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Design of one way slab

Classification of slab:-

a) On the basis of shape –square, circular, triangular etc.

b) On the basis of supporting condition –simply supported along
it edge continues slab running over number of support,
cantilever slab fixed at one end and free at other end, flat slab
directly supported by column
c) On the basis of spanning direction- one way slab (when the
main reinforcement is in one direction), two way (when the
main steel is provided in two or orthogonal directions.

Lx Lx

Ly Ly

One way Two way

Ly Ly
>2 <=2
Lx Lx

1. Effective Span (clause 22.2):-

a) simply supported slab

The effective span of member that is not built integrally

with it support shall be the least of the following.
i. Clear span + d (effective depth of slab).
ii. Center to center of support.

b) For continues slab.

If the width of support is less than 1/12 of clear
span the effective span shall be as a).if the support
are wider than 1/12 of the clear span or 600mm
which ever is less the effective span should be
taken as under.
i. For end span with one end fixed and other
continues or for intermediate span.
Effective span =clear span between two
ii. For end span with one end fixed and other
Effective span =clear span +half the effective
depth of slab or beam.
Effective span =clear span +half the width of
discontinues support.
Which ever is less.
2. Trial Depth

Depth of slab is governed by serviceability requirement of

Calculate the depth of slab based on L/d ratio.
D= + effective cov er
allowable L / d ratio

D= +d'

d ' = cov er +half of dia . of bar

Cover = min. 20mm
Table 16 clause 26.4.2 IS456-2000
Allowable L/d ratio = ra = basic L/d ratio X modification
factor (α1)
Basic L/d ratio (IS456-2000, C-23.2.1)
Basic values of span for effective depth ratio for span up to
Cantilever – 7m
Simply supported – 20m
Continues – 26m
Modification factors (α) depends upon Pt% [c-23.2.1 (e)]

For span above 10m, the value in (a) may be multiplied by

10/span in meters, except for cantilever in which case
defection should be made.
Ast % the in (a) & (b) shall be modified by multiplying
with the modification factor as per fig. given below.
Modification factor



Area of c / s of steel required

Fs = 0.58 fy
Areaof c / s of steel provided
3. Loads:-
Calculate load in KN/m on 1m wide strip of the slab.
Dead load = self weight of slab + floor finish.
Live load = 2 to 2.5 (use IS875-part II)
Total working load = DL+LL
Total ultimate load = Wu = 1.5 (DL+LL)
4. Design Moments:-
For simply supported slab Mu = Wu 8

For continous slab Mu = α d wu d l 2 +αl wul l 2

Where wu d = 1.5 DL
wul = 1.5 LL
Moments and shear coefficient for continuous beam. ( Table 12
and 13 )
For moments at support where two unequal span meet or in
case where the span are not equally loaded, the average of
two values for the negative moment at the support may be
taken for the design.
Clause 22.5.2

Check for concrete depth:-

Since the depth of the slab is obtained from serviceability
consideration it is required to be checked from bending
moment requirements.
Calculate maximum moment carrying capacity of the section
M ur max = Ru max bd 2

For slab b = 1000 mm

(R u max = for fe 415 =0.138 fck )
(R u max = moment of resistance factor)
If M ur max > M ur

Then the section is adequate from bending moment

M u max
∴d =
R u max ×1000 Which shall be less than the


If the above condition is not satisfied provide the depth

required from bending moment consideration.
Main steel:-

0.5 Fck  
Ast = 1 − 1 − 4.6 Mu  bd
Fy  Fck bd 2 
 
Where b = 1000 mm > Ast min
Ast min = 0.12% bd for (1+YSD bar)
(Fe 415 & Fe 500)

= 0.15% bd for Fe 250

1000 ast
Required spacing s = Ast
ast = area of c/s of one bar
Ast = total area of steel required

The spacing shall not exceed 3d or 300 mm whichever is less.

Check for deflection:-

Calculate Pt % = 100 Ast / bd

Where Ast is the maximum area of steel required at mid span
D ser = +effective cov er
basicL / d ×α
Check that D > D ser

8. Distribution of steel:-

Required Ast = 100 ×b ×D for Fe 415
= 100 ×b ×D for Fe 250
Where b =1000mm and D is the overall depth
Maximum spacing ≤ csd or 450 m whichever is less

9. Check for shear:-

Calculate maximum shear Vu max as per table 13 (IS456)

& J =Vu max / area of cross section

Obtain design shear stress J corresponding to Pt = 100 Ast / bd


(from table 19)

Calculate shear resistance of slab
Internal stress = K J vc

K – factor to increase in the resistance to shear due to membrane

action of slab and is given in table.
Overall 300 or 275 250 225 200 175 150 or
depth more less
of slab
in mm
K 1.00 1.05 1.1 1.15 1.20 1.50 1.30

If J v c > J v max the safe else increase the thickness of slab.

