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: ‘fee : | aN) Enrichir son expression orale Les structures de communication suivantes vous aideront 8 vous exprimer oralement de facon riche et varie. Reportez-vous & ces pages chaque fois que vous le jugerer nécessaire Note: V = base verbale~ Ye LCN ara Quelle notion expriment ces phrases: pouvoir ou devoir? a. He managed todo it. . You can't do that! A. Capacité / incapacité #1 (don't) know how toV ‘© Imanaged toV (21 réussi a} Ue sus incapable de) #Jcan'thelp Ving (Je ne peux pas m'empécher de) 1m unable to B. Obligation / Absence d'obligation ‘You must (not) V ‘You (don't) have to V You (don’t) need tov '* You'e (not) supposed to V . Permission / interdiction *# fallow you to V » | forbid you to V (J tinterdis de) © May IV? © You can't / mustn't V *Don'tV ‘8 Stop V-ing ‘I’ sout of the question! / No way! fiero Classez ces trois phrases par ordre de probablté (forte moyenne, fibe) 2. She might come tomorrow b He must be home by now. € Itmay ain this aftemoon SN | be au participe passé -GN = groupe nominal aN) | : A. Probabilité forte 1 She mustV/be V-ing » She can'tV/be Ving ‘© Vimsure certain that «She should V (Elle devrait) 8. Probabilité moyenne She may V/ be V-ing ‘Perhaps / Maybe ¢ /suppose that C.Probabilité faible ‘He might / could V/ be Ving Quelle phrase ne peut pas figurer dans la rubrique Argumenter »? a. Youcan't be serious! b. They never agree with each other. € | el ike going to bed. A. Cause / But / Conséquence ‘That's (the reason) why ‘Thanks to (Grace a) + (Not) to V/ in order (not) to V/ So as (not) to V (Afin de) 50 B. Opposition ‘© Whereas / while (Tancis que) © On the contrary C. Résumer ses idées *Inaword Inother words To conclude /sum up @ at\ D. Hypotheses ‘(fl (prétérit modal), would #ifthad Veen, I would have Veen *# Suppose /Imagine E.Accord / Désaccord + S0 do (Moi aussi) = Neither do J (Moi non plus) agree « I disagree with # You can’t be serious! F. Donner son opinion © Itseems to me that ‘© in my opinion ‘I think / feel / believe that ‘Ihave the feeling that WAC eres Associez chaque phrase & une notion: reproche ou regret. a. Why didn'tyou tell me before? b. wish 'd thought about it. A Regretter «Forgive me for V-ing ‘© | wish | had (not) V-en ‘should (not) have V-en (J'aurals dd) ‘8 1'm somy /1 apologize B. Reprocher ‘* Why did't you V2 # You shouldn't © You should (not) have V-en (Tu aurais dd) «(wish you had (not) V-en (Jaurais aimé que) « (fonly you had (not) V-en ‘Quelle phrase n’exprime pas U'dée de désirer? ‘Do you feel like watching TV? b./don’tneed to call her. ¢.Iwould love to meet her. A. Désirs / Souhaits #1'dlike /love toV 1 feel like ing (Jai envie de) ‘ifonly V (prétérit modal) ‘© | wish she V (prétérit modal) A 6 NN B. Intention # /'m thinking of ing (envisage de) {mean / intend to V Traduisez les phrases suivantes: a. Elle est ici? C'est super ! b. Je préférerais partir maintenant. Wi A. Aimer / Ne pas aimer ‘¢'m fond of keen on GN /V-ing #fenjoy Ving Terrific! / Great! (1 like GN /V-ing » | disike GN / Ving I can‘tstand / bear GN/V-ing B. Etre indifférent ‘© Idon't mind V-ing (Cela ne me gne pas de) ‘© As you like / wish (Comme tu voudras) ‘¢fedoesn’t matter / Never mind (Cela n'a pas importance) C. Préférer * Iprefer toV/V-ing ‘1d rather V (Je preférerais) oo Construisez deux phrases 8 partir des situations suivantes r a. Vous conseillez & un ami daccepter un travail . Vous demander poliment 8 quelqu’un de fermer la fenétre. A.Conseiller / Proposer © What about V-ing? © Why not v2 © Why don'tyou V? #iflwere you, dV «© You'd better (not) V (Tu ferais mieux de) «# You should (Tu devreis) eletsv ‘© Would you like toV? ‘Shall we v2 B, Demander ‘© Would you mind V-ing? (Cela t'ennuierait de) © Could you v?

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