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United States Patent (9 ‘Tahmassebpur [54] ANTENNA [75] Inventor: Mohammed Tahmassebpur, Vancouver, Canada [73] Assignee: Sierra Wireless, Ine. British Columb, Canada [e*] Tem: 14 Years [21 Appl. No 37487 (22) Apr. 6, 1995 [2] Lo 14/230 [58] Field of Search ve D1A230; 343/700 R, 343/720, 757, 785, 793, 805, 807, 872 ‘900, 901, 903 (56) References Cited USS. PATENT DOCUMENTS D, 160016 971980. Reid aro D.203672 1/988 Rede pian30 VERE RTC RGR "US00D3670628 (ut) Patent Number: Des. 367,062 145] Date of Patent: D.333671 211993 Vong pienso Primary Exaniner—Dominic Simone Attomey, Agent, or Finn-—Burns, Doane, Swecker & Mathis (571 ‘The omamental design for an antenna, as shown and described. CLAIM DESCRIPTION FIG. 1 isa perspective view of an antenna showing my new Aesign, the communication device shown in broken lines for ‘lustative purposes only; FIG. 2s an enlarge right side elevational view thereof, the left side being a mirror image; FIG. 3 is an enlarged rear elevational view thereof FIG. 4 is an enlarged front elevational view the FIG, § is an enlarged top plan view thereof; and. FIG. 6 is an enlarged bottom plan view thereof. 1 Claim, 2 Drawing Sheets U.S. Patent Feb. 13, 1996 Sheet 1 of 2 Des. 367,062 Des. 367,062 Sheet 2 of 2 Feb. 13, 1996 US. Patent a) | \ | eld old

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