9. Check for development length:-

The length of the bars provided for resisting –ve moment should
not be less than +ve development length given by
0.87 fy
Ld = K ϕ= 4 J bd
0 .5 A s t2

D is t r ib u t io n s te e l A s t1


0 .1 5 L 1 0 .2 5 L 1 0 .2 5 L 2

Example: - design a simply supported rcc slab for a roof of hall

4m x 10m (inside dimension) with 230mm wall all around.
Assume a live load of 4 KN/ m 2 and finish 1 KN/ m 2 . Use M25 and
Fe 415

Solution: - data given

Room size = 4 x 10 m
Wall thickness = 230
LL = 4 KN/ m 2
FF = 1 KN/ m 2
Required – find depth, Ast.

Step 1. Calculation of load.

span 4000
Assume d = 28 = 28 = 142.8 ≈ 143 mm
Total depth = 143+5+20=168 ≈ 170
Dead load = 0.17 x 25 = 4.25 KN/ m 2
FF = 1.0 KN/ m 2
Total D.L = 5.25 KN/ m 2
LL = 4.0 KN/ m 2
Factored design load = 1.5(5.25+4) = 13.875 KN/ m 2

Span length of slab

Span = effective span + d = 4+0.143 =4.143 m

Ultimate moment and shear:-

wl 2 13 .875 × 4.143 2
M = = = 29 .77 KNm
8 8

wl 13 .875 × 4.143
M = = = 28 .74 KNm
2 2

3. Check the depth for the bending:-

M=0.138 Fck b d 2

∴29 .77 ×10 6 = 0.138 ×25 ×1000 ×d 2

∴ d = 9 .8 2m 9 〈 d =m1 4 3

4. rough calculation for shear:-

v 2 .78 ×41 0 0 0
τv= = = 0.2 〈 τ c (0.3 )6
b d 1 0 × 10 40 3
τcFor grade of concrete M25 is 0.36
Hence OK for shear.

5. Calculation of steel area:-

 Ast fy 
mu =0.87 fy Ast d 
1 − bd fck 

 

 Ast × 415 
29.77 x 10 6
= 0.87 × 415 × Ast ×143 1 − 
 1000 ×143 × 25 
= 51630.15 Ast -5.99343 Ast 2

Ast 2
- 8614.4578 Ast + 4967105.647=0
8614 .4578 ± (8614 .4578 ) 2 − 4 × 4967105 .647
∴ Ast =
∴Ast = 622

5. main steel:-
Using 10 φ bar.
Spacing = 622 ≈ 125 c / c
Ast provided = 628 mm 2
∴ % Ast = 0.439% ≈ 0.42%

6. check for central of crack:-

Min pt = 0.12
0.12 ×1000 ×170
∴ As = = 204 m 2
Hence ok for crack control

Dia = 8
=21.25>10mm provided ok.
Max spacing not more than 300. ok

7. recheck for shear

628 ×100
p= 1000 ×143 = 0.46 %
Reference table 19 τ c = 0.4692 N / mm 2

8. check for deflection

Basic span to depth ratio =20

Multiplying factor for Ast =0.42% =1.40
Allowable L/d =1.40 x 20 =28
Assumed is also 28 hence ok
Hence safe in deflection

Secondary steel

0.12 ×b × D 0.12 ×1000 ×170

As = 100
= 204 mm 2

Spacing less than = 5d or 450 mm

=715 or 450 mm
Hence ok


Design the interior span of a continuous one way slab for an office
floor continuous over T beams spaced at 4m centers.
Fck = 25N/ mm 2 and Fe = 415 steel

1. Calculate factored load

span 4000
Assume d = 30 = 30 = 135 mm
Total depth =135+5+20=160mm
Dead load =0.16 x 25=4.0 KN/ m 2
Floor finish = 1.0 KN/ m 2

Total = 5.0 KN/ m 2

Live load for office floor = 3.0 KN/ m 2

Ratio of LL/DL =0.6 less than 0.75
(Separate analysis of DL+LL not needed)
Design factored load = 1.5(5+3) =12 KN/ m 2

2. Ultimate moments
wl 2 12 × 4 2
At interior support = 12
= 16 KNm

wl 2 12 × 4 2
At interior span = 24
= 8KNm

3. Check depth for moment

Mu= 0.138 fck b d 2

∴ d = 68 mm adopt d= 135mm

4. Rough check for shear

12 × 4 24 ×1000
V= 2 = 24 KN τv =
1000 ×135
= 0.177
τc min For M25 τ c = 0.36 N / mm 2 OK

5. Calculation of steel areas

Adopted depth is greater than required.

