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DIRECTIONS: DEVELOPMENTAL _____ ANATOMY Questions Each question below contains suggested responses. Select the one best response to each question. ‘Oogonia reach their maximum number at which of the following, sages of human development? 2 Five months of fetal fe Birth Puberty (1210 14 years of age) ‘Adolescence (16 to 20 years of age) Early adulthood (21 to 26 years of, ag) In gametogenesis, meiosis dif- fers significantly from mitosis. All the following are characteristics of meiosis EXCEPT b, Crossing-over occurs between sister ‘chromatids during prophase 1 Daughter cells enter a second M phase ofthe cell eycle alter division T without passing through the G, phase and S phase Independent assorment of mater nal and paternal genetic material occurs in division [ The result of division Isa chromo. somal reduction to the haploid umber There is pairing of homologous chromosomes 3. Primary oocytes have developed bby the time of birth. From puberty to ‘menopause, these germ cells remain suspended in meiotic prophase. The oocyte ofa mature follicle is induced to undergo the frst meiotic division just prior to ovulation as a result of which of the following hormonal stimuli? b ‘The cessation of progesterone sect: Tre gradual elevation of follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) titers ‘The low estrogen titers associated with the maturing follicle The slow elevation of progesterone produced by luteal cells ‘The surge of luteinizing hormone (LH) initiated by high estrogen ee Y 4 Anatomy. [Av the time of ovulation in the bbuman female, all the following are ‘rue EXCEPT that 5. The first meiotic division has just occurred Expulsion of the first polar body has just occurred The secondary oocyte is arrested in the second maturation division The zona pellucida has broken down Ferilization is possible Spermiogenesis is the transfor: ration from spermatid to sperma- tozo0n. Which of the following isa comet statement about this matu- ration process? Mitochondria, which provide the energy for motility, become located fn the tail piece of the spermato- ‘The acrosomal cap, containing the hhydrolytic enzymes necessary for fertilization, develops from rough endoplasmic reticulum “The mature spermatozoa are motile and capable of ferulizing an ovum ‘upon leaving the seminiferous wubules “The tall ofthe spermatozoon devel ops ftom one of two centrioles A 26-year-old man contracted viral influenza with an unremitting, fever of 39.5°C (103°F) for 3 days Since spermatogenesis cannot ‘occur above a scrotal temperature (of 35.5°C (96°F), he was left with no viable sperm on his recovery. The time required for spermatogen- esis, spermiogenesis, and passage of viable sperm to the epididymis is approximately, 7. 3 days L week 5 weeks 2 months 4 months All the following statements concerning the acrosome reaction are correct EXCEPT injects the contents ofthe cr0s0- smal envelope into the cytoplasm of the eae It involves the formation of the acrosomal process Ie releases acid hydrolases onto the zona pellucida Ie terminates upon fusion of the plasma membrane of the sperm ‘with that ofthe egg Te triggers fasion of the outer acro somal membrane with the plasma membrane ofthe sperm 8. To prevent polyspermy, fetliza- tion initiates the cortical reaction, which involves all the following, processes EXCEPT | Alteration of the binding affinity of sperm receptors on the surface 'b, Development of a gap between the zona pellucida and the plasma ‘membrane ofthe ovum 6. Inhibition ofthe acrosomal reaction im subsequent sperm

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