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Assignment 2


Metaphor- the application of a name or descriptive term or phrase to and object or action to which it is
imaginatively but not literally

Parallelism- is two phrases that are very similar but never meet.

Personification- the act of personifying

Theme- a subject or topic on which a person speaks, writes, or thinks,

Tone- a manner of expression in writing

Allusion- a passing or casual reference; an incidental mention of something, either directly or by

implication: an allusion to Shakespeare.

Figurative language- speech or writing that departs from literal meaning in order to achieve a special
effect or meaning, speech or writing employing figures of speech.

Irony- a technique of indicating, as through character or plot development, an intention or attitude

opposite to that which is actually or ostensibly stated.

Metaphor- the application of a name or descriptive term or phrase to and an object or action to which it
is imaginatively but not literally

Allegory- a representation of an abstract or spiritual meaning through concrete or material forms;

figurative treatment of one subject under the guise of another.

Characterization- the creation and convincing representation of fictitious characters.

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