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Bloom·s Taxonomy

Benjamin Bloom developed a hierarchy of thinking skills, with each area of equal importance.

Original Terms
‡ Evaluation ‡ Synthesis ‡ Analysis ‡ Application ‡ Comprehension ‡ Knowledge

New Terms
‡Creating ‡Evaluating ‡Analyzing ‡Applying ‡Understanding ‡Remembering

(Based on Pohl, 2000, Learning to Think, Thinking to Learn, p. 8)

Level 1 Remembering
The recall of previously learned material. ³I know.´

Level 2 Understanding
The ability to grasp the meaning. ³I understand.´

Level 3 - Applying
Applying knowledge to a new situation. ³I can use information in new ways.

Level 4 - Analyzing
Breaking things down into component parts. ³I can see relationships.´

Level 5 - Evaluating
Ability to assess the value of something. ³I can judge.´

Level 6 - Creating
The ability to formulate a new idea. ³I can create.´

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