Hence section is under reinforced.
At support
 Ast × 415 
16 ×10 6 = 0.87 × 415 × Ast ×135 1 − 
 1000 × 25 ×135 
=48741.75 Ast – 5.9934 x Ast 2

Ast 2
- 8133.11 Ast +
16 ×10 6

16 ×10 6
8133 .11 ± 8133 .11 2 − 4 ×
∴ 5.9934 = 343 mm 2

Min area of steel

0.12 bD 0.12 ×1000 ×160
= 100 = 100
=192 mm 2 OK

At interior span Ast = Ast2

=172 mm < min 192 2

Hence provide minimum steel 192 mm 2

Main steel at support = 8 of e 130 c/c (Ast=384) (0.284%)
Ast interior =8 of 260 c/c (Ast=192) (0.142%)

6. Check for deflection at middle of slab

Basic L/d ratio = 26

Asr 192
F1= 0.58 x fy Asp = 0.58 ×415 ×192
= 240.7
Modification factor = 2
So allowable ratio is 2 x 26 =52
Given are 30 hence OK

7. Check for cracking

Steel are greater than 0.12% OK

Spacing less than 3d = 3 x 135 = 405
Spacing less than 300 OK
Diameter of rod < D/8 (160/8 = 20mm) OK

8. Check for shear

τv is very less than τc min OK

9. Check for top steel

For T- beam action

the detailing arrangement provide more than 60% of main steel in

mid span of the slab as transverse steel OK

9. development length
0.87 fy φ
Ld = 4τ bd

Minimum embedment length into the support = Ld/3

Length of bar embedment into the support

= width of support- clear side cover
Example:-Design a cantilever porch of size 2500 mm wide and
5000 mm long is to be provided at a height of 3 m from floor level.
The porch slab which overhangs 2500 mm beyond the face of the
beam into be cast in flush with the top face of the beam

Assume live load = 0.75 KN / m 2

Floor finish = 0.8 KN / m 2
Concrete M20 and Fe 415

 ( 200 +100 ) −20 
 2 
.1 effective span = 2500 +
 2

= 2565

 

The trial depth L/d =7
Modification factor is 2
Fe250, fs=0.58 x fy
=0.58 x 250 =145
Pt % is 0.4
Hence allowable L/d is 7 x 2 = 14
Required d = 2565/4 = 180
Assuming 10 φ bar effective cover = 15 + 10/2 = 20 mm
Provide total depth of 200 mm d = 200-20=180 mm
Let the overall depth of the slab be reduced to 100 mm at the
cantilever and where bending moment is zero.

2. Loads

Consider 1 m width of slab

Self weight of slab = (0.2+0.1)/2 x 25 =3.75 KN/m
Weight due to finish = 0.80 KN/m
Live load =0.75 KN/m
Total = 5.30 KN/m
Ultimate load per meter
Wu = 5.3 x 1.5 = 7.95 KN/m
Maximum bending moment (-ve) at the face of support
2.5 2
Mu = Wu x L12 / 2 = 7.95 ×
= 24 .84 KNm

4. Depth from bending moment consideration

M ur max = 2.97 ×1000 ×180 2

×10 6 = 96 .2 KNm >> 24 .84 KNm

= (0.149 f ck bd 2

24 .84 ×10 6 = 2.97 ×1000 ×d 2

d = 91.45<< d consider (180)

Hence ok

5. Area of steel

0.5 × 20  4.6 × 24 .84 × 10 6 

Ast 2 = 1 − 1 −  × 1000 ×180
250  20 ×1000 × 180 2 
=666 mm 2

Using 10 φ bar

1000 × 78 .5
spacing = = 117 mm
Provide 10 φ @ 110 c/c
Area provided=1000 x 78.5/110 =713 mm 2
Curtailment of steel

It is proposed to curtail 50% of the steel required at the support

since the depth of the slab is tapering and bending moment
variations parabolic the area of reinforcement will get reduced to
half at a distance greater than half the span from the free end.
Bending moment at 1.6 m
 1.6 2 

