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(2) United States Patent Hitchock et al. (10) Patent No. (4s) Date of Patent US 7,376,891 B2 May 20, 2008 6 os) om o an @) ws) @) (60) ron} (2) (58) 66) UNIVERSAL FORMS ENGINE Inventors: Michael D. Hitchock, Portland, OR (US); James HL. Wolfston, Je, West Linn, OR (US): John W. Stedman, Beaverton, OR (US); Andre’ J. Hertz, Beaverton, OR (US); Raymond L. Pre, Tualatin, OR (US) Collegenet, Ine. Portland, OR (US) Subject to any dislaime, the term of this patent is extended or adjusted under 35 USC. 154(b) by 261 days 101673674 Sep. 29, 2003 Prior Publication Data US 2005/0080756 Al Apr. 14, 2005 Related U.S. Application Data Continuation of application No. 10°259,219, fled on Sep. 27, 2002, now abandonod, which isa continu ‘ation of application No, 09/991,434, filed on Now. 9, 2001, now Pat. No. 6,460,042, which is a continua tion Of application No, 09/325,533, fled on Jun. 3, 1999, now Pat, No. 6,345,278. Provisional application No. 60/088,123, filed on Jun 4, 1998, Assignee: Notice: Appl. No. Filed: Int. Cl, Cook 1700 (200601) US.cL S/221; 715/222; 715/223 TSI224; 715/236 Field of Classification Search 715/505, 715/506, 507, $08, 513) 7051; 707/100, 707/10; 7091208, See application file for complete search history. References Cited US. PATENT DOCUMENTS. A6AS873 A DIBST.Chomet (Continued) FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS EP WooTMHTS 2198 iP DoIs424 AZ 5/1999 (OTHER PUBLICATIONS S, Bing Yao ca *Fomamger: An Ofice Forms Management Systm” ACM Transitions of Ofie Infomation Sytis,vl. 2. No.3 Jul 1984, pp. 235-202 (Continved) Primary Examiner—Dovg Hutton “Assistant Examiner—James H. Blackwell (74) Attornes gent or Firm--Scheinberg & Griner, LLP; Michael O. Scheinberg on ABSTRACT A forms engine allows data sharing between customizable ‘online forms, such as college admissions plications ‘Before applying, an applicant opens an secoumt with 2 third parly application servicer. Alter the applicant completes aa Application for one institution, the data is saved in-a data bate and automatically populates fel in subsequent sppli- cation forms. The form for each institution is efeated from ‘form description file, Each form is branded for is inst tution and forms for different institutions differ in appear tance and content $0 that the presence of the thin! party servicer is transparent to the applicant, The system is extensible without programming, allowing new applicant atibutes to be readily incorporated iato the system and allowing the content and appearance of the application to be readily changed by changing the deserip- tion file The use of aliases for applicant attributes permits data tobe readily shared between forms eventhough labeled fand arranged diferenly’ on different forms. 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