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Vocabulary for Night

Please learn the parts of speech and definitions for the following words.

1. prostrate- adj- lying face down

2. interlude- noun- an intervening episode, period, space
3. reprieve- noun- a delay from impending punishment
4. robust- adj- strong and healthy; hardy; vigorous
5. apathy- noun- absence or suppression of passion, emotion, or excitement.
6. nocturnal- adj- related to, or active at night
7. livid- adj- enraged; furiously angry
8. pious- adj- having or showing a dutiful spirit of reverence for God or an earnest wish to fulfill
religious obligations.
9. interminable- adj- unending
10. wizened- adj- withered; shriveled
11. infernal- adj- hellish or extremely troublesome
12. refuge- noun- shelter or protection from danger
13. oppressive- adj- burdensome
14. expel- verb- to force out

The following words are not part of your official vocabulary list, but they
are important words about the Judaism that will help you understand
the story:

Parts of the Jewish Faith:

Torah – The primary source in the Jewish religion is the Hebrew Bible, consisting
of twenty-four books divided up into three sections. The Torah includes the first
five books of the Bible.

Talmud – Next in importance to the Hebrew Bible is the Babylonian Talmud, a

collection of teachings of early rabbis from the 5th and 6th centuries.

Cabbala – Hasidic Jews also read this mystical commentary on the Torah.

Rosh Hashanah – Marks the new year of the Jewish calendar.

Yom Kippur – This is the holiest day of the Jewish calendar. This is considered
to be the day in which every individual is judged by God.

Passover – An eight-day festival commemorating the freeing of the Israelites

from Egyptian bondage.

The Kaddish– The prayer that is said in honor of someone who has died

Parts of Concentration Camp Life:

Bunker/ Block– The places where prisoners lived and slept. Often they were mud floors with wooden
shelves for the prisoners to sleep on.

Lot– The common area around the bunkers

The SS– The SS were the Nazi police force. They ran the camps and served as guards

Kapo– The Kapo were prisoners who were given the role of looking over other prisoners. They were
given more privledges than the average prisoner and were expected to keep everyone in line. Since
they also could be killed at any time for not following orders, they were often cruel, although we will
see some examples of those acting kindly.

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