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Stratospheric sulfate aerosols: large explosive volcanoes are able to place a significant amount of aerosols
into the lower stratosphere, as well as some chlorine. Because more than 90% of a volcanic plume is water
vapor most of the other compounds, including volcanic chlorine, get ''rained-out'' of the stratosphere. The
effects of a large volcano on global weather are significant, which in turn can affect localized weather patterns
such as the antarctic ozone hole. Many observations have linked the 1991 Mt. Pinatubo eruption to a 20%
increase in the ozone hole that following spring[Solomon et al. 1993]) . The effects of a large volcanic eruption
on total global ozone are more modest (less than 3%) and last no more than 2-3 years.
2. Stratospheric winds: every 26 months the tropical winds in the lower stratophere change from easterly to
westerly and then back again, an event called the Quasi-biennial Ocillation (QBO). The QBO causes ozone
values at a particular latitude to expand and contract roughly 3%. Since stratospheric winds move ozone, not
destroy it, the loss of one latitude is the gain of another and globally the effects cancel out.

3. Greenhouse gases: to the degree that greenhouse gases might heat the planet and alter weather patterns,
the magnatude of the stratospheric winds will certainly be affected. Some of the more popular senarios of
global warming predict cooler stratospheric temperatures, leading to more polar stratospheric clouds and
more active chlorine in the area of the antarctic ozone hole.
4. Sunspot cycle: ozone is created by solar UV radiation. The amount of UV radiation produced by the sun is not
constant but varies by several percent in a rougly 11year cycle. This 11year cycle is related to magnetic
changes within the sun which increase the solar UV output, and is heralded by an increase sunspots which
appear on the surface of the sun. Comparisons of yearly ozone concentrations show a small 11 year variation
in global ozone of about 2%. Episodes of unusual solar activity, solar storms and large solar flares, could
certainly alter this value.
5. Stratospheric chlorine, coming mostly from man-made halocarbons. Careful subtracting of other natural
factors yields a net decrease of 3% per decade in global ozone,1978-1991; due most likely to catalytic
degredation by stratospheric chlorine

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