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Definition of Terms

hysterectomy - s a surgical procedure whereby the uterus (womb) is removed.

Salpingectomy - refers to the surgical removal of a Fallopian tube.
Oophorectomy (or ovariectomy) is the surgical removal of an ovary or ovaries. In
science, the procedure is called spaying and is a form of sterilization. Removal
of the ovaries in women is the biological equivalent of castration in males, an
d the term is occasionally used in the medical literature instead of oophorectom
y. Endometriosis (from endo, "inside", and metra, "womb") is a debilitating gyne
cological medical condition in females in which endometrial-like cells appear an
d flourish in areas outside the uterine cavity, most commonly on the ovaries. ut
erus - s a major female hormone-responsive reproductive sex organ of most mammal
s including humans. Cervix-is the lower, narrow portion of the uterus where it j
oins with the top end of the vagina. It is cylindrical or conical in shape and p
rotrudes through the upper anterior vaginal wall Fallopian tubes- two very fine
tubes lined with ciliatedepithelia, leading from the ovaries of female mammals i
nto the uterus, via the utero-tubal junction. In non-mammalian vertebrates, the
equivalent structures are the oviducts. Supracervical hysterectomy-surgical tech
nique that removes the uterus while leaving the cervix intact, does not have cle
ar benefits over total hysterectomy in women with non-cancerous disease and shou
ld not be recommended as a superior technique Fibroids â Fibroids (also known as lei
omyoma) are noncancerous growths of uterine muscle that occur in up to one-third
of all women. Fibroids may become larger during pregnancy, and typically shrink
after menopause. Endometrial hyperplasia â Endometrial hyperplasia is the term used
to describe excessive growth of the endometrium (the tissue that lines the uter
us). It can sometimes lead to endometrial cancer

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