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Fear and Doubt: Pillars of Uncertainty

How To Manage Fear, Doubt and Uncertainty

Uncertainty suggests the inability to make a decision. It's a crossroad in

decision making. Uncertainty will have you wavering between choices
causing such stress that it gives way into doubt, then collapses into fear
and then inertia.

Uncertainty cannot be supported, nor sustained without fear and doubt.

You heard the saying; birds of a feather flock together? Fear, Doubt and
Uncertainty are birds that flock together. So, how do we deal with
these 3 birds?

Understand them and then put them in their place! How so? As a Life
Coach I'm fascinated by the stories of fear that I hear. I have pondered
many nights after finishing a session with a 'fearful' client; why are we
fearful of some things and not others? For instance:

*How can someone who is afraid of a mouse want to be a Veterinarian?

*An actor afraid of public speaking?
*A bungee jumper who fears flying?

Some of the fears I have heard and the details of how they would get
played out would make great fiction and be on the New York Times
Bestseller list! In psychology, fear is described as an emotion that is related
to specific behaviors of escape and avoidance. People develop specific
fears as a result of learning. A simple example would be; one of your
parents is afraid of swimming and you develop that fear as well. Another
way of developing a fear is to have a personal experience like; falling off a
horse that might lead to fear of horses or large animals or even fear of
heights. So what does this have to do with your fear?
I want you to think for a moment, a life without the mechanism of fear?
How would we know not to pet a lion or not to go into deep waters? You
see, fear can be healthy or harmful. Fear can protect us or destroy us. Fear
has its place in life and I want you to think about that. Think about this too,
fear is an emotional response. Keep in mind that I am talking about fears
that stop an individual from achieving healthy goals and transforming their
life.  Most of your fears are about what if this or that doesn't work out.
Right? So the better decision is to do nothing? Come on now!

Instead of biting your nails, try these tactics:

*Be thankful you have this portion of the brain functioning that controls
the ancient survival reaction called the fight-or-flight response! Fear can
protect you and that's a good thing.

*Fear can sometimes give you the biggest shove. So think about your life 1,
5 or 10 years from now and write down exactly how you see your life in 1, 5
or 10 years if you were to move beyond your present fears.

*Head to the library and read about the trials and tribulations of great
Entrepreneurs and Leaders. Without having taken a chance many things
we take for granted today would not BE around (ipods, pc's, cell
phones...and what would we do without these things!)

*Start a log of all the people you hear about that had big failures in their life
and continued onward. Many people think of success and wealth when the
name Donald Trump comes to mind. But did you know that he went into
bankruptcy and lost millions? He suffered great losses and continued to
take chances. Obviously, he has learned to manage his fears!

Lastly, remember that Fear, Doubt and Uncertainty have a flipside: Faith,

Hope and Charity.
Cheers to your success!

Life Coach Harrie




For more information on the nature of FEAR see:


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