 Mu = 7. 45 × = 10 .176 

 2 
Total depth of slab at 1.6 m from free end
= 100 + 1.6(200-100)/2.5= 164 mm
d = 164 -20 =144 mm

0.5 × 20  4.6 ×10 .176 ×10 6 

Ast 2 = 1 − 1 −  ×1000 ×144
250   20 ×1000 ×144 2  
= 335 mm 2 < (713/2) provided at support
Distance from support 2800-1600=900

Curtail 50% of the bars at a distance greater of the following

a) 900+12 φ= 900+120 =1020 mm
b) 900+ d = 900+144= 1044 mm
So curtail 50% of steel at a distance 1050 mm from support

6. Distribution steel

Area required = 1.5 D = 1.5(200+100)/2 =225 mm 2

Spacing = 1000 x 28/225 = 124 mm
Provide 6 φ @ 120 mm c/c

7. check for deflection

Pt (say) = 100 x 666/ (1000 x 180) = 0.37 % < 0.4% OK


Pt provided = 100 x 113/ (1000 x 180) = 0.4% OK

Required d = 2565/ 7 x 2 = 180

8. check for development length

0.87 × 250
Ld = 4 ×1.2 ×10 = 460 mm
Available length = 900 mm > Ld
Continuous one way slab
1 2 3
3m 3m 3m

u = 2.5 KN/ m 2
Fck = 15 N/ mm 2
Fe- 415

Factored load
span 3000
1) Assume d = =
26 ×1.3 26 ×1.3
= 88 .75 ≈ 100 D =120

Dead load = 0.12 x 25 = 3.00 KN/ m 2

Floor finish 1.00 KN/ m 2

Total 4.00 KN/ m 2

Live load = 2.5 KN/ m 2

Rating LL/DL = 2.5/4.00 = 0.625 < 0.75

2) moments

Middle of the end part (at Ast support Mid of mid span At support of
centre) next to end intermediate
support span

wl 2 wl 2 1 1 1 1 1 1
12 10 10 9 16 12 12 9
4 ×1.5 ×3 2
= 4.5 =3.375 =5.4 =3.75 =3.375 =2.8125 =4.5 =3.75
Total =7.875 =9.15 =6.1875 =8.25
-9.15 -8.25 -9.15

7.875 6.1875 7.875

- - - -
+ + +

Mu = 0.138 fck bd 2

9.15 ×10 6
d= 1000 × 0.138 ×15
= 67 mm

d = 120-15-5=100mm

3) rough check for shear

total load × span ( 4 + 2.5) ×1.5 × 3

v= 2
= 14 .625

14 .625 ×1000 100 Ast

τv =
1000 ×100
= 0.14625 N / m 2 < 0.28 for
= 0.15 OK

4) calculation of steel area

Ast of middle leg and span

 Ast × 415 
7.878 ×10 6 = 0.87 × 415 Ast ×100 1 −  ×100
 1000 ×10 
7.878 ×10 6 = 361 .05 Ast − 998 .90 Ast 2
7.875 ×10 6
Ast 2 − 36 .1445 Ast + =0
998 .90
7.875 ×10 6
36 .1445 ± (36 .1445 ) 2 − 4 ×
Ast = 998 .90
2 ×1

Check for deflection of middle span

7) Check for cracking

Ast greater than 0.12%

Spacing less than 3d or 300 mm
Dia of bar < D/8

8) Check for shear

9) Check for top steel for T-beam action

One way slab

Syllabus- assign of simply supported, cantilever, continuous

over beam with IS coefficient.

Que- design a one way slab continuous on four support

subjected to udl of 2.5 KN/ m 2 . Take floor finish as 0.75 KN/ m 2
. The c/c distance between two successive supports is 3m. And
it is constant for other spans also use m115 grade of concrete
and steel grade concrete fe415

Que- a cantilever beam projecting out 2 m from the face of

the support carries an udl of 25 KN/m over its entire length
and a concentrated load of 5 KN at its free end. Design the
beam, using concrete M15 and steel fe415. Assume width of
beam = width of support = 300 mm. design also the shear
reinforcement (S-99)

Que- a hall of dimension 21m x 8 m effective is provided

with monolithic slab and beam floor with beams provided at
3.5 m c/c. the slab is 120 mm thick and carries a live load of
4 KN/ m 2 and finishing load of 1 KN/ m 2 . Design an
intermediate beam if web width is 230 mm. also design the
shear reinforcement for the beam. Sketch the reinforcement
details for the beam. Use M20 concrete and fe415 steel.

