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Intellectual property law has historically been an international discipline as opposed to what is the case with other traditional
areas of law. A recent internationalising factor is the gradual development of an EC intellectual property law. This new body of
law will gradually have a unifying effect on the national laws. The process, however takes time.

Intellectual property law has not only great political and economic significance but also great cultural significance. The internet
and other forms of international telecommunications clearly demonstrate that intellectual property recognises no national

The considerable technological development of the last decades have brought quite dramatic effects on intellectual property as
a whole, as well as on the various legal modalities included. We have seen debates on for example: patents on life?
precluding needy people from receiving medicine they need, on indigenous peoples fear of being robbed of their traditional
properties and on copyright being a threat to the freedom of speech.

The Programme in European Intellectual Property Law is set up so that distance learning is possible and encompasses a total
of 60 higher educational credits (HEC), (60 ECTS), whereof 30 HEC (30 ECTS) shall be a thesis. All students must take the
required 15 HEC (15 ECTS) course. Thereafter, students are given the opportunity to specialise in a specific area of intellectual
property law by choosing two elective 7,5 HEC (7,5 ECTS) courses from the four elective 7,5HEC courses offered.

Spring 2011, Programme code JEUIM

Appl.code: SU-29953
Application: Anmlan sker p studera.nu

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Special eligibility Information only in Swedish

requirements :
Selection: Information only in Swedish
Periodization: Period 1 - starts during the first half of the semester
Form of studies: Normal
Hours of tuition: Daytime
Rate of studies: 100 %
Language: English.
Place of studies: Stockholm
information: Anmlan senast den 15 augusti.

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