore Cornelia

defessa est.

_____7.Flavia non defessa est.

_____8.Tandem Flavia sub arbore sedet et scribit.

_____9.Brevi tempore amicae non currunt, sed sub arbore


_____10. Tandem puellae ex agris ad villam rusticam lente


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