Que- a simply supported slab having an effective span of

3.5 m. the slab is 125 mm thick and carries a live load of 4
KN/ m 2 . The tension reinforcement is provided in the form of
12 mm diameter bars at 175 mm c/c at effective cover of 25
mm. calculate the deflections for slab using IS code method
IS 456-1978 specifications. Use M15 concrete and fe250

Que- a hall of effective dimensions of 7 m x 18 m is

provided with monolithic slab and beam floor with beams
provided 3 m c/c. the walls and beams are 230 mm thick.
Design the slab as continuous slab as per IS 456-1978. if it
has to carry live load of 3 KN/ m 2 and finishing load of 1 KN/
m 2 . Use M20 grade of concrete and fe415 steel. Sketch

Que- a hall of effective dimensions of 7 m x 18 m is

provided with monolithic slab and beam floor with beams
provided 3 m c/c. the walls and beams are 230 mm thick.
Design the slab as continuous slab as per IS 456-1978. If it
has to carry live load of 4 KN/ m 2 and finishing load of 1 KN/
m 2 . Use M20 grade of concrete and fe415 steel. Sketch

Que- design a cantilever slab projecting out of distance of

1.6 m from a brick wall of 230 mm thick. The slab is
subjected to a working live load of 5 KN/ m 2 and it also
carries a parapet wall of 100 mm thick with 0.75 m height.
Use M20 mix and fe415. Design the slab for flexure and
check for development length only.
Que- design a roof slab for a room 6 m x 3.5 m restrained at
all the degrees for a service load 4 KN/ m 2 . Thickness of wall
is 300 mm. use M20 and fe415.

Que- a hall of dimension 5 m x 16.25 m is provided with

monolithic slab beam floor with beams at 3.25 m c/c. the
thickness of walls and beams is 230 mm. design the slab as
continuous slab as per IS456-1978. if it has to carry a live
load of 3 KN/ m 2 and finishing load of 1.5 KN/ m 2 . Use M15
concrete and fe415 steel. Sketch the reinforcement details of

Que- Design a rectangular slab panel having an effective

size of 5.5 m x 3.5 m. the panel is continuous over two long
edges and carries superimposed load of 3 KN/ m 2 . Use M15
grade concrete and fe415 grade of steel.

Fifth semester B.E civil

Subject R.C.C structure (limit state)
Practical assignment
Date of submission

R.N Span in m Live F.F Grade Grade

load load of of Support condition
KN/ KN/ concrete steel
Lx Ly m2 m2 N/ mm 2 N/
mm 2

1 2 5 2.5 1 20 415 S.S

2 3 6.5 5 0.75 20 250 S.S
3 3 6.5 3.5 0.75 25 415 End panel of
continous slab
4 2 5 3.5 0.5 25 415 -“-
5 3.5 7 2 1.0 20 415 -“-
6 2 6 3.5 1.5 15 415 -“-
7 3 5 1.5 0.5 20 250 Cantilever slab
8 2.5 5 1.5 0.5 20 415 -“-
9 2 5 0.75 0.5 20 415 -“-
10 2 6 1 0.5 15 415 -“-
11 2 6.5 1 0.5 20 250 -“-
12 2.5 5 0.75 0.75 15 415 -“-
13 3 5.5 0.75 0.5 20 415 -“-
14 3.5 4 0.75 0.5 25 415 -“-
15 2.8 6 1 0.5 20 500 -“-
16 2.6 3 1 0.5 20 415 -“-
17 2.2 4 1 0.25 20 250 -“-
18 2.5 6 3 1 Intermediate
panel of continous
19 2.2 6 3.5 1.25 20 415 -“-
20 3 6 2.5 0.75 15 250 -“-
21 3.2 6 2 1 20 250 -“-
22 3.3 6.4 3.5 1.25 25 250 -“-
8 6
23 2.5 6 2.5 0.75 20 250 -“-
24 3.5 8 3 0.75 15 250 -“-
25 4 9 3.5 1 25 415 -“-
26 3 7 3 1 20 415 -“-
27 4 9 3.5 1.25 20 415 -“-
29 2 6 2 0.5 20 250 -“-
30 2.5 6 2.5 0.75 20 250 -“-
31 3 7.5 3 0.5 20 250 -“-
32 3.5 8 3.25 1 20 415 -“-
33 4 8.5 4 1 20 415 S.S
34 3 7 3.5 1.5 20 415 -“-
35 5 11 3.5 1 20 415 -“-
36 3.5 7 2.5 1.5 25 415 -“-
37 3 6 1.5 0.75 25 415 Cantilever slab
38 3.5 6 1 0.75 20 415 -“-
39 2.8 5 2 0.5 25 415 -“-
40 2.5 5 2 0.5 20 415 -“-
41 4.5 10 3.5 1 25 415 S.S
42 4 10 3 1.5 20 415 -“-

NOTE- in cantilever slab Lx is the span of cantilever slab.

