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HIYA (feelings of -harmonious -gain selfish ends - Love of God, of -humility
shame) interpersonal -deceive and manipulate neighbour and of -charity
relationships others truth -justice
-open-mindedness -undermine hard work -respect for dignity of -truthfulness
-goal orientation and and determination self and others -sincerity
fortitude -industry and
PAKIKISAMA -harmonious -gain selfish ends - Love of truth, of -humility
(importance of social interpersonal -gossip neighbour, and of -charity
acceptance) relationships - deceive and country or -justice
-friendliness and manipulate others community -truthfulness
diplomacy -engage in vices and -respect for dignity -sincerity
-showing concern and frivolous acts man -self-control
sensitivity -solidarity among -patriotism
-cooperation and group men
UTANG NA LOOB -gratitude and -engage in graft and -Love of neighbour -charity
(debt of gratitude) appreciation corruption -respect for dignity of -justice
-concern for others -bribe man -truthfulness
-affection -often kickbacks -expression of -responsibility
-loyalty -peddle influence gratitude -loyalty
-sense of responsibility -over-indulgence in
RESPECT FOR -good manners -lack of self discipline - Love and respect -charity
AUTHORITY -regard and veneration of -undermine initiative for God -justice
noble ideas and figures -provoke excessive fear Respect for lawful -loyalty
-compliance to rules, high -encourage blind authorities and -obedience
standards and obedience superiors -prudence
expectations of the figure
-imitation of respected
STRONG FAMILY TIES -strong positive support -weak sense of -love and respect for -charity
-obedience and respect responsibility parents, elders, and -justice
for elders -justify graft and figures of authority -truthfulness
-spirit of sacrifice and corruption and a -family solidarity -healthy
generosity destructive patronage -patriotism independence
-Loyalty system -loyalty
-Love, affection and unity -weak sense of service -industry
to others
-spoil children
-weaken patriotism

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