(prof. R.G BAIS)


Example on column design

Que:-Explain in detail the interaction diagram used for design of
column. If such interaction diagram is not available, set up the
procedure for design of column subjected to an axial load and

Que:- A R.C.C column 300 x 600 mm is reinforced by 3 no.s of

20mm dia bars on each short side cover of 50mm to the centre of
steel. Concrete used is M20 & steel is of grade Fe415.
Calculate the ultimate axial force & the corresponding
ultimate moment when the neutral axis is at 0.48D from the
compression face & is parallel to the shorter side.

Que- a rcc column 300 x 500 mm is equally reinforced on two

short faces with 5 bars of 20 mm diameter of steel grade fe250 on
each face. Concrete used is M20.
Calculate the ultimate load and ultimate moment resisted by the
section if the column is just on the verge of cracking.
(ans pu = 1513 KN and Mu = 90 KNm)

Que- a R.C.C column 300 x 660 mm is reinforced by 5 no of 25

mm diameter bar of grade Fe415 on either short side with a cover
of 60 mm to the center of steel. Concrete grade M20 is used.
Calculate ultimate load and ultimate moment corresponding to the
coeditors of maximum / compressive strain of 0.0035 in concrete
and tensile strength of 0.002 in the outermost layer of tension steel.
(ans- Pu = 576.7 KN and Mu = 597.4 KNm)

Que- a R.C.C column of 300 x 500 mm is reinforced with 4 no bar

of 20mm diameter of grade Fe415 on either short side with a cover
of 50 mm to the center of steel. Concrete used is M20. calculate
the ultimate load and its eccentricity from the center of column for
an untracked section with neutral axis 1.5 D from the highly
comopressed edge. The area of stress block is 0.422 fck D. and its
CG acting at 0.48 D from the highly compressed edge.
(ans Pu = 1964.7 KN and eccentricity = 22.10 mm)

Que- a short R.C column 250 x 400 mm carries an ultimate load of

310 KN. The area of steel consist of 8 bars of 20 mm diameter
placed symmetrically along two short edges of column. The
concrete M15 grade and steel Fe415 grade is used. Calculate the
maximum ultimate moment about x axis, Mux (dividing the depth
of the column.) the column can carry when it is subjected to
ultimate moment about y axis equal to 41 KNm
(ans- Mux = 77.8 KNm)

Que- a axially loaded short column of width 230 mm is subjected

to ultimate load of 622 KN and ultimate moment of 184 KNm
bisecting the depth of column. Design the column using concrete
grade M15 and steel grade Fe415.
(ans- 230 mm x 700 mm, 8 φ 16 mm bars in 4 rows with 2 bars in
each row.)

Que- design the column for the following data: ultimate load =
1090 KNm. Ultimate moment bisecting the depth = 19 KNm.
Concrete grade M20. Steel grade fe415. Width of column=230 mm
(ans. Size =230 mm x 400 mm, 6mm φ 16 mm in 3 rows with 2
bars in each row.)

Que- the corner column of a building of size 230 mm x 300 mm is

reinforced with four bars of 20 mm diameter. It is subjected to an
ultimate axial load of 341 KN and ultimate moments of 30 KNm
and 16 KNm bisecting the depth and width of column respectively.
For concrete grade M15 and steel fe415, check the safety of the
(ans- the value of interaction equation is 0.89 < 1…….safe)

Que - the circular diameter 300 mm is reinforced with 8 bars of 20

mm diameter of grade fe415. The column braced and hinged at
both ends and carries an axial ultimate load of 80 KN. The length
of the column is 6 m. the concrete grade used is M20. Check the
safety of the column. Assume effective length = unsupported
length of 6 m.
(ans- the slender column is safe)

Que- solves ex. 12.6.1 by taking effective length about x axis

equal to 4.9 m other data remaining the same. Check the safety of
the column of size 250 x 400 mm reinforced with 6 bars of 20 mm
placed 3 bars on each face along the depth of column.
(ans- the interaction equation gives value of 1.05>1…….unsafe)

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